include the favicons of the site which i think helps you visually find the site you are looking for. Although this might potentially slow down the search too much.
one half-solution would be simply to have the plugin keep a favico subfolder, and look in there if the favico exists, and use it if so. that way users who wanted to could create or download favico's for their site and have them used.
actually i wonder if it might not be nice to add as a feature of FARR some way for FARR to be asked to download and show favico's for sites in the background, and store them in a central place, where ALL plugins could ask to optional grab and show them.
in other words, i could add a function to the sdk which asked farr to return the path of a (favico) icon file for a site, and that would result in farr returning the icon path if it exists, or returning a placeholder for the time being but queing up a download of the real favico for later. pretty nice idea.
the key motivation here is that now ALL plugins could be able to easily display site icons without having to add more then 1 line of code to their plugins.