mouser: I worked around the issue anyway. It was a fscript plugin for browsing/filtering some set of files through a html thumbnail grid (a more generic spinoff of the Album Displayer plugin I did way back). Maybe I used an outdated fscript version, not sure.
I realized I could skip the fscript/plugin part and only use an alias with "dolaunch" and "showfilehtml" commands and variables. The rest can be done in the .html file with javascript and an imported index file made manually or through autohotkey or some such tool. A key step is that the showfilehtml command can pass parameters from FARR to the html javascript code when the html is loaded. Since the FARR .chm manual (I think) doesn't explicitly describe that possibility I'll post here a general sketch on how to do it for anyone else who might want to try something like that.
First create a FARR alias with these details:
name: test
regular expression pattern:
^test (.+)$
test | dolaunch showfilehtml C:\folder\test.html?$$1
The dolaunch command means that the html will be loaded immediately each time the FARR inputbox string is updated and matches the alias pattern.
Next create C:\folder\test.html with this content
var loc = String(window.location);
var pos = loc.indexOf("?")+1;
var searchstring = loc.substring(pos);
Now type "test hello" in FARR. The FARR results window should as you type "test h" immediately show "h" and so on. You can react to that input in any number of ways with html, javascript and the special farr:// commands that let you run stuff on the PC command line from the html/javascript.
For example the javascript code
location.href = "farr://C:/folder/";
would run (open) that folder. We can similarly run programs and pass command line parameters to them.
The html/javascript file can also import some pregenerated index you have made. For example of images that represent folders, books, music albums, games or whatever files/folders you want to index and display in a filterable thumbnail grid in FARR. For example create indexfile.txt in the same folder as test.html, add this to test.html
<script type="text/JavaScript" src="indexfile.txt">
and fill indexfile.txt with a comma separated array of things to index. For example:
rootfolder = "C:/folder/test/";
filearray = new Array("fileone.wav", "another file.wav", "third.wav");
Next code the test.html javascript to loop over the index and filter it based on the FARR search string and show thumbnails associated with matching index items. For the above simple array example we would also need to have positioned and named thumbnail files on the harddrive in a consistent relation to the items in the index. For example give each thumbnail the same non-extension name and folder as a file item in the index ( "fileone.jpg" and so on). Or if you index folders put an image named "thumb.jpg" in the root of each folder in the index. The javascript code can then for each item figure out its thumbnail file path and render the thumbnail image as a hyperlink that on click runs farr:// commands that runs/opens the file/folder .
Alternatively make a more complex index array that pairs each thing (file or folder) you may want to trigger from a thumbnail grid in FARR to the full path of its special thumbnail file.
The index would in all these cases need to be updated manually or through a separate script, unlike with regular FARR searches. But if the files/folders to be indexed don't change name/location very often a small indexing script that runs at boot or every nth hour may be good enough.