Thanks for the information however we're still skirting my question.
I knew what I signed up for, I knew what I was doing when I ran the enabling script, and knew what I consented to download and install.
What I don't know is what IS installed??
My properties sheet says, as does yours, that SP3, v.3311, was installed. Not being psychic I have no way of knowing that when decoded that means SP3, RC2. It seems to me to be a simple matter to report that SP3, RC2, build 3311, was installed when that in fact is what was done. Problem solved.
Someone in a forum reporting that I couldn't have SP3 because it hasn't been released yet is not information I can enter in a properties sheet. Maybe MS made a mistake was another comment. Entirely possible!
Just the facts ma'am, that's all I expect from MS. Plain and simple facts would answer all my questions.