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Idea: File note
« on: December 07, 2007, 01:37 PM »
Back in 1999, Moonsoftware released a little app called FileNote. I used it so much it became second nature but when I moved up to a 64 bit OS it no longer worked. I emailed Moonsoftware about when it might be upgraded to 64 bit but received no response. It really is a neat little utility and when I ran across your site I thought it might be well to check since you guys seem to have talent bubbling out of your ears!
From the Moonsoftware page:

"FileNote is a little shell extension that allows you to add textual descriptions to your files. It adds one command to the shell context menu of a file object. This command lets you easily edit or create a text file that has the same name as the initial file, but with the extension TXT.
For example, if you have a file, MyImage.jpg, you right-click on that file and choose the FileNote command from the context menu. A new text file called MyImage.txt is created and Notepad is opened to edit that text file. If a text file with that name already exists, it will be opened for viewing/editing.

FileNote 1.1.0, released on Sunday, January 03, 1999"
Download: FileNote_110.exe (206 KB)

Does anyone have any ideas what could be done to make it work on a 54 bit OS?



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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2007, 05:26 PM »
Write a batch file to do what you want (if origname.txt doesn't exist, create it, open it up in the editor of your choice) and then put an entry in the context menu pointing to the batch file. 

This just came up in another discussion:


also see:



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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2007, 06:56 PM »
Hi Cuffy,
I agree with AndyM. What you request (if I understand it correctly that is) can be done through a script plus a .reg file.

The solution below is tested and working for me. You can make it yourself in these steps:

1. create the folder C:\program\FileNote (some other folder name/path is ok if and only if you change the path in the .reg and .ahk files below accordingly)
2. open notepad, copy and paste the code below into it, save as filenote.ahk
#SingleInstance ignore
IfNotExist, %1%
IfExist, %1%.txt
 run, notepad "%1%.txt"
 FileAppend,, %1%.txt
 run, notepad "%1%.txt"
sleep 3000
3. install autohotkey (, run Ahk2Exe.exe in the folder C:\Program\AutoHotkey\Compiler. In it, navigate to filenote.ahk and compile it into filenote.exe.
4. put filenote.exe in folder C:\program\FileNote
5. open notepad, copy and paste the code below into it, save as filenote.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="C:\\Program\\FileNote\\FileNote.exe \"%L\""

6. doubleclick filenote.reg to import it to the registry, creating the context menu FileNote entry

to later remove it, do these steps:
R1. delete folder C:\program\FileNote and its files
R2. open notepad, copy and paste the code below into it, save as filenote_remove.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="C:\\Program\\FileNote\\FileNote.exe \"%L\""
R3. doubleclick filenote_remove.reg to remove the FileNote context menu entry from the registry

For convenience, I have attached filenote.reg , filenote_remove.reg , filenote.ahk and a compiled filenote.exe (MD5 7e0a8ca8bb7519a00f5596630969f1fd ) in .

If you use filenote.exe and filenote.reg from the .zip, you only need to do steps 1,4 & 6.

note: if you select multiple files and then trigger the FileNote context menu entry, FileNote.exe still only opens a .txt file for the specific file you right clicked. However, if you select very many files (perhaps accidentally select all files in a folder) and then choose FileNote in the context menu, then the FileNote.exe program might freeze and .txt files might be created and opened for more than one file. I don't know how to solve that problem completely without having FileNote.exe running permanently.

edit: I should also add that I only use Win XP 32bit myself and so can't testdrive it in a 64bit OS. So tell me if it works as it should.

edit2: on second thought it's simpler to do all of this in autohotkey. Also on second thought, since MoonSoft and the original freeware program still exists ( ) it is more sensible to name this script something slightly different. So here's "FileNoter". Again, only tested in Win XP 32bit.

Create it yourself:
B1. open notepad, copy and paste the code below into it, save as filenoter.ahk
;-- filenoter by Nod5
;-- search forum for more info
#SingleInstance ignore
if 1 != context_initiated_filenoter
 goto do_reg

IfNotExist, %2%
IfExist, %2%.txt
 run, notepad "%2%.txt"
 FileAppend,, %2%.txt
 run, notepad "%2%.txt"
sleep 3000

RegRead, xreg, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\FileNoter
if ErrorLevel = 1 ;-- no such registry entry found, so create it
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\FileNoter,,FileNoter
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\FileNoter\command,,%A_ScriptFullPath% "context_initiated_filenoter" "`%L"
msgbox, FileNoter context menu entry created`nusing path %A_ScriptFullPath%
else if xreg = FileNoter
RegDelete, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\FileNoter
msgbox, FileNoter context menu entry removed
B2. install autohotkey (, run Ahk2Exe.exe in the folder C:\Program\AutoHotkey\Compiler. In Ahk2Exe, navigate to filenoter.ahk and compile it into filenoter.exe .
B3. doubleclick filenoter.exe to automatically add/remove the context menu entry. (This puts the current path to filenoter.exe in the registry so repeat B3 if you move filenoter.exe ).

Alternatively, use filenoter.exe (MD5 be2f73f8c60237c6bbe72ae3b1e78216 ) in the attached and only do step B3.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2007, 05:11 AM by Nod5 »


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2007, 11:27 AM »
FileNote is already installed
It throws an error on boot.......... Windows doesn't like the path C:\Program (may cause other apps to malfunction????)
I use C:\Apps for the things I install to play with..........
Gonna see if I can move Filenoter to C:\Apps\Filenoter... results to follow...
FileNote appends extension........ the Moonsoftware app didn't..
I think appending may be a better way to go???
64 bit OS..... free trial if you can run it? I have a Celeron with EM64T.... works fine.  ..........
I'll have more on the .reg entry in a bit..... XPPro64 has two Program files folders...
1. Program Files
2. Program Files (x86)
P.S. I'm not a programmer..... I'm a 74 yr old diabetic idiot... bear with me!


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2007, 04:05 PM »
Hi again Cuffy,
Yes, I was too quick putting in the "C:\program" path, which is the standard path here in Sweden. "C:\program files" is standard in english versions of Windows. But "C:\program" sounds so international, that's why I keep forgetting that it is not. Sorry about that. Run filenote_remove.reg to remove the registry entry with the "C:\program" path.

Let me know if filenoter.exe works as it should for you.

On appending the extension: Yes, for "aaa.doc" FileNoter creates "aaa.doc.txt", not "aaa.txt". Two reasons for that: it was simpler to code and it avoids problems when several files have the same name but different extensions. Example: If I have "aaa.doc" & "aaa.pdf", which one would "aaa.txt" be a filenote for?

That said, I can change filenoter to make "aaa.txt" instead of "aaa.doc.txt" if you prefer that - just say so. But then the .doc and .pdf in the example will have to share one .txt filenote.

Finally, I really hope that I will also be busy installing operating systems (or whatever we use in the future) when I'm 74 years old. :Thmbsup:
« Last Edit: December 08, 2007, 04:08 PM by Nod5 »


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2007, 04:27 PM »
Finally, I really hope that I will also be busy installing operating systems (or whatever we use in the future) when I'm 74 years old. Thmbsup

Indeed! Rock on Cuffy!! 8)
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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2007, 06:07 PM »
I think we've got what I wanted. I cleaned all the junk from previous installs of several different apps from the registry and installed FileNoter. It works fine right out of the box (filenoter.exe). The registry entries for filenoter are as follows:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="C:\\Apps\\filenoter\\filenoter.exe \"context_initiated_filenoter\" \"%L\""

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="C:\\Apps\\filenoter\\filenoter.exe \"context_initiated_filenoter\" \"%L\""
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="C:\\Apps\\filenoter\\filenoter.exe \"context_initiated_filenoter\" \"%L\""

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


As you can see there are entries for both 32 bit and 64 bit systems. I think the Wow6432Node means Windows on windows but don't quote me.

The appended extensions:
I've played around using various file types and I think the appended extension will work fine. The main reason I use a file note is because I'm a downloading fool with a short memory. Some of the files from MS, for instance, have a cryptic file name that I can't remember long enough for the download window to close. I download everything to this 64 bit machine and the files downloaded are for several different OSs. The note helps prevent unzipping or trying to install to the wrong system. It's also a place to keep any serial numbers for any particular app.
The append feature appends the txt extension each time it's applied so if I use filenoter on myphoto.jpg.txt it adds another txt extension to make it myphoto.jpg.txt.txt, which might just be handy as a clue that some sort of action was applied to that file more than once. Damned clever, sir!
One question remains that I'd appreciate some clarification on. Your code in filenoter seems to make the desired entry in the registry to install filenoter if it's not already installed. If it's already installed then a double click on filenoter.exe will remove the entry from the registry. Is that correct? The .exe file becomes a toggle?
And lastly, are you going to try the trial version of XPPro 64? I ran out the trial and then purchased the 64 bit version.
It's probably my imagination but I think the 64 bit OS gives you a 10 to 15% speed bump over it's 32 bit brother.
I wouldn't even think of going back to a 32 bit system.


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2007, 05:47 AM »
Great that it's working.  :)
As you can see there are entries for both 32 bit and 64 bit systems.

Ok, when I google that I see that that is probably how Win XP 64bit always deals with compatible 32bit applications and the registry. So no problem I hope.

Yes, running filenoter.exe directly toggles the registry entries on/off and thus toggles the context menu entry. Just to be sure that things are working as they should, can you test it and say if all of the registry entries you listed are toggled on/off (created/removed) as they should, even the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\... ones?
The append feature appends the txt extension each time it's applied so if I use filenoter on myphoto.jpg.txt it adds another txt extension to make it myphoto.jpg.txt.txt, which might just be handy as a clue that some sort of action was applied to that file more than once.
Well it rather creates a new file "myphoto.jpg.txt.txt", right? The original "myphoto.jpg.txt" is still there. And I'm afraid that any notes you entered in "myphoto.jpg.txt" aren't carried over to ""myphoto.jpg.txt.txt" and so on. So it would often be more practical to create "myphoto.jpg.txt" and then later just double click that to open and edit it. I can see the use of creating a track record by adding new files each time so to say, though I must humbly admit that I didn't make that possibility intentionally.

It's interesting that you use textfiles in this way because I've myself done the same thing for some time, specifically by keeping reading notes related to .pdf files in .txt files with similar names. I've never used a script for it exactly like this before though. For my notes, I've so far used a special ending tag. So for example "aaa.pdf" could have notes in "aaa.pdf--NOTE.txt". Using a special tag makes it easy to later do searches on all and only the note files by including the tag in the search phrase. I've now added that as an optional feature for filenoter.exe . The latest version (attached in, MD5 72926293ddeb8a350f59423ee6ddf0d8) creates a .ini file the first time it is run through the context menu entry. Open that .ini and add a tag value if you want filenoter.exe to use such a tag. Though keep in mind that filenoter.exe won't recognize the old note files (without tags) after that. If you don't want it, use the old version (or use the new and ignore the .ini file since there's no other difference between the versions).

Yeah, I intend to test Win XP 64bit some day, I just haven't had time to yet. But some day...
« Last Edit: December 09, 2007, 05:54 AM by Nod5 »


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2007, 12:41 PM »
Tested per your request and everything works as planned. Having long subscribed to the idea that "if it works, don't fix it" it was with great trepidation that I double clicked on filenoter.exe hoping to remove all evidence of an app that I had just gotten installed and that was working fine. It worked the way you intended and removed all registry entries with a reboot. I again double clicked and it's back and again working fine. I must say, you do good work for such a young feller!

Openning a second note with a second, appended txt extension, would as you suggest only be necessary if you wanted to create a track record of some sort. What I was thinking of was ini or bat files that you were editing. Each additional extension would indicate a later version. YMMV

You mentioned using text notes for PDF files. For years I avoided PDF files because of Adobe Reader. I doubt that a bigger example of bloatware can be found......... not even Windows!
I've found a solution to the Adobe bloat and you might even be able to use a PDF file without notes???
Get a copy of the freeware reader from Foxit...........

and while you have your browser open get a copy of JKDefrag .........

Using these two tools you'll save enough time to download XPPro 64 trial and give it a whirl. I'm a fan of Celeron D cpu's with the EM64T feature which runs a 64 bit OS just fine. I'm sure the AMD64 will do as well if you don't mind fighting the heat problem.

Thanks again my friend. All is well with the world here and I hope the same is true in Sweden.



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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2007, 11:44 AM »
Tested per your request and everything works as planned.


Thanks for the links. I already use FoxitReader and completely agree with you on the bloatedness of Adobe Reader. I will check out the defrag app.

Glad to be of help. All is well in Sweden too, though we haven't had any snow yet around here which is disappointing. Hopefully that will change soon. See you around in the donationcoder forum!


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2007, 04:02 PM »

Your mention of using a NOTE tag prodded my memory and I went back and dug a file out of my rathole that I had downloaded previously when the Moonsoftware app, FileNote, wouldn't work on my new 64 bit OS. Unfortunately the new download wouldn't run either so I abandoned it as unfit for 64 bit service. The recent events re: Notes, tags, the error msg regarding the path, etc. prompted another look at the app.

This adds another ingredient to the stew!
The author has provided some very explicit instuctions on the installation and use of his product so I decided to give it another shot, all in the interest of science.

When installed correctly it worked fine! My problem is that it is installed on C:\ , which is why it didn't work the first time because I installed it in C:\Apps with all my other toys. My point here is that this version of filenotes adds Note instead of txt as the extension.

Now with your version of Filenoter and his version of Filenotes I have two options on the context menu.
I can add a txt file or a Note. He adds Note as an extension rather than as a tag as your procedure does so the filename doesn't include file.PDF--Note.txt, simply file.PDF.Notes and is associated with Notepad.

Getting to the crux of the matter...........and I know you're waiting with bated breath <g>!
Long ago I discovered Metapad and hence dropped Notepad as my text editor. 
Metapad will handle an unlimited file size and I have associated .txt extension to it.
Notepad is limited but it is associated to .notes extension by default through Filenotes.
So my plan, if acceptable, is to use File Notes to add a .notes extension where I only want to store a serial number, for example.
To store copious amounts of information about a particular file I would use Filenoter to add the .txt extension which opens with Metapad and it's unlimited file handling capability.
To find a stored serial number I would search *.notes which hopefully are present in limited numbers whereas if stored in a .txt file the search would turn up 100s of files.

You, with your tags, have yet another option for organization........... such flexibilty! Wow!

At the moment I'm feeling so damned clever I'm making myself sick! <G>
Feel free to use my plan if you like.

Happy Holidays,



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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2007, 06:04 PM »
FYI, Cuffy: I've been in contact with the fellow at Moonsoftware and he says that he's about to make available a whole set of updates on his applications (and perhaps some new ones). He invited me to check back at his site in a week or so.

Come on along!   :)
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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2007, 06:57 PM »

Thanks for the info, I'll be along!
Moonsoftware put out several goods apps that I used for years and they were of the best species, Freeware.
I'm glad to hear that he/them is alive and well and still producing software for us idiots, hopefully, more that we can afford!
I was up in your neck of the woods about 56 years ago. Myself and a couple of chums took a tour up around the Gaspe'. Two things about the place I'll never forget.......... most of the birds in the world live up there and the women didn't shave their legs. We had a ball until the Moosehead ran out. Beautiful country

Happy Holidays,



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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2007, 12:34 PM »

I hope I didn't offend you with my remark about the women in the great NE. I certainly didn't mean to offend but on reading the post this morning it seems a tad insensitive. My apologies, Sir!


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2007, 02:35 PM »
Not an offense - even in the slightest, Cuffy!

They're alive and very well up here. As is the Moosehead. We've resupplied so drag yourself back up here!

And, ah!, the hairy legs. Wonderful ... once past the stubble stage, at least. Like velvet don't you know. We still have lots of birds of many kinds so git yourself back up for a visit!!
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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2007, 03:26 PM »
the system with .notes and .txt files for different purposes is a smart idea! When I have more time I'll try to mimic something like that in filenoter, by optionally letting it have a couple of different tags (and a couple of different corresponding context menu entries, again completely optional).


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2007, 01:23 AM »
Yes, it is an interesting idea.
The author of filenotes here, (not the Moonsoftware app) says that
If you click on the notes file it should open up the associated file.
Cool. I wonder it the trick still works if files are renamed, moved, etc.


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2007, 11:13 AM »
Yes, it is an interesting idea.
The author of filenotes here, (not the Moonsoftware app) says that
If you click on the notes file it should open up the associated file.
Cool. I wonder it the trick still works if files are renamed, moved, etc.

It really isn't much of a trick. A file named Amando.jpg would open with your graphics viewer.
When you use one of the filenoters the app adds an additional extension to that file NAME!! and opens a text editor associated with that extension.
The app you mentioned above would add notes so your new text file becomes Amando.jpg.notes and by default opens in Notepad. When saved and your files are displayed by name the two files are adjacent to each other in the folder.
Change the extension to Amando.jpg.txt and the files will still be adjacent in the folder but the file, in my case, will open in Metapad, which is my associated editor for txt files.
If you rename the file to Cuffy.jpg.txt it will still open with the associated text editor but the file is now displayed in the folder with the "C"s rather than with the "A"s and the purpose of writing the note has been defeated.
You'll suffer an even bigger defeat if you move the note file to a different folder (or drive?) unless you are using a different system for files.
One could easily move all notes files to one folder to be used as an index, etc. but in my case I want to include a note that Avast.exe was downloaded 12 Dec 07 and the serial number is xzzzxxxxxzzz#!. The folder displays
Avast.exe and immediately below Avast.exe.notes
Renaming either won't change the file contents nor it's Open with......... app but it will split the location from adjacent to afar??
Hopefully that answers your question? I'm quessing that you have an idea to use filenoter in a different manner than I do. Give it a shot!


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2007, 02:05 PM »

In replying to Armando I mentioned that notes files could all be store in one folder and used as an index. In a previous discussion using different extensions for more flexibility came up.

Putting these ideas in one pot we could easily come up a notes extension that includes the date and time. Combined with a Send To feature to send the file to a Notes folder we have solved the track record thingee we discussed using an additional txt extension to a txt extension. With the date and time the track record is maintained by adding a note to a file and sending the note to the Notes folder. Displayed by name or by date in a folder gives you Avast.exe.note.1145Dec1207........... the date that I sometimes put in the note would file the note where it keeps our track record.

Methinks you'd better quit messing around making a living and get back here to code some of this stuff. If we get better organized it might help in fighting global warming. That could lead to a government grant or, based on the latest awards in the Global Warming field, maybe a Nobel Peace Prize.

A week ago you didn't know me. Today you are in line for a Nobel Peace prize........... and last I heard you were concerned because you had no snow??  Cheer up, things are going great and when we get it all together, BigJim is buying the Moosehead (hope you like ale?).<G>



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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2007, 05:41 PM »
Yes, it is an interesting idea.
The author of filenotes here, (not the Moonsoftware app) says that
If you click on the notes file it should open up the associated file.
Cool. I wonder it the trick still works if files are renamed, moved, etc.

It really isn't much of a trick. A file named Amando.jpg would open with your graphics viewer.
When you use one of the filenoters the app adds an additional extension to that file NAME!! and opens a text editor associated with that extension.

Oooh. I see. I misunderstood what the author wrote. I got the impression that clicking on the "notes" file would open the original (commented) file.

So it basically does the same thing as the "filenote" app from Moonsoftware (except for the "notes" extension + the icon) -- I like this new one ("file notes", with the the "notes" extension + the icon) better actually. The differentiation between a txt file and a note file is potentially very useful.

What would be neat is if any filename change would be automatically reflected in the " notes" file (ie : the "notes" name would be automatically adjusted accordingly) and if these were "glued" to the original files. They'd become real « tag sidecars »...


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2007, 12:08 PM »

Oooh. I see. I misunderstood what the author wrote. I got the impression that clicking on the "notes" file would open the original (commented) file.

So it basically does the same thing as the "filenote" app from Moonsoftware (except for the "notes" extension + the icon) -- I like this new one ("file notes", with the the "notes" extension + the icon) better actually. The differentiation between a txt file and a note file is potentially very useful.

What would be neat is if any filename change would be automatically reflected in the " notes" file (ie : the "notes" name would be automatically adjusted accordingly) and if these were "glued" to the original files. They'd become real « tag sidecars »...

Thanks everyone for taking the time to work with filenotes
it was not meant for mass consumption as you probably already know
but I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless

just wanted to jump in here and clarify one thing

there are two .reg files with the zip download

you can run either one and accept the registry inclusion
and they make the .notes files behave accordingly

You can also go in any of these .reg files and change path to the filenotes.exe
so you can position it anywhere you want (changing lines 7 16 and 19)

but as armando already mentioned the two files are not glued together (its a very simple system)

If you need any further clarification, be my guest


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2007, 01:03 PM »
Thanks for the tips GiorgosK ! And welcome to DC !


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2007, 03:26 PM »
The author stated..........
"just wanted to jump in here and clarify one thing

there are two .reg files with the zip download

you can run either one and accept the registry inclusion
and they make the .notes files behave accordingly"
and I think I found my source of trouble............ either one of the reg files may be run........ not both!!!

I merged both of those reg files into the registry on this 64 bit OS. In each case I got a msg that the merge was successful. However, the context menu only displays one choice for file notes and that opens Notepad with an empty file with a notes extension, which is what I wanted. Since the other option wasn't shown I searched the registry where I only have one option for filenotes. Applying a brilliant deductive process I reserve for private use, I deduced that the author's instructions that I could "run either" of the reg files meant just that and I couldn't run both of them as I "assumed".

If that's a correct assessment then I have what I wanted but Amando will have to use the alternate reg file to open the associated file? I haven't got my head around that side of the equation yet.
With a file Amando.jpg, we add a note making it Amando.jpg.note but when we click on that file Amando.jpg opens???
I'm confused and see no point in that. I must be wrong! Help!



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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2007, 04:57 PM »
Applying a brilliant deductive process I reserve for private use

No sense wasting it on other!
TruckerJim says "You can go down a hill too slow a thousand times. But too fast only once."


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Re: Idea: File note
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2007, 05:19 PM »
The author stated..........
"just wanted to jump in here and clarify one thing

there are two .reg files with the zip download

you can run either one and accept the registry inclusion
and they make the .notes files behave accordingly"
and I think I found my source of trouble............ either one of the reg files may be run........ not both!!!

I merged both of those reg files into the registry on this 64 bit OS. In each case I got a msg that the merge was successful. However, the context menu only displays one choice for file notes and that opens Notepad with an empty file with a notes extension, which is what I wanted. Since the other option wasn't shown I searched the registry where I only have one option for filenotes. Applying a brilliant deductive process I reserve for private use, I deduced that the author's instructions that I could "run either" of the reg files meant just that and I couldn't run both of them as I "assumed".

If that's a correct assessment then I have what I wanted but Amando will have to use the alternate reg file to open the associated file? I haven't got my head around that side of the equation yet.
With a file Amando.jpg, we add a note making it Amando.jpg.note but when we click on that file Amando.jpg opens???
I'm confused and see no point in that. I must be wrong! Help!


Cuffy yes you should use one or the other not both of them

At the time I created it I did not think there was a reason to have both choices

the reason I created it in the first place was to be able to tag a file and then search
for a specific keywords in the *.notes files and just by pressing on the .notes file to
get the associated file