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Messages - arunpawar [ switch to compact view ]

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Developer's Corner / Re: Forum suggestion
« on: April 20, 2009, 07:25 PM »
is there any "Syntax Highlighter" Mod available for SMF?  :tellme:

Developer's Corner / Codeblocks & Devpaks Support
« on: July 05, 2008, 11:26 AM »
I'm quite unsure about the usage of devpak support with Code::blocks, even though it is supported officially.

For Offline(Without internet) users, you can't find the devpaks/maintain or devpaks can't be directly installed into code::blocks...

is there any way we can work arround this devpak support? Anybody tried the devpaks on code::blocks?
if i found the hack then i'll post in this thread, in mean time if anyone knows the solution, please let me know.
Also anybody knows how to set OpenGL & SDL on Codeblocks?

Living Room / Exam Software
« on: May 27, 2008, 06:51 AM »
I 'm looking for objective based Exam simulator software(simmilar to Certification software)  that allows us to enter questions and answer in i can test the progress of my nephew on some subjects..It could help me test myself on some of the C++/C objective questions as well....also is it possible to add multiple subjects based  in this simulator?

If you know any free-exam software simulator do let me know.. :)

Living Room / Re: Best Programming Jokes
« on: May 26, 2008, 05:57 AM »
is there any joke on C#... >:(...??? i want to poke one of my friend who hate ruby and python...let me kick him with anything related to .NET  :D

Basic / VB+MS-SQL Simple Application
« on: April 23, 2008, 11:20 AM »
Hi,i'm trying to create simple application that stores my Phone contact in database I'm using MS-SQL server 2005 +Visual Basic express 2005 edition. I'm self-starter and learning using web tutorials,casts etc.So any of your pointers and help is appreciated.

What i want to do is :
1. Get the name/ph no or more info frm form then store it in SQL database..
2. I want to categarise the person info stored in database like tags etc and to retirve the person list in categary...
3. Dispaly the person list in perticular tag or overall list sorted as per alphabet or tag

Is there any web tutorial or videocast that explains simmilar app or working?

I have tried the MSDN where i have seen web based apps but very few data access apps,so its nt helping me here.If u think thre is any video that i missed on MSDN or Google plz point me.So all i ask is just give me more pointers to help build such app... :)

Thanks in advane for help. :Thmbsup:

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Project Idealogy software
« on: April 20, 2008, 11:35 AM »
I think there could be software for this,but i have no idea. I think there is supposed to be a software that keeps projects we're doing,or left out.This is not meant to be commercial or industrial projects. These pprojects are like personal startups,skectches,ideas or simmilar but restricted to personal not for commercial.I'm imagining this software that keeps some of of my following requirements:

1. Completed project date/categary/summary
2. Project Ideas
3. Unfinished Projects/Work in progress
4. Abandoned Projects

We can compare with charts on how we're going on with ideas and abnadoned or complete projects with help of date and categary.Completed projects can be saved as PDF/DOC so that we can see it as personal portfolio.
This software may be available as web application but still desktop application can be a good addition.

What do you think of this idea? Please let me know is this idea worth a shot or maybe i should buy any available software based on this idea?

Living Room / Offline Computing :The End
« on: April 12, 2008, 05:50 AM »
It's about time i have brought some question in front you to discuss.So here goes the discussion.

My question this time is How long Offline computing will survive?
Let me start with Why offline computing exist:We don't want our computers to stay online get slammed frm virus,DOS attacks.We can't let our sensitive data to be acceses thru internet like rat-lab reports etc.We don't want to share our personal information online.There may be other reasons as well.

I personally use computers thru cybercafe.Internet is not yet cheap in asian countries.In india you have to pay 20 bucks per hour (50 cents in USA ).Monthly broadband plans are based on volumes of data download like 1GB for 600bucks and son on.Unlimited plans have very few bandwidth at about 64kbps-256kbps at higher costs.(This is all marketting strategy to keep the people in technolgical dark area to earn profit,this is another issue).So i know the advantages and disadvantages of staying offline.

Online Software :There are plenty of softwares requires you to be online in order to register/update/ or even start software.There are very few softwares left which can work without internet connection.In my use i have photoshop,corel,flash and some other notable which are left that can be used offline.I have came to know Adobe made Photoshop express web interface that allows photographers to manipulate photos online.So next version might be only avialble online or certain features will require us to saty online.Google docs took office computing to the next level now you can create office documents in cyber cafe or another computer that is connected to internet without paying dime for software.

Even Windows license key is either to be entered thru web interface or phone.Microsoft even limiting the options of offline installation by removing individual ISO download for VIsual Studio 2008 (Now you can either download entire DVD ISO and then install individual component (VB,C#) or install individual software thru web install feature) Same is the case with Borland & other software companies.

Times moving is the internet.What do you think next update in technology will force us to stay online ,garbage out offline sofftware or anything else?

PHP / Re: PHP Desinging
« on: March 25, 2008, 09:55 AM »
i think u can go for cakephp or zend.this can be tricky a start but once u go thru that everything starts working and u spend ur time with ideas than coding  :D
it happens with me... :-[

Developer's Corner / Syntax highlight plugins+adons
« on: March 25, 2008, 09:49 AM »
Guys i'm looking for syntax higlight plugins for wordpress there any u knw? i tried the offficial website plugin directory and i didn't find any worthy plugin over there.plugin should be lite for viewers means less time to load,supports multiple languages etc.

also if im coding standalone on PHP is there any add-on for PHP for this? i mean doing php site in cakephp,zend framewok,so is there any plugin+adon for that as well.

please share ur exp.thoughts.

Living Room / Happy birthday: Mahesh
« on: March 22, 2008, 06:05 AM »

Happy birthday to you ...  Mahesh .Or  mahesh2k.

So according to your stats on saf: u are 24 year old dude....great.

Happy birthday to mahesh.We Loved some of your startups last
2.DC feed on googlemashups
3. Unreleased Waterworld ultra (waiting for that)
4. Upcoming Processing visualizations etc....
more ...

Wishing you good luck for future...hope you get  nice job in software industry.
Keep it up and keep rocking.


Java / Re: Java to exe converters
« on: March 15, 2008, 01:41 AM »
there are plenty of projects like processing,wiring and swarm who uses java and let you create create .exe of their respective scripts,but actually as they are dependent to their own projects.
i have asked many developers on their forums but the core develoeprs are not online so they're yet to answer the question that how java code is compiled into exe.

Living Room / Poratble applications
« on: March 14, 2008, 06:09 AM »
Potable applications can be good even if we can use them on disk.But I have question about portable as:
1. is portable app save any setting to the registry?
2. if portable app consume more memory?
3. is portable application can be registered as ext in open with list?

 i have more set of questions but i remember these only so let me know abt it.

Java / Java to exe converters
« on: March 14, 2008, 06:06 AM »
Is there any quick and easy way to create an executable file from java source files?
As using .jar files sucks many users can't understand what it is and there is supposed to be a way if we're targetting java programs for widnows only users.I know creating exe will take away the mere purpose of java program but what if i want to make it available for windows user (who knows only clicking on exe file to run program).Jar file and webstart methods are tried earlier but they're not what i want,also i tried most of the google search.

I also came across blog which explains not to create exe,instead create webstart and jar file for users.But i want to know is there any  native compiler for this,a dn how we can create java to exe using this.MANY google searches are being forwarded to such blogs who dont recommend this way,why people hate to create EXE for windows users.

plz let me knw if any tricks are there.

Man i was mising DC like something....?

Site/Forum Features / Upcoming birthdays feature
« on: March 07, 2008, 06:18 AM »
Hi i have seen this feature i most of the forums.can we it plz.
I mean in somewhere around noticeable area where we can see the upcoming birthdays box with list of membernames.

what ya think? :Thmbsup:

Thanks a lot justice.I needed that badluy.Now i can do something with it.

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Waterworld Ultra
« on: March 07, 2008, 06:14 AM »
Hmm.. I'm looking forward to it.Just ping me when you finish.

I've found that official Google webtoolkit download is broken.Many users reported it but  google code admin's refuse to admit that it is not broken.The download fails after the 20% or lower.

When the ticket related to this problem was made,admins replied with" You can use the downlaod manager or better internet connection,files are ok and they can be downloaded,there is no problem from our side".

Many users reported that they have connection of about 512kbps-2mbps and are in US or another part of globe using download manager but still download is browken.

After about 2 months of constant complaints still google is not able to fix this problem.
Check it out yourself:
What could be the matter?
[] Google don't care for this?
[] There is problem with rest of the world's internet connection who's downloading?
[] Or google's server are busy with the requests? and google don't want to mirror the google code site?

Just drop in your replies.

PHP / Re: PHP Desinging
« on: February 29, 2008, 03:25 AM »
Thanks for the replies.

Let me make things clear by stating my requirement:

1.As per ur observations,my host space is baout to increase that means if i opt for shared host later i may face trubles with PHP.Then is it possible to switch to dedicated server.maybe that depends on host?

2.I know bit of PHP but nt in depth as i have servlet,jsp and EJB background but i can't afford to use them in this project as i m giving this project back to PHP is the only easiest opensource option.i got the books mentioned aove from library,is there any suggestion on premade-CMS code that i can use with this project?

3.I don't know how to install CakePHP and zend with XAMPP know any place for it?I'm planing to use either of them cause this will help even if this porject size gets increase.

pleas let me know ur views.

PHP / PHP Desinging
« on: February 28, 2008, 07:54 AM »
I'm learnign PHP as i want to design my own journal for coding,i had done during my college days with search engine as first page interface.For learning PHP i have downloaded XAMPP package,and PHP designer editor.Q. I was told by someone that XAMPP can be used to create web-app locally and test it on local machine.But i want to create my cms and then i want to upload it to server.IS this

Q. Is there good tutorial for creating small cms or web-apps,using PHP & MySQL?

Q. What can i do if i'm uploading large database,is MySQL & PHP enough? or do i need some other langugae?

Q. is raw PHP code enough or do i have to use any framework like zend or cakephp?

Please help.Let me know how to proceed.

Living Room / Myth or Last legend
« on: February 20, 2008, 04:40 AM »
Anyone frm scotland do update me with this.

here is the link for somehing unusual on the discovery.I found it while was searching for sea horse myth on discovery.


What ya think it is?

another move agains open source.they are doing this like google did on google summer of code and otehr google contests.

its all to get more developers cause MS is loosing developers on the fly.even if MS web technologies are used in industry it is not used with individuals and some other open source evagilist.and they are very strict with licesne so if u are last year student then you won't able to upgrade for free.or maybe they have non commercial app restriction usage.

good move but very late.
Ruby on rails.PHP,Google Mashup,J2EE,Spring,Hibernate,AJAX,XUL is all we need cause it is free.even if industry force MS technlogy usage but some hosting companies and individual will continue to save with open source.

C / C++ / Re: Exploring C++
« on: February 12, 2008, 05:08 AM »
I never ask homework stuff cause i'm graduated with electronics engg major.

C / C++ / Re: Exploring C++
« on: February 11, 2008, 05:54 AM »
I'm going thru confusion after reading herbt scildt book of complete reference.It causesmore
pain than cure.I have some of the questions which are not properly answered by this book,can
you take a look at that & let me know you perspective.

1. What #include<filename> can do?can we use our own C++ file to include in our program,is
it possible to access classes from that file,what about main function in that file,how it
will be treated?

2. What is preprocessor directive?Where and why it is used?(I want to know the situations
and limitations of this thing)

3. When to use which loops i.e when to use "for" or "While" loop?(Actually i think using
"while" in most of the cases will put you into infinite loop mode if you go wrong,right)

4. What are cin,cout (Operators or objects of iostream) in comparison with printf and
scanf?Simmilarly what are scanf & printf?

5.What is Strong type checking & Type casting? (Both sounds simmilar but  type casting  is
rarely used while type checking is abt the code we write ,am i right?)

6.What is late binding & Dynamic binding?(I understand thru books is that till run time your
code is unknown to compiler is known as dynamic binding,i think i m right here.)

7.What is reference variable? What is the major use of this variable?

8.What is Namespace? what are these?
I have searched the internet for them but unable to get quite beginner friendly tutorial for

Just let me know about these concepts of C++.Just post your perspectives about them.

General Software Discussion / Re: Visual Studio Uninstaller Tool
« on: February 01, 2008, 03:59 AM »
if i tried to reinstall the setup it goes into the maintenance mode and gives erros it is not letting me install freshly.what do i have to do? :tellme:

how can i wqipe out remainants and reg keys?i have no int connection so can't sownload any uninstaller or util above 100MB so really have prob with uninstaller.

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