Thanks - that's a great site but I am not really looking for stuff on programming (although I will bookmark that site for future reference).
Rather I am looking at how to set up and configure network servers (such as Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition) for use (eg) as a file server (Active Directory etc., policy setup, distributed installation etc.) and also as a web server (and I'd be interested in similar stuff for Linux based servers).
I know and have used MS based training materials and reference manuals but they are always written in a way that assumes you don't actually need to read them (except perhaps to refresh your memory on something). They are always full of acronyms and jargon that is never explained and I simply find the style a complete turnoff.
Something that is genuinely aimed at getting a knowledgeable Windows user getting started on setting up server based networks for the first time and then maintaining them would be brilliant but I don't seem to be able to find anything that fits the bill.
While I am on the subject I have downloaded the 120 day trial version of Windows 2003 Server Enterprise and installed it in a virtual environment. It works fine and the domain server I have set up is recognised on my desktop host operating system in the My Network Places. Anyone got any idea how I log in to the server from the host destop OS (Windows XP) ?? Or how I can connect via another desktop on my Workgroup based network. I have tried creating a new network connection but it only seems to offer the option of workgroup computers (not domain servers) in the network connection wizard ???