Ideas for expansion of this cool, simple concept:
> New config dialogue in right-click menu: "Config" opens. Writes to local .ini or .cfg (arbitrary extension type, who cares) when config menu closed (in case of system failure) & at shutdown. This local file config is for easy backup/portability.
> Default left click: Opens tiny dialogue where you can enter as much text as you want. Enter key would close the dialogue and write it out to the file. This would also necessitate having a different format that would allow you to display the text indented without actually writing that to the text (in case it needed to be recopied/pasted later). Think about the typical IM log viewer, with each person's msg indented after their name --> html like pidgin's logs perhaps?
> Config: Drop down menu -> Allows the choice of behavior for left-click (orig/my sugg/???)
> Perhaps a hybrid approach, with single-line/.txt behavior or multi-line/.html behavior
> Config: Option to define where to write log file to. Possibly include ability to use environment vars ( & ability to write to UNC path names (i.e. \\server1\c\logs\). Also enable single-log behavior or multi-log behavior (based on definable file name parameters, like %date% and %time% etc).
> Config: Options to change icon clicking behavior by hotkey (i.e. ctrl-lclick or alt-lclick etc)
K... that's it for now. I see this as a really neat idea that could grow to be massively adaptable to many different people if implemented in good, tight code (like FARR). And yeah, for me, the point of sweet usability starts with the second suggestion (default left-click change), so I was motivated to write to you by that and the rest just came as I wrote ;-). Good luck. I'll keep up with this and I hope it grows.