I really love the bit about the team part.
It is true, donationcoder.com is where end-users and developers meet in harmony. This may not seem like a big deal, but it IS. Think about it, Developers and users were like enemies!
Users get frustrated when an application misbehaves or does what they don't want it or don't expect it to do, and curse out the developers for making such horrible contraptions. People have been known to throw around monitors out of mere frustration.
Developers curse out users for having to make their applications dummy proof, or worse, implement very elaborate failsafe mechanisms and security checks.
Yet on donationcoder.com these two groups can co-exist in harmony, and team-up to create wonderful software! Users provide their experience with software and what could make it better, or ideas for new software and plugins. And developers are happy to hear things from a real user perspective instead of the narrow codeworld they live in. Most developers are very aware that they think differently (from a developers perspective) about software than users do, and tend to either guess what users want or build their applications to satisfy their own personal preferences and needs. It is truely a beautiful thing the kind of balance we have going on here.
BUT not only do users team up with developers, as a developer you can get lucky enough to team up with developer buddies and work on software as a team! I've had lots of long brainstorming sessions with mouser for example, about various (bigger) projects. It can be really fruitful to combine efforts and ideas.