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For those that want to try Direct Access ,  Iconio ( owns Bits De Jour )  has 40 % off on Sept 20


Mouser is correct.  I find I use FARR more for programs that I don't use every day and often don't know where they are on my computer ( or even the correct spelling ).  As long as I can come close to the name FARR finds it.  And Mouser has great customer service too !!


I have been using Direct Access since January and wholeheartedly recomend it.  It is fast and very convenient. Because you make up your own  launch abbreviations they are easy to remember . ( xl for Excel  w for Word    ff for firefox   etc ) intuitive  And IF you need help or have any type of problem they are very responsive. 


Very COOL  !!!   I added myself.


General Software Discussion / Re: Learnin Javascript
« on: August 27, 2007, 05:55 PM »


General Software Discussion / Re: Learnin Javascript
« on: August 24, 2007, 08:54 AM »
No problem, ljbirns.  Just pay us back by studying. :Thmbsup:

You got a deal.  You should write a book.  You are much clearer then Mr. Flanagen.
I thank you for all your help.



General Software Discussion / Re: Learnin Javascript
« on: August 23, 2007, 01:44 PM »

Terriffc !!  I really thank you.  You did all the work. I truly don't understand  the difference between Javascript and CSS. Flanagan's book came.. I'm beginnig to think he might as well have written it in Greek.  But since I am retired now I have plenty of time to see what I can learn.
 I tried to use a  GIF file that is on my HD instead of the URL. I changed URL(" xx")  to
   file("c:\map.gif");    as in # 3 above . It did not work. Is the syntax for files different than URL's ?  At any rate I do thank you for all the time and effort. This website and forum has
great people on it.



i still have my Apple II e

General Software Discussion / Re: Learnin Javascript
« on: August 22, 2007, 10:59 AM »
WOW !!!  Exactly what I want to see.  Please show me how.

Thank you.


General Software Discussion / Re: Learnin Javascript
« on: August 21, 2007, 08:41 AM »
I think I screwed up with the revised URL.  Attached are screenshots of SeqDownload  dialogs.

The first one  # 36 shows the URL from which I download. The folder is where the downloaded GIF is stored. Last download
file is the name automatically given that file.  I have it set to download a new  file every 5 minutes.

The second one # 37 shows the annimation screen. Images folder is where the images reside on my computer.
The HTML template is the SeqDownload animation file to which I ADDED the BODY BACKGROUND line as below:

<title>Image Map Example</title>
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function update(t) {
   document.form1.text1.value = t;


<title>Image Map Example</title>
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function update(t) {
document.form1.text1.value = t;

<BODY BACKGROUND ="file://C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/mappics/110.png">





  Created By using <a href="http://www.nirsoft.n...ils/seqdownload.html" target="nirsoft">SeqDownload</a>


<script language="javascript">
var imageIndex = 0;
var timeoutID = 0;
var playMode = 1;

function animImageInc()
if (imageIndex < numOfImages)
   imageIndex = 1;

function animImageDec()
if (imageIndex > 1)
   imageIndex = numOfImages;

function setCurrImage()
   document.MainImage.src = imgarray[imageIndex].src;

function updateAnim()
   var currTimeoutValue;
   currTimeoutValue = timeoutValue;

   if (playMode == 1)
      if (imageIndex == numOfImages)
         currTimeoutValue += animDelay;
      if (imageIndex == 1)
         currTimeoutValue += animDelay;
   timeoutID = setTimeout("updateAnim()", currTimeoutValue);

function clearLastUpdate()
   timeoutID = 0;

function startPlay()
   playMode = 1;

function startPlayReverse()
   playMode = 2;



<form name="PlayForm">
<td><input type="button" onclick="startPlay()" value="Play >>">
<td><input type="button" onclick="startPlayReverse()" value="Play <<">
<td><input type="button" onclick="clearLastUpdate()" value="Stop">
<td><input type="button" onclick="animImageInc();setCurrImage()" value=">>">
<td><input type="button" onclick="animImageDec();setCurrImage()" value="<<">
<td><input type="button" onclick="timeoutValue = parseInt(document.PlayForm.IntervalValue.value)" value="Change Interval >>">

<td><input type="text" name="IntervalValue">

<script language="javascript">
document.PlayForm.IntervalValue.value = timeoutValue;

If you don't check the template box you get the radar images WITHOUT any background.


General Software Discussion / Re: Learnin Javascript
« on: August 20, 2007, 07:13 PM »
There are far too many things wrong with the markup and code you provided.  Is it at all possible for you to upload this example somewhere?

A few notes:

1.  That link you gave for the images, leads to only 1 image.  And it didn't appear to update...

2.  Setting one image as your background does not seem to be the primary way SeqDownload animates images.  Although it can be done.

3.  The "language" attribute is deprecated in favor of using:


Although some would argue that it too is deprecated.

4.  The things you've tried (directly above this post) are all methods of styling the document via HTML attributes.  This should arguably be done via CSS.

However, I do not think it is the source of your problems.

Anything further, I'd really need to see an example page, complete with images and code.

1) The link was ONE image from this site: >
I am downloading ONLY the radar scan without any background.

The radar image changes each time you visit the site.  Use the  LOOP feature to see the effect
The site only gives T  number of images in the loop phase. 
SeqDownload will give me 100 x T images making for a much more accurate time frame of the storm activity.
2) SeqDownload does NOT animate the background. It animates the images ( as in # 1 above )
I am looking for the animated images to be superimposed on a static background.

3) 3 and 4 of your reply is beyond my knowledge or understanding. ( Whatever coding I added
was modified from a book on JavaScript and various googled websites. Seemed  a good  at the time.
As for images and code I put the code  ( SeqDownload ) in my reply # 14 above.

In my post above  (my # 14 )I show the image I am getting. As you can see it is  for some reason tiled. Is there a way to  " un-tile " it ?

My ignorance  to even understand most of what you are saying is , of course, a hinderence to your helping me.  I appreciate all you are doing to help .


General Software Discussion / Re: Learnin Javascript
« on: August 18, 2007, 02:14 PM »
I have tried adding the following ( one at a time ) to the script without results.

A)   <body style="background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat;" background=          "file://C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/mappics/110.png"

B)    <background="fixed">

C)    <bg properites="fixed">

D)   <body background="file://C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/mappics/110.png"       behavior="fixed">

E)   <body style="background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat:no-repeat;
     background="file://C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/mappics/110.png">


General Software Discussion / Re: Learnin Javascript
« on: August 18, 2007, 09:41 AM »
I have attached two screen shots.  What I GET :down:    and    what I WANT :up:
Here is the URL that I download from .
Here is the NirSoft SeqDownload   website    http://www.nirsoft.n...ils/seqdownload.html
To be honest everything I read just confuses me more and more.

This is the  JavaScript: from NirSoft  MY ADDITION is   BODY BACKGROUND etc

<title>Image Map Example</title>
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function update(t) {
   document.form1.text1.value = t;


<title>Image Map Example</title>
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function update(t) {
document.form1.text1.value = t;
<BODY BACKGROUND ="file://C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/mappics/110.png"


Created By using <a href="http://www.nirsoft.n...ils/seqdownload.html" target="nirsoft">SeqDownload</a>


<script language="javascript">
var imageIndex = 0;
var timeoutID = 0;
var playMode = 1;

function animImageInc()
if (imageIndex < numOfImages)
   imageIndex = 1;

function animImageDec()
if (imageIndex > 1)
   imageIndex = numOfImages;

function setCurrImage()
   document.MainImage.src = imgarray[imageIndex].src;

function updateAnim()
   var currTimeoutValue;
   currTimeoutValue = timeoutValue;

   if (playMode == 1)
      if (imageIndex == numOfImages)
         currTimeoutValue += animDelay;
      if (imageIndex == 1)
         currTimeoutValue += animDelay;
   timeoutID = setTimeout("updateAnim()", currTimeoutValue);

function clearLastUpdate()
   timeoutID = 0;

function startPlay()
   playMode = 1;

function startPlayReverse()
   playMode = 2;



<form name="PlayForm">
<td><input type="button" onclick="startPlay()" value="Play >>">
<td><input type="button" onclick="startPlayReverse()" value="Play <<">
<td><input type="button" onclick="clearLastUpdate()" value="Stop">
<td><input type="button" onclick="animImageInc();setCurrImage()" value=">>">
<td><input type="button" onclick="animImageDec();setCurrImage()" value="<<">
<td><input type="button" onclick="timeoutValue = parseInt(document.PlayForm.IntervalValue.value)" value="Change Interval >>">

<td><input type="text" name="IntervalValue">

<script language="javascript">
document.PlayForm.IntervalValue.value = timeoutValue;



General Software Discussion / Re: Learnin Javascript
« on: August 17, 2007, 06:09 PM »
<IMG SRC=>  was my original choice.  It does put the image into the program but it puts it
not as background but almost as a separate page.

If A is the IMG  and B is the animated radar sweeps IMG SCR gives me      A

Background gives me      A/B   ( B is superimposed on A ) which is what I want but A  background is not correctly positioned.  I hope I am making myself clear.  This is not a serious problem.  I would like it to work and figured I could learn something at the same time.  Hence i bought the book.


General Software Discussion / Re: Learnin Javascript
« on: August 17, 2007, 08:58 AM »
The program ( NirSoft > SeqDownload ) downloads the radar sweeps from NOAA to my HD.  At some point I run the  animation  program ( part of SeqDownload)  It  " animates" the radar sweeps one at a time every X milliseconds.
You are correct in that is does open up my browser  ( Firefox )to show the animation and the background file that I  have added.  I have the file but for some reason it splits ( see my earlier post  blue line )  and so the radar scan is not accurately placed.    I ordered Flanagan's Book from Amazon. Should arrive any day.


General Software Discussion / Re: Learnin Javascript
« on: August 11, 2007, 07:28 PM »
I know nothing.  I want to learn.  I am trying to use an image as a background in a program that is on my HD
( Not a web page )  I get the image OK but it appears  split.  The  left portion of the image and then  the image again.   See screenshot.  Note the BLUE line and the repeat of the image .

I been trying to solve this for a week.  I figured a good SIMPLE book would do the trick.  Between all this info I should be able to work this out.


General Software Discussion / Re: Learnin Javascript
« on: August 11, 2007, 07:52 AM »

Absolute beginner -  that's me.

Thank you very much.  You gave me a lot of information.  I'll head out for Barnes & Noble.


General Software Discussion / Learnin Javascript
« on: August 10, 2007, 02:05 PM »
Can someone recommend a good SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND book to help me learn Javascript ?


Living Room / Re: How to choose a credit card?
« on: August 08, 2007, 07:16 PM »
Your a student ? Take some advice from an old man.  Get a credit card. MasterCard, Visa it doesn't matter.  Make sure there is NO fee per year etc.  USE it.  BUT  pay it off in FULL every month.

That is how you build a credit rating.


My car radio. Particularly now that WCBS Oldies is back in NYC.



I'm Confused .

We here have actually been using Amazon's Honor System to accept donations for quite some time, and they charge very reasonable fees.  So i'm looking forward to this.


Amazon Honor System


If you choose to donate using, you'll have to remember to click the "Send Info" button after you donate, or email us yourself with your "Order Summary ID#", in order for us to activate your membership, since donations are anonymous and we have no other way of knowing who the donation has come from; also takes a larger portion of your donation from us as a surcharge for using their service (and requires you to create an account before you can donate), so we'd recommend and prefer that you used if you can.


Living Room / Re: I have to confess
« on: July 31, 2007, 08:59 AM »
I have had Verion FIOS for three years now and I must say I am very satified.
I have only need phone support twice, but both times Igot a knowledable tech within three or four rings and my problem was solved fairly quicky .


AbteriX and Tomos

Thanks for you help.

I hope I got it right and am not just wasting time from the real issue of this thread.



Thanks.  It's the " Full Post " mode I didn't get.  Still don't for that matter.  Where do i go for Full Post ?  I appreciate your help


I think Context Magic v1.1.b5 (Free Edition) pretty much does what is being asked here.
 Right click on the file.  Choose  **  move to **
A GUI opens and asks where ?  Click   NEW FOLDER   name it   and your file is move to new folder.

   Web site


I would have attached screenshots but I can't figure out how.

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