Just learning PHP and CSS, need a bit of help here.
Am doing a web site for a local musical ministry. Like most, if they see anything like "<"P">" or "<"h5">," AHHHH!!! computer programing, don"t know how, don't want to know.
What I am trying to do is provide a method whereby they can make changes to things like their online News Letter and such with just a plain text file.
The following allows me to read a text file into the page. Problem is it is full screen width. What I want to do is limit the width of the displayed text.
h3 id="content1-title" class="handcursor">About Us/h3>
div id="content1" class="switchgroup1">
p align="left" style="font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana;color:#000000" />
?php echo readfile("file1.txt"); ?>
The above does require a JS file and bit of SCRIPT to work correctly. An example can be seen at
http://www.websbylar...adfiles/readfile.phpAs you click on a word, the drop down text displays. Now I need to knw how to limit the width either with XHTML or CSS.
The full page can be seen at
http://www.websbylar...istries/default.htmlIn the above link the information is embeded in the HTML source, and I don't want the ministry to be dependant on me when a change needs to be made.
Thanks for any assistance
Larry Arnold
[email protected]www.websbylarry.com