Hi Cuffy,
I agree with AndyM. What you request (if I understand it correctly that is) can be done through a script plus a .reg file.
The solution below is tested and working for me. You can make it yourself in these steps:
1. create the folder C:\program\FileNote (some other folder name/path is ok if and only if you change the path in the .reg and .ahk files below accordingly)
2. open notepad, copy and paste the code below into it, save as filenote.ahk
#SingleInstance ignore
IfNotExist, %1%
IfExist, %1%.txt
run, notepad "%1%.txt"
FileAppend,, %1%.txt
run, notepad "%1%.txt"
sleep 3000
3. install autohotkey (autohotkey.com), run Ahk2Exe.exe in the folder C:\Program\AutoHotkey\Compiler. In it, navigate to filenote.ahk and compile it into filenote.exe.
4. put filenote.exe in folder C:\program\FileNote
5. open notepad, copy and paste the code below into it, save as filenote.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="C:\\Program\\FileNote\\FileNote.exe \"%L\""
6. doubleclick filenote.reg to import it to the registry, creating the context menu FileNote entry
to later remove it, do these steps:
R1. delete folder C:\program\FileNote and its files
R2. open notepad, copy and paste the code below into it, save as filenote_remove.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="C:\\Program\\FileNote\\FileNote.exe \"%L\""
R3. doubleclick filenote_remove.reg to remove the FileNote context menu entry from the registry
For convenience, I have attached filenote.reg , filenote_remove.reg , filenote.ahk and a compiled filenote.exe (MD5 7e0a8ca8bb7519a00f5596630969f1fd ) in filenote.zip .
If you use filenote.exe and filenote.reg from the .zip, you only need to do steps 1,4 & 6.
note: if you select multiple files and then trigger the FileNote context menu entry, FileNote.exe still only opens a .txt file for the specific file you right clicked. However, if you select very many files (perhaps accidentally select all files in a folder) and then choose FileNote in the context menu, then the FileNote.exe program might freeze and .txt files might be created and opened for more than one file. I don't know how to solve that problem completely without having FileNote.exe running permanently.
edit: I should also add that I only use Win XP 32bit myself and so can't testdrive it in a 64bit OS. So tell me if it works as it should.
edit2: on second thought it's simpler to do all of this in autohotkey. Also on second thought, since MoonSoft and the original freeware program still exists (
http://www.moonsoftware.com/freeware.asp ) it is more sensible to name this script something slightly different. So here's "FileNoter". Again, only tested in Win XP 32bit.
Create it yourself:
B1. open notepad, copy and paste the code below into it, save as filenoter.ahk
;-- filenoter by Nod5
;-- search donationcoder.com forum for more info
#SingleInstance ignore
if 1 != context_initiated_filenoter
goto do_reg
IfNotExist, %2%
IfExist, %2%.txt
run, notepad "%2%.txt"
FileAppend,, %2%.txt
run, notepad "%2%.txt"
sleep 3000
RegRead, xreg, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\FileNoter
if ErrorLevel = 1 ;-- no such registry entry found, so create it
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\FileNoter,,FileNoter
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\FileNoter\command,,%A_ScriptFullPath% "context_initiated_filenoter" "`%L"
msgbox, FileNoter context menu entry created`nusing path %A_ScriptFullPath%
else if xreg = FileNoter
RegDelete, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\FileNoter
msgbox, FileNoter context menu entry removed
B2. install autohotkey (autohotkey.com), run Ahk2Exe.exe in the folder C:\Program\AutoHotkey\Compiler. In Ahk2Exe, navigate to filenoter.ahk and compile it into filenoter.exe .
B3. doubleclick filenoter.exe to automatically add/remove the context menu entry. (This puts the current path to filenoter.exe in the registry so repeat B3 if you move filenoter.exe ).
Alternatively, use filenoter.exe (MD5 be2f73f8c60237c6bbe72ae3b1e78216 ) in the attached filenoter.zip and only do step B3.