I was thinking about something like:
do /display - would show all tasks (maybe you could have an option to limit the number of results?)
do /display /c work projectx - display all tasks in work and projectx category
do /display /p high - display all the high priority tasks
do /display /d today - display all tasks due today
So bascially each command would list the tasks inside FARR just like any other results. You could then simply go down to the task you wanted in the results list hit <tab> which could insert that task into the edit box with the alias in front of it (i.e. "do paint the house") and then you could simply enter the action you wanted to perform on that task (i.e. /up /complete or /p low, etc..).
Well, I have to admit that this sounds like a great idea. But I have to be realistic: this would be a non-trivial undertaking and I just don't have the time for this right now. As it is, this Do thing, which started out as just an alias using an existing tiny do.exe that I found somewhere, has grown beyond anything I imagined. Sort of law of nature in software development, I suppose. Don't mistake me, it's great fun and I find the result really useful for myself as well. Later, perhaps ...
This would help out a great deal as well with not having to remember or look up the exact name of the task when you want to update it. I find a lot of times that i have to first look up the name of the task in outlook so that i can use the same name when i go to update it which kind of defeats the whole purpose . -s.newave
I agree that if you work with tasks extensively the calls on your memory may become a serious issue. To relieve at least some of this problem, I will shortly release another version, which will look for subjects
containing the string given, not just the one
starting with it. Thus "do /up paint" would find "Paint the house", "Buy new paint", "Hang up painting", etc. This should just about remove the need to look up task names in Outlook, I think.