Latest do.exe and readme.txt. Extract only if you are adventurous, will publish soon.
Update and delete now require explicit use of /update or /delete switch. Logic improved.
Added /display switch
From the readme:
Updating existing tasks
If you want to update an existing task, use the /update or /up switch. Only task properties that
you have given new values for will be changed, the other properties remain as they are.
For instance, if you want to change the priority of the "Paint house a nice bright pink" task in
the example above to "high", you type "do Paint house a nice bright pink /update /p high". The program
asks for confirmation before actually updating the task. If you answer yes, the priority is changed from
"normal" to "high", and the start and due dates remain as they are. If you answer no, nothing changes.
If you find typing "Paint house a nice bright pink" a bit too much, you could also type
"do Paint /up /p high". The program looks for all tasks that start with "paint" and lets you choose
which one you want to update.
Deleting a task
To delete a task, use the /delete or /del switch: "do /del Paint house a nice bright pink". In this case,
you must give the full subject of the task. For instance, "do /del Paint" will not work.
Displaying a task
If you want to display (and possibly edit) a task in the standard Outlook task inspector, you can use
the /display or /disp switch:
do Get a life /display - Creates a task "Get a life" and then displays it in the task inspector.
do Get a life /display - Displays the existing task in the task inspector.
do Get a life /priority high /update /display - Changes the task's priority to "high" and displays the result.
Undocumented switch: