why not read the review to find out about wsw ->
My acronym data base didn't have an entry
"wsw", what stand this for ?Mr. Google says:
http://acronyms.thef...eedictionary.com/WSWAcronym Definition
WSW Walker Smith and Way (UK solicitors)
WSW Want Some Weather
WSW Weapon System Warranty
WSW Websphere Studio Workbench
WSW West-South-West
WSW Wheelchair Sports Worldwide
WSW White Side Wall (tire type)
WSW Winter Storm Warning
WSW Woman Sexual Workers (medical/clinical)
WSW Women Seeking Women
WSW Women Who Have Sex with Women (medical/public health)
WSW Women's Soccer World
( why is the font in this code section so tiny ? )
AND many thanks to mouserIf i choose an formation [B ], [SI ZE]... in this forum...
the cursor stands now automaticly
between the tags,, very useful, thanks !