I have a similar (perhaps unreasonable...) aversion to java and .net applications, none such for python. Perl I can't understand anyways, so :shrug:
My biggest gripe with opensource applications is when an app is really cool, but lacks feature X, which is a deal-killer. Turns out feature X:
1- was present (although implemented "experimentally") in version W, which lacks features G, M, T and S which are also deal-killers.
2- was left out of the stable release because the "experimental implementation" was unstable. Go figure.
3- has been re-written with stable code, has been in SVN for six months now, you're free to download and compile IF you can navigate SVN, and IF you can successfully compile it, and IF the REST of the app is stable enough for production use (the catch-all caveat from hell...)
AND:1- the next stable release of the version in question hangs on which of the two devs can get time off from work/school/life to tie up the loose parts and just release the damn thing
2- the whole UI code is being re-written for version Z which they are both hard at work on...
Of course it's illegal to fault the devs because they aren't getting paid, so I won't mention the app I have in mind for fear they will abandon the project and leave it in 'other' hands which will further delay release, ad nauseum.
I hate to say such things as a dedicated Linux user, but it's true, all too true.