Thanks GiorgosK for the info...........
"Cuffy yes you should use one or the other not both of them
At the time I created it I did not think there was a reason to have both choices
the reason I created it in the first place was to be able to tag a file and then search
for a specific keywords in the *.notes files and just by pressing on the .notes file to
get the associated file"
I'm getting fearless here so I removed everything regarding file notes from the registry and then merged the optional or alternate reg file.
It works exactly as you explained it, however, we obviously had a different mission for the tool.
Using a file I just downloaded as an example:
Right click on the file and I get an empty file titled "NetFx20SP1_x86.exe.notes"
I make a note in the file "This is the new SP1 for .Net2.0.......... don't install until you're sure it's OK" Save
I now have NetFx20SP1_x86.exe.notes. containing what the file is.
Right click and I can read the note.
Left click and the install starts for the Service Pak.
Now I'm in trouble. I've started what I wanted to avoid......... starting the install without being sure what it is.
Set up that way I can understand the reason you created it. I doubt that I would ever have occasion to use it like that.
My need is to refresh my memory about what the file contains without running setup for a 250 mb service pak.
I removed and reinstalled it with the other option so when I left click the notes file opens in Notepad. It works fine for me like that and I thank you for your efforts.
I also have the FileNoter that NOD developed which opens an empty,titled, text file in Metapad and that works equally as well. I'm sure I'll get a lot of use out of both apps. Again my appreciation.
Now that we have that all talked over I'm sure I can stir up something else. There are so many things to be used for file extensions and there are dozens of small, very small, freeware text editors to associate them with.
So much to do, so little time! <G>

I wonder if Amando got set up to do what he wanted done?