#SingleInstance force
DetectHiddenWindows, on
Process, Priority, , AboveNormal
; Classic shell desktop - use right button click on desktop and
; you get ClassicShell menu.
; If you need right click on desktop, use CTRL + right
; click instead.
; This script works for Classic shell start menu replacement
; http://classicshell.sourceforge.net/
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ; Absolute position
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, id, control
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%
if (class == "Progman") ; Mouse is above desktop
; Set desired initial menu position
; "Top" - mouse pointer is going to be on top left corner menu, default value
; "Bottom" - mouse pointer is going to be on bottom left corner menu
; "Middle" - mouse pointer is going to be in the middle of menu left side
InitialMenuPosition := "Middle"
StateProgman := 1 ; For right click down + move
Send {RWin} ; Open StartMenu
WinWaitActive, ahk_class ClassicShell.CMenuContainer
#IfWinActive ahk_class ClassicShell.CMenuContainer
WinGetPos, , , Xsize, Ysize, ahk_class ClassicShell.CMenuContainer
SysGet, MonitorCount, 80 ; Number of monitors
Sysget, MonitorPrimary, MonitorPrimary ; Primary monitor number
Loop %MonitorCount%
; Primary working area, could be changed for primary monitor with taskbar
SysGet, Monitor, Monitor, %A_Index% ; Maximal monitor area
if ( Xpos >=MonitorLeft and Xpos <= MonitorRight
and Ypos >=MonitorTop and Ypos <= MonitorBottom ) ; Mouse pointer is inside this monitor
SysGet, MonitorWorkArea, MonitorWorkArea, %A_Index% ; Working area without not hiding taksbar
WorkLeft := MonitorWorkAreaLeft
WorkTop := MonitorWorkAreaTop
WorkRight := MonitorWorkAreaRight
WorkBottom := MonitorWorkAreaBottom
; Test smaller work area - for auto-hide taskbar
if ( A_Index == MonitorPrimary and MonitorLeft == MonitorWorkAreaLeft
and MonitorTop == MonitorWorkAreaTop and MonitorRight == MonitorWorkAreaRight
and MonitorBottom == MonitorWorkAreaBottom ) ; Primary monitor with auto-hide taskbar
WinGetPos,TaskX,TaskY,TaskW,TaskH,ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd,,, ; Where is taskbar?
if (TaskW >= A_ScreenWidth) { ; Vertical Taskbar
if (TaskY <= 0) {
WorkTop := MonitorWorkAreaTop + TaskH
} else {
WorkBottom := MonitorWorkAreaBottom - TaskH
} else { ; Horizontal Taskbar
if (TaskX <= 0) {
WorkLeft := MonitorWorkAreaLeft + TaskW
} else {
WorkRight := MonitorWorkAreaRight - TaskW
; Window position
Xwin := Xpos ; Initial X value for window position
if ( InitialMenuPosition == "Bottom" )
Ywin := Ypos - Ysize
else if ( InitialMenuPosition == "Middle" )
Ywin := Ypos - Ceil( Ysize/2 )
else ; Default = "Top"
Ywin := Ypos ; Initial Y value for window position
; Whole window on visible part of selected monitor
if ( Xwin < WorkLeft )
Xwin := WorkLeft
if ( Xwin > WorkRight - Xsize )
Xwin := WorkRight - Xsize
if ( Ywin < WorkTop )
Ywin := WorkTop
if ( Ywin > WorkBottom - Ysize )
Ywin := WorkBottom - Ysize
WinMove, ahk_class ClassicShell.CMenuContainer, , Xwin, Ywin ; Move opened window
else ; (class != "Progman") Right click for another programs intact
; Right click + move http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic19826.html
; Many thanks to original autor YMP
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, mX0, mY0
Sleep, 20
If not GetKeyState("RButton", "P")
MouseGetPos, mX, mY
dX:=Abs(mX-mX0), dY:=Abs(mY-mY0)
If (dX>3 or dY>3)
Click Down Right
KeyWait, RButton
Click Up Right
RButton Up::
If not Move ; For right click without move
If not StateProgman
Click Right
StateProgman := 0
; CTRL-right click on desktop = right click
MouseGetPos, , , id, control
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%
if (class == "Progman") ; Click on desktop: CTRL-RightClick -> RightClick
; Right click + move http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic19826.html
; Many thanks to original autor YMP
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, mX0, mY0
Sleep, 20
If not GetKeyState("RButton", "P")
MouseGetPos, mX, mY
dX:=Abs(mX-mX0), dY:=Abs(mY-mY0)
If (dX>3 or dY>3)
Click Down Right
KeyWait, RButton
Click Up Right
Send ^{Click right} ; CTRL+RightClick