Perry has indeed deserved the main price for his great work!
didn't get any prize
No he get at least one my personal prices
Yes very true! I should have replied to mouser's post sooner, but I thought his main intent was the (not so) veiled threat of NANY 2010. Everyone has been a little too concerned about my rewards from NANY 2009: My main focus has been the coders not the paper pushers, so I've probably neglected that aspect a little, which has produced a lack of transparency.

Not good: but I'll fix it up here...
It was possible that not all personal prizes were announced on the Rewards thread (such as computerfritze's to me), so other coders may have received personal prizes apart from those posted here. I've also received DonationCredits from other members (which is very nice too -- but you shouldn't do it!) and there was a matter of a leftover Backup4All license that I thought I could use (which I really should have added to the list

). So I've done very well, to be honest, more well than I really wanted.
Concerning the Backup4All license: If any of the successful NANY 2009 Coders would like to have it you are more than welcome to it! What we did was to ask each of the successful NANY Entrants to "express an interest" in one/some/all of the available prizes (
and most of them did). This meant that only those who really wanted each prize would have a possability of receiving them. All the thanks, good wishes, DonationCredits and personal prizes has made the last Backup4All license superfluous in many ways: so if you'd like to change your mind about the Backup4All license please email or PM me.
Sorry for any confusion