Why couldn't this be an added feature to Process Tamer?
that is quite a good idea really.
since i really want to keep PT tiny and free of extra features people don't need, it poses a bit of a problem.
however, i think maybe the solution is: plugins for Process Tamer.
i have stuff i'm working on for the next couple of months but when i finish i may consider this.
jgp -> KillProcesses did not work for me. didn't kill the processes.
i think it would really help if there was a menu item called "kill processes now" so we could test it.
btw just so we are clear -- it's not sufficient to send these processes a message requesting that they close, since that's what windows does already. they need to be forced to die.
an alternative option to trying to kill it from the ahk script would be for us to use an existing commandline process killer and just have the ahk script invoke it.