DescriptionThe FARR MostRecentlyUsed plugin shows the contents of the 'My Recent Documents' folder or a list of most recently used files of applications storing their most recently used files in the registry.
DownloadYou can get it from here:
http://farrplugins.o...MostRecentlyUsed.zipUsageUse the following aliases to give you a list of your most recently used files:
- mru : Shows a simple menu with the below aliases
- mrum : Shows files in your 'My Recent Documents' (XP) or 'Recent Items' (Vista, but see known issues) folder
- mrup : Shows files of configured programs, storing their MRU files in the registry
- mrua : Show a combined list of files out of mrum and mrup
- mruu : Show files from selected groups only (selectable in the options dialog)
- mrul : Show a list of installed and supported applications for further selectionUse the following modifier keywords to change the search:
+byname : Force sorting by name
+bydate : Force sorting by date last accessed
+bymod : Force sorting by date last modified
+bycreate : Force sorting by date created
+.[ext] : Filter results by file extension [ext]. More than one can be used, e.g. +.h +.cppTo show a list of most recently used files for selected applications, use the following modifiers:
+acrobat : Adobe Acrobat Reader (only 9 currently)
+akelpad : Akelpad
+audacity : Audacity
+dwcs3 : Dreamweaver CS3
+foxit : Foxit Reader
+icofx : IcoFX (only 1.6 currently)
+km : KMPlayer
+msvc8 : MS Visual Studio 2005
+msvc9 : MS Visual Studio 2008
+npp : Notepad++
+office3 : Microsoft Office 2003
+office7 : Microsoft Office 2007
+oo2 : OpenOffice 2.0
+paint : Paint
+photoe : Photoshop Elements (only 5.0 currently)
+snag : SnagIt
+sql : SQL Server
+ted : TED Notepad
+winrar : WinRAR
+winuae : WinUAE
+wmp : Windows Media Player
+wordpad : Wordpad(built-in group for My Recent Documents)
+recent : My Recent DocumentsSee readme.txt for options and details.
Version history1.0.0
- Added / Changed the following applications:
- Added Visio 2007 to Office 2007 (+office7)
- Modifier entries in FarrMostRecentlyUsed.user now override identical ones in FarrMostRecentlyUsed.config.
- Added / Changed the following applications:
- Added Akelpad (+akelpad) *
- Added Audacity (+audacity) *
- Added icon path for TED Notepad *
- Added icon path for WinRAR *
- Added icon path for WinUAE *
- Added support for mru items specified in .ini files
- Added new alias mrul which gives a list of supported and installed applications
- User defined result list option now only shows installed applications
- Added / Changed the following applications:
- Added Dreamweaver CS3 (+dwcs3) *
- Added IcoFX 1.6 (+icofx)
- Changed +oo to +oo2 (in expectance of OpenOffice 3)
- Added icons to the simple menu (thanks hamradio!)
- Added support for the following applications:
- Adobe Acrobat Reader 9 (+acrobat)
- Notepad++ (+npp)
- OpenOffice 2 (+oo)
- Added simple menu (type mru)
- Added special aliases:
- mrum (My Recent Documents)
- mrup (Recent Application documents)
- mrua (All recent documents)
- mruu (User selected groups of applications / My Recent Documents)
- Much improved filtering and sorting
- Show icons for UNC files
- Added FarrMostRecentlyUsed.user config file. Like FarrMostRecentlyUsed.config, but will never be overwritten.
- Added check for file existence for local files. UNC paths are currently never checked for existence.
- Added MRU specifications for:
- Microsoft Office 2003 (+office3) *
- Photoshop Elements (+photoe) *
- KMPlayer (+km) *
- SnagIt (+snag) *
- SQL Server (+sql) *
- Paint (+paint)
- TED Notepad (+ted) *
- WinRAR (+winrar) *
- WinUAE (+winuae) *
- Wordpad (+wordpad) *
- Renamed modifier for Microsoft Office 2007 to '+office7'
* Note that I did not test these myself, please report if they don't work.
- initial release