I have just released a new Alpha version of Circle Dock 0.9.2 (Alpha Preview 2) at
http://circledock.wi...download-circle-dock and I need alpha testers to see if there are any show stoppers/major bugs. This is not a complete version but I want to know that it works on other people's Windows XP and Vista computers before I move on.
This new version is a total rewrite of the original program and there are many differences. I will list them briefly below:
-Completely different program architecture for better performance, memory usage, and modularity.
-At idle, the program uses under 1 meg of ram
-Animated rotation of the dock for a smoother rotation
-Animated fade in/fade out
-Direct capability to use your mouse buttons to toggle the dock
-Different background rendering
-Ability to show Explorer context menus directly
-Ability to show the Start Menu over the dock
-Dock folders to group your icons together
-There is now a tray icon to toggle the visibility of the dock
Note that:
-Portability mode is not yet completed
-The default hotkey to toggle the visibility of the dock is F1. You can change it in the settings area.
-You can directly use your middle mouse button to toggle the visibility of the dock without extra software. Try it out! You will be able to change this in the final version.
-You cannot change the shape of the dock yet and you cannot change the background image in the settings area yet.
Here are some screenshots:
Windows 7's Taskbar....Err.....Circle Dock for the DC Programming Contest1
Windows 7's Taskbar....Err.....Circle Dock for the DC Programming Contest2
Windows 7's Taskbar....Err.....Circle Dock for the DC Programming Contest3
Windows 7's Taskbar....Err.....Circle Dock for the DC Programming Contest4
Please try the new version out and tell me if it works on your computer or what major bugs you encounter. Please include:
-Your operating system and whether it is 32 bit or 64 bit
-Your .Net Framework version if known
-Your operating system language (ex: English, French, Spanish, etc.)
-Whether you are logged in as an Administrator, Power User or Guest
Thanks for helping out,
Eric Wong