Marginally modified version here:
I have changed it to seconds (rather than minutes) and added an input field for the filename to Open, which saves having to edit the file.
It is worth grabbing
NinoTech Path Copy for use with this (worth having anyway). It is a shell extension that can copy the filename, pathname, folderpath to the clipboard (in both long and short forms).
;Start .exe file in x minutes
InputBox, FilenameToLoad, Enter filename to Open here
InputBox, Laufzeit, Enter Delay to start program (in seconds):
Laufzeit := Laufzeit * 1000
Zeit = %A_TickCount%
Settimer, Anzeiger, 250
Settimer, Start_Program, %Laufzeit%
till_start_minutes := (laufzeit - A_TickCount + zeit)/60000
till_start_minutes := Floor(till_start_minutes)
till_start_seconds := (laufzeit - A_TickCount + zeit)/1000 - (till_start_minutes * 60)
till_start_seconds := Floor(till_start_seconds)
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
ToolTip, time until .exe starts: %till_start_minutes%:%till_start_seconds%,80,1010
settimer, Anzeiger, off
run, %FilenameToLoad%
settimer, Start_Program, off
;Start .exe file in x minutes