Wow, you guys have been pretty comprehensive! Hopefully, before 9.5 comes out I'd hope we could have a better integrated place for sharing Opera tips. I haven't added User JS to the wiki like OSpell as there used to be a dedicated site for User JS but it is currently frozen, so maybe I should add some basic User JS. OK, here are some more power tweaks to satiate you:
Fast navigate with Nicknames:If your bookmarks have nicknames, you can press SHIFT+F2 to bring up a nickname dialog. As you start typing, as soon as you have entered enough letters to uniquely identify the bookmark you will automatically go there.
BBCode Menu:You can add a BBcode submenu to your textedit menu, so you select text and can apply BBcode markup: selected text to an online clipboard (cl1p):Add this to the [Hotclick Popup Menu] section of your menu.ini:
Item, "Add to Web Clipboard ("="Go to page, "javascript:(function(){if (window.getSelection()) {var s = window.getSelection();} else if (document.getSelection) {var s = document.getSelection();} else if (document.selection) {var s = document.selection.createRange().text;};var reply=prompt('Name of the clip?','').split(' ');var name=reply[0];var myURL=''+encodeURI(reply)+'?nl=yes&A='+escape(s)+escape(' [copied from: '+document.location+']');,'','location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes');})()""
(this is included in the latest version of my Web Developer menu)
Google cache a link, and send a link to TinyURL:Add this to the [link Popup Menu] section of your menu.ini:
Item, "Cache of page (Google)" = "Copy link & New page & Go to page, """
Item, "TinyURL this Link (TinyURL)" = "Copy link & New page & Go to page, """
(this is included in the latest version of my Web Developer menu)
Send an image directly to ImageShack:Add this to both the [Image Popup Menu] and [Image Link Popup Menu] section of your menu.ini:
Item, "Send to ImageShack" =Copy image address & Go to page, ""
(this is included in the latest version of my Web Developer menu)
GMail 2 Fixes:This really cool User JS fixes a bunch of bugs in Gmail to get it to work almost flawlessly in Opera 9.5: Images Bypass:Essential User JS to allow Google image results thumbnails to link directly to the image, rather than a framed page: Mouse gestures:Here are some examples to give you ideas:
Toggle my hotlist panel, my view toolbar and personal bookmark toolbars on/off in one go (minimalist/maximalist toggle!):
GestureLeft,GestureRight,GestureLeft=Set alignment, "hotlist", 6 & Set alignment, "document view toolbar",6 & Set alignment, "Personalbar", 6 | Set alignment, "hotlist", 0 & Set alignment, "document view toolbar",0 & Set alignment, "Personalbar", 0
Show the cookies for the current page by drawing C:
GestureLeft,GestureDown,GestureRight=Go to page, "javascript:alert('Cookies stored by this host or domain:\n\n' + document.cookie.replace(/; /g,'\n'));", 1
Power navigation gestures; I like to have my browsing history without having to move the mouse, and this batch gets me my forward/back history with a tiny flick of the hand:
GestureLeft, GestureRight, GestureLeft="Show popup menu, "Internal Rewind History""
GestureRight, GestureLeft="Show popup menu, "Internal Forward History""
GestureLeft, GestureRight="Show popup menu, "Internal Back History""
As I love the "Go to nickname" function, I also have it bound to a mouse gesture:
GestureUp, GestureDown, GestureUp=Go to nickname
If any of you want a custom menu made with the Cl1p/tinyURL/Google cache/ImageShack/BBCode tweaks added in let me know and I'll whip one up for you.
The latest version of my Web Developer tools (
lots of power user functionality in there too, new version only for 9.5, older version for 9.25 from is available from: have to manually put them in your profile/Menu and profile/Toolbars directories respectively. To toggle the toolbar on/off, you need to customize your toolbars and add the View toolbar toggle button (customize... > buttons > browser view > view button).