Here's a code sample for Creative BASIC, the little brother of my language of choice, Emergence BASIC. The syntax of Emergence is virtually identical.
' Demonstrating how easy it is to create a window in Creative Basic
' also includes a Text Box control to display some text ..
def w:window
def wstyle:int
def a$,newline:string
wstyle = @SIZE|@MINBOX
newline = chr$(10)
window w,0,0,600,400,wstyle,0,"Creative Basic",main
setwindowcolor w,rgb(0,0,40)
centerwindow w
control w,"T,,100,30,400,300,@cteditcenter,1"
setcontrolcolor w,1,rgb(55,255,160),rgb(0,0,50)
rect w,99,29,402,302,rgb(0,150,150)
a$ = string$(3,newline) + "A Simple" + newline + "Creative Window"
setfont w,"Arial", 20, 700, @SFITALIC,1
setcontroltext w,1,a$
waituntil w = 0
SUB main
select @CLASS
closewindow w
Creative lets you work with an interpreter to get the programming done, then generate a standalone exe for using and distributing the program. The executable won't be as small or as fast as one created with Emergence, which is a true compiler.
I don't think Emergence BASIC would tie your hands in terms of its capabilities. You can do some serious work with it.