What annoys me is people like that stupid woman driver who almost caused an accident this morning due to her blatant disregard for others - because she was trying to apply her eye make-up while driving down the highway.
She drifted way too close to my lane. That caused me to have to swerve a bit and I squeezed my jelly donut too hard, causing the insides to squirt out onto my pants!! And when I looked down to see how much of a mess the jelly caused my cell phone slipped out of its comfortable position - nestled between my shoulder and ear - and fall....right into my coffee mug FULL of coffee, which was sitting on the driver's seat between my legs. And the coffee just erupted and went all over the keyboard of my notebook PC, which was balanced sooo nicely on my knee, kind of. Then because the hot coffee was really HOT, I wriggled around a lot and that caused the notebook, already smoking from the coffee that spilled on the keyboard, to fall completely off my knee!! As I leaned over to try and pick up the notebook my cigarette slipped right out of my lips and down the front of my shirt, making these weird looking burn marks all over my chest!
I mean, this woman could have killed me!! The FOOL!!
Worst part was -- I really wanted that darned jelly donut!! That was really annoying.