Delicious pluginThe delicious plugin allow you to explore your bookmarks stored on the site
InstallationDownload the latest version at and decompress it to farr/plugins/delicious.
Important information : Configure your username and password in the advanced options of the plugin.
If this is the first time you try the plugin, type dpu so that the plugin download the list of posts or dtu to get the list of tags.
The plugin is based on the javascript SDK (FScript.dll ) which may require that you install the Windows Script Control Host which you can get at : of commandsdp : list delicious posts
dpu : list delicious posts and update local copy if necessary
dt : list delicious tags
dtu : list delicious tags and update local copy if necessary
dp and dt are a bit faster since they only work on the local copy of the posts or tags.
FScript : Javascript SDKThe principle of fscript.dll is the following :
Put the dll in a folder next to a file named fscript.js. FARR will call you on onSearchBegin and on onRegexSearchMatch. You can call FARR.emitResult to publish results.
The SDK has finally got a documentation packaged with a sample. You can get the last version at : hope to see a lot of little baby script plugins.