Hi,im starting this thread to know if there are any myths arround you regarding technology.Ofcourse these myths are in those people with less technical expertise +more social life.There are lot of geeks who know the truth and really laughs at them.In india where i live we've lot of myths about MS,some of the popular myths are:
1. Microsoft windows is the first operating system on the planet,other operating system if exist are copycat of microsoft.
2. All Windows features are copied into apple,and apple never innovates anything.Steve job came into Microsoft and copied the windows and started the apple macintosh.
3. Opensource and Freeware is threat to software industry,if software not get patented then this will affect jobs in future.
4. Windows operating system is good at provacy than linux or mac.
5. Windows Vista requirs 4GB RAM.
I laugh,when someone talks vague like this.
6. Norton Antivirus,Quick Heal,E-scan antivirus are the best antivirus.(Even if norton and quick heal eats 60% of your system resources)
7.Linux is most dificult operating system,where is the start button or add-remove programs button? (Where is DOS?
please don't laugh)
The myths about programming languages spread by teachers and computer training institutes,sales person of software are:
1. Java is outdated,.Net is the programming language of the future and its trend.(
It doesn't matter if java is cross platform or secure or stable or easy) There will be more jobs for .net than java.
2.To learn C++,you should learn C first otherwise you dont understand the C++.
3. Flash is outdated and Expression Blend is current trend.(
Even if Flash i portable over any operating system,has no features copied from any other thing)
4. Maybe someday i might hear Flash is copied from Expression blend
Ha ha ha
Ok enough with blurb.What are myths in your neighbourhood?Do post about them?Lets laugh on it together.