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Last post Author Topic: What annoys you to no end?  (Read 370565 times)

Perry Mowbray

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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #75 on: May 23, 2008, 08:36 AM »
Global Warming/Climate Change: First off, I've got to say I'm not a true believer. Which is not meant to cast aspersions on the Climate Change arguments, it is a complex area and both sides have valid data.

Although, I am very concerned with our resource use (which I think is almost immoral in the 1st World).

Earth Hour is when we're all meant to turn our lights off for an hour? That may save the individual establishments off their electrical bill, but it doesn't save any electricity. Here in Australia 97% of our electricity is generated by burning coal (we have heaps of it). All that electricity is pumped down the electricity infrastructure, but if it isn't used it goes to waste. There's no battery to store it for later use. I'm not sure where it goes, maybe it just doesn't get into the infrastructure in the first place  :-\ But all coal has been burnt to generate the desired level of power that is estimated to be required. That's why we get brown-outs: usage outstrips supply. But when supply outstrips usage it's just wastage.

Apparently there is archaeological evidence of agriculture in Greenland, so the Greenlanders can look forward to fluctuating back to a climate they had previously. I heard recently that the climate scientists that predicting a mini-ice age because of the lack of solar flares: so I was left wondering how much we're contributing to the process. I imagine it's almost impossible to say. Just makes it confusing having one side say all and the other saying none.


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #76 on: May 23, 2008, 08:46 AM »
On my way home from Hong Kong a little while ago, I picked up a National Geographic special edition on climate change. It had lots of numbers and hard facts, which I found refreshing. I HATE namby-pamby feel-good drivel that isn't backed up with anything. This was not that. Lots of good meaty stuff in there presenting a serious case.

That being said, it looks bleak for planet Earth. The rate of change is astonishing, and will seriously affect all of us in our lifetimes.

But I'm still not going to care in the least about recycling plastic or paper when the energy consumption from that is greater than producing it from raw materials and is hastening climate change. I'll still conscientiously recycle tin and metal as the energy consumption there is well worth it. But I won't stop complaining about the plastic & paper...

Sigh... Hell in a handbasket... :(

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Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong. - John Diefenbaker


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #77 on: May 23, 2008, 09:39 AM »
People who post reviews which are nothing more than summaries of what they read on another site rather than independent thoughts of their own. You see this running rampant on and any anti-microsoft site where people take the word of someone else rather than checking into the issue at hand for themselves.


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #78 on: May 23, 2008, 12:17 PM »
People who post reviews which are nothing more than summaries of what they read on another site rather than independent thoughts of their own. You see this running rampant on and any anti-microsoft site where people take the word of someone else rather than checking into the issue at hand for themselves.

Amen to that one!

What really p!$$3s me off is the security crap I hear... Grrr...

Another few topics:

-- Internet Explorer
-- Windows Media Player
-- QuickTime
-- RealPlayer

They are NOT what they are touted to be. They are all PLATFORMS! Very very very few people get that.

IE is NOT a browser.

WMP is NOT a media player.

QuickTime is NOT a media player.

RealPlayer is NOT a media player.

They function as those, but are so much more than just that.

FF? Opera? iTunes? WinAmp? etc. etc. etc.

They don't compare at all. The comparisons between them are just silly.

Ok -- Rant is at it's end now.

Anyone else want to tweak me off and get me started? :)

Slow Down Music - Where I commit thought crimes...

Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong. - John Diefenbaker


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #79 on: May 23, 2008, 02:06 PM »
Anyone else want to tweak me off and get me started?

Yes  ;)


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #80 on: May 23, 2008, 02:46 PM »
People who do not reply to emails and the people who do not return calls annoys me most.


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #81 on: May 23, 2008, 06:11 PM »
- People who say that rules are for breaking.
- People who will never agree that they made mistake / bug / error. Incompetent fools. >:(

Global Warming
Scientists talking that melting the Polar Ice Cap will make whole world in flood. They don't even know that an ice has less density than liquid water. If you put ice cubes into glass and fill the rest of it by water, even if the ice will melt, it will never go outside container.


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #82 on: May 23, 2008, 06:16 PM »
Global Warming
Scientists talking that melting the Polar Ice Cap will make whole world in flood. They don't even know that an ice has less density than liquid water. If you put ice cubes into glass and fill the rest of it by water, even if the ice will melt, it will never go outside container.
-fenixproductions (May 23, 2008, 06:11 PM)
I think you're oversimplifying the matter. One thing is that (minor) floods are already reality, another is that it's not just about floods... things like changing the saline balance of the gulf stream has nasty repercussions as well.
- carpe noctem


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #83 on: May 23, 2008, 06:27 PM »
That is quite a stretch. Claiming that you understand global warming problem better than hundreds of scientiest outhere is naive. In life every structure affects eachother. If any kind of damage done to biggest structures of earth there would be another reaction to those drastic changes. It is called equilibrium.

I just do not understand people who keep repeating that it is not man made. So because it is not man made we should not do anything about it? Some people just keep repeating what media tells them and then they claim that those are their personal ideas.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 06:31 PM by kartal »


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #84 on: May 23, 2008, 06:34 PM »
Some people just keep repeating what media tells them and then they claim that those are their personal ideas.

Personally I'm of the opinion that people who think Global Warming is caused by humans are doing exactly that. Because that's the only thing the media reports. They only discredit and defame those who try to say otherwise.

EDIT: To clarify what I meant and remove a great generalization, I should say that I think most people who think Global Warming is caused by man are doing exactly that. Obviously there are smart people who have considered the issue and come to their own conclusions, and I don't mean to call those people "sheep of the media" just because they came to a conclusion I disagree with.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 07:22 PM by Deozaan »


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #85 on: May 23, 2008, 06:40 PM »
Some people just keep repeating what media tells them and then they claim that those are their personal ideas.

Personally I'm of the opinion that people who think Global Warming is caused by humans are doing exactly that. Because that's the only thing the media reports. They only discredit and defame those who try to say otherwise.
Around here, the (serious) media report both sides of the story. Sure, weight is given to the "humans have an influence" camp, but they do generally come off as a bit more credible than the other camp (I recently heard of a .no report claiming that there was really nothing to worry about, since the climate is about the same as in 1998... forgetting to say that 1998 was one of the hottest years in a long time period).

Whatever causes the warming, denying it is stupid - because it is happening, and it will have nasty consequences. How big a part mankind has in the warming is debatable, but it's my personal belief that we should at least try to do something about it. Even if that doesn't help against the warming, at least it would reduce pollution and excess consumption.
- carpe noctem


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #86 on: May 23, 2008, 07:10 PM »
I know that even butterfly can make a tornado. I know it is not just about floods but... some prophecies for GW are too ridiculous to me (i.e. why should I worry about temperature going up).

I do not claim that I understand GW better than "hundreds of scientists". But why it is so "trendy" to talk about it? I now that it might be true but why it is so hard to find out arguments for other side? The only thing that comes to my mind is that it is very simple to get refund for searching for deadly topics. If you ever wonder can giraffe kill a man you will never gain a grant BUT if you will yell "Every giraffe is so mad that can kill a man" then you will get $$ and few people may believe so. Well, you can even prove them that they didn't spend a cash for nothing.

Personally: I do not believe GW is man made. Whole humanity exist too short period of time to have such big influence. I know that there are many dangerous things but I am looking through history:
Some time ago whole earth was covered by ocean.
Some time ago there was one land only.
Some time ago whole earth was covered by jungle and pretty big lizards.
Some time ago whole earth was covered by ice.
Some time ago it was well known that next Ice Age is coming.

During all of it there were periodically weather changes around the globe. It is not something new.

After all whole GW case seems so ridiculous for me as being vegetarian not because of health problems.
Unfortunately too many people just repeating what media told them without any doubts. We can discuss in this flame topic after all because being a dog is always better than a sheep;)

PS. Opera spellcheck rules.


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #87 on: May 23, 2008, 07:17 PM »
Whatever causes the warming, denying it is stupid - because it is happening, and it will have nasty consequences. How big a part mankind has in the warming is debatable, but it's my personal belief that we should at least try to do something about it.

I'm certainly not suggesting we trash the environment. I'm all for energy efficiency, and reducing toxic chemicals, etc.

The problem with Global Warming is that if mankind didn't cause it, there's nothing we can do to "stop causing" it. If mankind did nothing to bring it on, then it wouldn't matter if we shut down all carbon emissions in the entire world because it would have happened regardless of there being any human on the planet or not.

I'd rather focus on more important things we can do something about. Food shortages, disease research, alternative fuels for vehicles, nuclear power, etc.

Do you think that the recent food shortages might have anything to do with farmers growing millions of acres of corn to be used for ethanol instead of actually growing food? Do you realize that the amount of corn it takes to produce enough ethanol to fill a standard SUV's gas tank once could feed a man for a year? Talk about a massive waste of resources and harm to the environment!

Plus just the idea of making countries pay for Carbon Credits is ludicrous. Who's generating the carbons and saying "alright guys, we have this much this year, buy 'em up?" It's just a scam to punish wealthy countries, making them buy invisible goods that don't exist by placing a false limit on them. Next thing you know we're going to have to buy "oxygen credits" so we can breathe with approval from the UN or whatever stupid organization is setting up these silly regulations.

I personally believe that while the temperature of the earth has gone up 1 degree or whatever, the idea of it being man-made is false, and that the earth naturally goes through warm and cold cycles and this is one of them. However, in saying that, I also believe that we should do things to keep the earth clean, and we should focus our millions of billions of dollars on things that we can actually affect: Food, medical, and power. I honestly can't see any reason, given current technology and resources, why there are parts of the world without these three basic things. Well, okay, the only reason I can see is "Dollar Signs in the Eyes" of certain organizations or people.


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #88 on: May 23, 2008, 07:28 PM »
Why should you worry about temperature rising? Even if you don't live in an area that is directly affected, or if you live in an area that would be mostly positively affected (like .dk), I'm sure you'd change your mind when the floods of immigrants from the now-desert countries start overrunning your borders... or when the flora and fauna changes, and you can no longer plant the crops you're used to, and nasty damaging insects appear that couldn't live in your climate before. Everything is connected.

As for not being man-caused, ho humm. The climate has been repeating in cycles, with an ice age roughly every 10k years. Temperature has been rising steadily for the last however-many years, but the temperature increase has been accelerating the last however-less-many years. It's not just the north pole that's melting at an increase rate, btw, some skiing resorts are in trouble too.

I'm not claiming to be a scientist who understands all the puzzle pieces, nor even to have followed the whole deal closely enough to have all that much insight. But I wouldn't be the least surprised if mankind hasn't helped accelerate the natural[/b] global warming.

Do you think that the recent food shortages might have anything to do with farmers growing millions of acres of corn to be used for ethanol instead of actually growing food? Do you realize that the amount of corn it takes to produce enough ethanol to fill a standard SUV's gas tank once could feed a man for a year? Talk about a massive waste of resources and harm to the environment!
The bioethanol crop deal has a lot to do with the current food shortages and rising prices, and imho it's a pretty stupid thing. Also, while I'm not a fan of overuse of pesticides, insisting on organic farming in 3rd world countries is madness, because it's a lot more inefficient there than in developed countries.

Focus on moving to alternate fuel for cars is a good idea, but bio-ethanol isn't necessarily the best solution. Convincing people that they don't need big hummers and SUVs, and that a family could perhaps do with one car instead of two, would be a much better start. Then, focus on things like Hydrogen cars (using clean persistant energy sources like windmills or water power to produce the Hydrogen). Electricity-powered cars would also be a benefit for the smaller everyday <200km trips.

Carbon credits is lame. I do believe that you should pay for polluting, but letting countries trade carbon credits voids the whole idea.

Oh, and people need to be more realistic and accept nuclear power. It's really a lot cleaner than a lot of other choices.

Btw., we haven't had a real winter in Denmark for the last many years. When I was a kid, we used to have pretty long winters with -10C or colder temperatures. Now all we get is a few weeks of snow.
- carpe noctem


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #89 on: May 23, 2008, 07:29 PM »
When 90% or more of reputable scientists agree, and many of the apologists for the no global warming side I've discovered are funded and/or employed directly by the major producers of pollutants generally and green house gases in particular I tend to go with the majority of reputable scientists.  Of course they have been wrong before, the world was flat at one stage of our history, bleeding people was considered a valuable treatment in many illnesses.

I guess its trendy to talk about it these days because if it happens and the predictions of catastrophic change in 50 to 200 yrs are correct then we are among the last who can do anything about it.


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #90 on: May 23, 2008, 07:34 PM »
Well f0dder, it sounds like though we disagree on the "root topic," we're on the same page of what are some of the beneficial steps to take. :Thmbsup:

I think this is why I brought up Global Warming in the first place in this thread. Because just about anywhere else, if I were to say I didn't think it was caused by man, I'd immediately be defamed, ridiculed, and shut down instead of being able to have an intelligent conversation and be able to reach the point of finding out that we both have very similar "solutions" even if we don't agree on what the problem is.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 07:38 PM by Deozaan »


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #91 on: May 23, 2008, 07:47 PM »
It is beyond lame. It is avoding the problem and sure it is done for profit, no merit in it.

Carbon credits is lame. I do believe that you should pay for polluting, but letting countries trade carbon credits voids the whole idea.


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #92 on: May 23, 2008, 08:16 PM »
Opera. So close to perfection, and so delicately screwed up by a tremendous design error or badly implemented feature.

Almost anything in opera is innovative and better than most other browsers. But then, they seem to have taken pains to make _every single user on earth_ to find a showstopper.

In my case, it's no html copy/paste, and more recently, huge bugs with M2 (it just won't retrieve mail anymore; but wait, it doesn't let me export mail either -so much for changing applications!). I'm stuck with gmail... till a dev fixes the bug I carefully reported... which could easily be never.

I'm an user since v 5. I paid for it when it was not free. The advantage: I got support. Now, you cannot get support even paying. An important difference.


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #93 on: May 23, 2008, 08:56 PM »
Btw., we haven't had a real winter in Denmark for the last many years. When I was a kid, we used to have pretty long winters with -10C or colder temperatures. Now all we get is a few weeks of snow.

IMO Global Warming is half man, half nature. Morons are driving cars spewing out god knows what, people pollute the air and... <insert page-long rant here>.

I have never seen snow. Granted I am in the desert, but cmon. In the "mountains" we get light snow for a week or two, but I personally have never seen snow (my sister hasn't either).

Winter cold here is like 40 degrees (I wear a T-Shirt and shorts, people call me insane but its fine for me) and the summers hit 125+. People should not cook themselves.


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #94 on: May 23, 2008, 09:00 PM »
wreckedcarzz: remember to include temperature indicator - it's pretty obvious you're not talking Celcius, but still ;). Oh, and your talk of never seeing snow... makes me think that some of the "oh, shaddap about GW already" people probably live in areas of the world where they aren't currently seeing any effects of it - which makes it easy to deny that there even is a problem?
- carpe noctem


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #95 on: May 24, 2008, 01:00 AM »
Mouser: Can we split off the global warming discussion into another thread? It seems to have hijacked this one


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #96 on: June 12, 2008, 06:19 AM »
Opera. So close to perfection, and so delicately screwed up by a tremendous design error or badly implemented feature.

Opera, Opera, "Oh I used to love [it], but I'm all right now"
I miss it though :(
lack of plugin support I could live with, just about, but I've gotten so used to FlashBlock/Adblock - I know Opera is supposed to have alternatives but they either dont work as good or are too confusing to make the effort of figuring them out - I did make an attempt last year but gave up
Also little things that are just so much easier to do in FF & I think, why bother...


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #97 on: June 12, 2008, 06:28 AM »
Opera, YES! I wish for 3rd party support. Not even extension support, but a way for programs to tie into the browser. I would kill for the day to see roboform working with opera. It would make my web browsing days complete if I could see such a feat!


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #98 on: June 16, 2008, 02:37 PM »
Ooops - late to the party, and don't really have anything to say about global warming, but stuff that annoys me  :Thmbsup:

* Lawyers without ethics
* Modern-day Pharisees
* The sad, sad state of education in the U.S.
* Wire coat hangers (Quote: "Wire hangers are the world's grouchiest items." - Oscar The Grouch)

...and the special prize for being the most consistently and enduringly annoying:

* Microsoft
- Jimdoria ~@>@

There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who divide everybody into two kinds of people, and those who don't.


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Re: What annoys you to no end?
« Reply #99 on: June 16, 2008, 03:12 PM »
There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who divide everybody into two kinds of people, and those who don't.

My favourite variant of this is:

There are three kinds of people in the world: those who can add and those who can't.