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The maximum screenshot size (for a simple 1 monitor screen) is 5120 x 2880, which is certainly more than enough for most people.

I can get 8120 x 4289 for an entire workspace screenshot.

For a single application window screenshot, I can get full 8k at 7680 x 4260.

I can't get a full screen 1 monitor shot for my 8k monitor. (Set to 150% DPI scaling, which likely plays a factor.)

I think scaling is an issue, which should affect other users with (different) scaling on 1 or more monitors.

Living Room / HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!
« on: July 04, 2020, 09:22 PM »
Happy 4th of July to all the wonderful Americans here, and to those that wish they were American, or ARE American in spirit.

1776 was a good year.

N.A.N.Y. 2020 / N.A.N.Y. 2020: Xaya Name Utility
« on: November 07, 2019, 06:58 PM »
NANY 2019 Entry Information

Application Name Xaya Name Utility
Version 0.0.1
Short Description The Xaya Name Utility helps to create Xaya names in bulk and to transfer names in bulk to a CHI address.
Supported OSes Windows
Web Page
Download Link
System Requirements
Version History
  • 0.0.1


The Xaya Name Utility helps manage large numbers of Xaya names in a Xaya wallet.

Transferring many names one-by-one is tedious and boring. This software lets you transfer hundreds or thousands of names very quickly and easily. It only takes a couple clicks.

Also, registering large lists of names is time consuming and boring. With a simple text list of 1 name per line, the Xaya Name Utility can register thousands of names in a single click.


Registers or transfers Xaya names.

Planned Features

No additional features are planned unless there are requests.


Screenshot - 2019-10-18 , 1_07_46 PM.png


Simply run the EXE file from the GitHub download. Full source code is provided.

Using the Application

Instructions to use the application are on the Guide tab.

Remember to delete wallets that you do not plan to use. By default you should be using the Game.dat and Vault.dat wallets. An initial configuration for the default wallet (wallet.dat) is also included in the settings. It should be deleted unless you load that wallet using xaya-cli loadwallet wallet.dat.


Simply delete the folder.


Read the instructions carefully. Make sure that your Xaya Electron wallet is running before you run the Xaya Name Utility.

Known Issues

There are no known issues.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Emoji and Zalgo text support?
« on: November 07, 2019, 06:38 PM »
Hey mouser,

Any chance that you could add support for emojis and Zalgo text?


Living Room / How to do funky text?
« on: September 21, 2018, 10:07 PM »
There's a way to do funky text where you have what you write, but also have screwy text above and below your writing.

It looks like garbage going up and down from the actual text.

I forget how to do it or what it's called.

Stephen used to do it a lot here.

Can someone help remind me?

Screenshot Captor / Menu bar stuck on right, not top
« on: July 16, 2018, 11:20 AM »
I can't seem to get the menu bar to the top. After reinstalling a newer version, and wiping settings, it's still on the right.

Here's a screenshot:

Screenshot - 2018-07-16 , 11_53_28 AM.png

DC Gamer Club / MIT Morality game for self-driving cars
« on: October 08, 2016, 09:37 AM »
MIT has a morality game for self-driving cars.

Take the results with a cowlick of salt. They're not very accurate, but you might have fun. It's pretty short too, so no major time investment.

I used 3 principles in the "game":

1. Save the people in the car.
2. If nobody is in the car, obey traffic lights.
3. If nobody is in the car, and you can't obey lights, swerve.

That results in prefering:

  • Men over women
  • Younger people over older people
  • Large people over fit people
  • Higher social value over criminals

All of those were simple accidents of how the questions appeared.

I need some software to help me design a workbench.

I am NOT interested in learning 3D design, and I don't want to play fun & games with a 3D CAD program that makes me design screws and 2x4s and everything else. All of that stuff should be built in to the software.

In other words, I want to drag & drop 2x4s and other materials onto the design surface and get things done quickly.

Like LEGO.

Or like Visual Studio or any other typical software IDE where you can use and customise pre-made components. (Who in the world wants to write their own text input component when you can just drag & drop one?)

I tried Sketch (by Google) and hate it. There's no kind of "tool chest" with pre-made materials/items to use. Ick.

I don't want to spend a fortune on this either. If it's $100 or more, I'll stick to pencil & paper. Free is best. Also, I'm a total bigot and prefer open source software, e.g. MIT or GPL, etc. Proprietary is ok, but has to be worth it. Also, if it is proprietary, I'm also a total bigot again and prefer software from mISVs over large software development companies.

The workbench will be used for a variety of purposes, including working with wood, metal, and electronics.

So, requirements in brief:

  • High level functionality
  • Ease of use
  • Cheap or free (no $gajillion CAD suites - free is best)
  • No OS X software

Bounty: $10 in DC credits to whoever has a sane recommendation for me that I can actually use.

Developer's Corner / Arduino versus Evil!
« on: January 14, 2016, 11:42 PM »
This is a Youtube channel that some people may enjoy.

He curses a lot, so NSFW, but otherwise a good time!  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / The hilarity of utter ignorance
« on: January 13, 2016, 10:45 PM »
Have a quick read here for an example of the epitome of ignorance:


Here's a snippet from someone who fundamentally doesn't understand what math is about:

“Encryption threatens to lead us all to a very, very dark place. The place that this is leading us is one that I would suggest we shouldn’t go without careful thought and public debate,” FBI Director James Comey said of the encryption of mobile devices in 2014.

Good luck with putting that genie back in the bottle.

More at the link.

Developer's Corner / How to make a Solar Cell
« on: January 11, 2016, 09:50 PM »
This is pretty wild. You could do it at home even.

I think I'll skip it and just buy some cells.

But still... Berries?

Living Room / 3rd anniversary of Aaron Swartz's death
« on: January 11, 2016, 12:23 PM »
Just a small reminder that one of the Internet greats died 3 years ago today.



Found Deals and Discounts / TI Launchpad for $4.32 (reg. $12.99)
« on: January 09, 2016, 10:36 PM »
Check out the TI blog for a great deal on the TI Launchpad:

New Year’s deal: MSP432 LaunchPad™ Development Kit for $4.32!

To get your New Year started off right, MSP developers can now test out the ultra-low-power and high performance MSP432 LaunchPad Development Kit for only $4.32 with the TI Store coupon code 432@432.

That's right, only $4.32, marked down from the regular price of $12.99. So get your MSP432 LaunchPad Development Kit today! This deal is only for a limited time.

It's $7 shipping for me, so I picked up 4. I figure they can't be much harder to learn than any of the other boards out there, and if it's useful, hey... I got a few extras.

But going for a third of the price minus a penny.

I'd read about that line before, but figured I'd skip it because, well... $13 seemed steep for my interest level, and the chances of me finding time for it. I've also learned enough since then to gain a bit more confidence that I'll be able to manage cool something with it.

Living Room / "Open" is really gaining traction
« on: January 06, 2016, 10:40 PM »
We had open source software, and the hardware community is really jumping on board. Here's one project:

1Wamp Electric Guitar Amplifier - Open Hardware

1Wamp is a one Watt small guitar amplifier based on a JFET guitar pre-amp, the Big Muff Pi tone control and the LM386 power amplifier. This portable amp is an open hardware project designed by ElectroSmash using only free and open-source tools.

More at the link.

It seems like there's a very strong movement going on.

I'm just posting as this has been going on for a while, and it is continuing to go on in more and wider ways.


Developer's Corner / 20 OSCILLATORS IN 20 MINUTES
« on: January 03, 2016, 08:46 PM »
On the bizarre side...

mouser had posted a link to a talk at that event. I found this one, and it's... different.

Think 555 on overdrive.

Got to love the code choice. Highlighted below. :)

The HTTP 451 Error Code for Censorship Is Now an Internet Standard

The 451 HTTP status code is now official in the eyes of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the independent organization responsible for many of the internet’s operating standards. Now, when an internet user hits a web page that has been blocked for legal reasons (read: censorship), they may be presented with a 451 error instead of the more generic 403 “forbidden” error. This is a win for transparency.

The 451 code has been on the table for two years now, having been first been put forth by software engineer Tim Bray in 2013, who was in turn inspired by a blog post by security thinker Terence Eden. Eden’s call for a censorship error code is clear enough:

My ISP have recently been ordered to censor The Pirate Bay. They have done so unwillingly and, it would seem, have complied only with the letter of the ruling. Their block is, for now, trivial to circumvent. I am concerned that this censorship will become more prevalent. As network neutrality dies, we will see more sites ordered to be blocked by governments who fear what they cannot understand.

So, Eden proposed a code and Bray ran with it, using “451” in reference to Ray Bradbury’s censorship dystopia Farhenheit 451. Web standards are, however, not changed overnight.

In a post published on Friday, Mark Nottingham, chair of the IETF HTTP Working Group, explains a bit more. “Initially, I and some others pushed back,” he writes. “HTTP status codes are a constrained name space; once we use everything from 400 to 499, for example, we're out of luck. Furthermore, while 451 met many of the guidelines for new status codes (such as being potentially applicable to any resource), there wasn't any obvious way for machines to use it -- i.e., this was something you could do in a header or the message body of a 403, so it didn't seem to justify expending a status code.”

Sites began to use the code anyway on an experimental and unsanctioned basis, and Nottingham and co. received more and more feedback from administrators in favor of the code. Crucially, advocacy orgs Lumen and Article19 expressed interest in having a machine-readable flag that could be used to spider the web in the hunt of censored websites. That’s just what a new HTTP status code could offer.

Finally, the support was there. Some technical details still need attending to, but the code is ready to use immediately. What can it actually do?

“By its nature, you can't guarantee that all attempts to censor content will be conveniently labeled by the censor,” Nottingham explains. “Although 451 can be used both by network-based intermediaries (e.g., in a firewall) as well as on the origin Web server, I suspect it's going to be used far more in the latter case, as Web sites like Github, Twitter, Facebook and Google are forced to censor content against their will in certain jurisdictions.”

There’s still nothing stopping a government from forbidding the code’s usage, however, which is a serious but perhaps unavoidable limitation.

Living Room / The completely friggin' drunk thread!
« on: December 18, 2015, 04:25 AM »
If you're blasted, post here.

At the moment, I'm pretty lit.

Rule #1: Don't post in here if you're sober. :P

That gets rid of the... err... umm...

I hate commies. :P

Living Room / No escape from the surveillance state - printers
« on: December 17, 2015, 02:39 AM »
One of the video blogs that I like is the EEVblog. It's about electronic engineering.

Should be pretty nice & techy, right?


Like... FFS... I can't take a piss without being bombarded by this all the time.

I'm not knocking buddy there. He does an awesome job.

What ticks me off is that the surveillance is so prevalent that you can't eat breakfast without having it drop a pile on you.

The video is about printers that waste ink to print identifiers.

I've got some DC credits to spend, so if anyone wants to post a way to get around that silliness, go ahead and I'll reward you for it. (This is really low hanging fruit -- it's not hard to get around.)

Developer's Corner / Interview with Siglent CEO Eric Qin on EEVblog
« on: December 17, 2015, 02:23 AM »
Here's a bit of an interesting interview on the hardware side.

Siglent makes osilloscopes and other electronic engineering equipment.

It's basically about tech and business, but should be interesting for the few people here that are into hardware.

This is an interesting article where a game developer argues for regulation in the gaming industry against psychological warfare techniques used in ads and customer management.

Hi, I’m from the games industry. Governments, please stop us.

This may not be popular, but its how I feel. First, some background and disclaimers. I run a small games company making games for the PC, strategy games with an up front payment. We don’t make ‘free to play’ games or have micro transactions. Also, I’m pretty much a capitalist. I am not a big fan of government regulation in general. I am a ‘get rid of red tape’ kind of guy. I actually oppose tax breaks for game development. I am not a friend of regulation. But nevertheless.

I awake this morning to read about this:

*** see link for graphic ***

Some background: Star Citizen is a space game. Its being made by someone who made space games years ago, and they ‘crowd-funded’ the money to make this one. The game is way behind schedule, and is of course, not finished yet. They just passed $100,000,000 in money raised. They can do this because individual ships in the game are for sale, even though you bought the game.  I guess at this point we could just say ‘A fool and his money are soon parted’, but yet we do not do this with gambling addiction. In fact we some countries have extremely strict laws on gambling, precisely because they know addiction is a thing, and that people need to be saved from themselves.

Can spending money on games be a problem? Frankly yes, and its because games marketing and the science of advertising has changed beyond recognition from when games first appeared. Games ads have often been dubious, and tacky, but the problem is that now they are such a huge business, the stakes are higher, people are prepared to go further. On the fringes we have this crap:

And one snippet:

This is not market research, this is not game design. This is psychological warfare.

More at the link.

I encourage you to read the entire article as it gets a lot better with some pretty shocking stuff if you're not already familiar with the industry inside.

FWIW - I've been doing a lot of work in the gaming industry for a long time, and I get to see some of the dirt, but certainly not all of it.

I know some other DCers are knowledgeable in Big Data and can help shed light on the subject. Hopefully they'll chime in.

The tl;dr is that gamers are massively outgunned by marketing departments with bots and Big Data.

Living Room / Raspberry Pi Zero -- $5.00
« on: November 26, 2015, 10:06 AM »
$5 for a Raspberry Pi Zero!  :o


Of all the things we do at Raspberry Pi, driving down the cost of computer hardware remains one of the most important. Even in the developed world, a programmable computer is a luxury item for a lot of people, and every extra dollar that we ask someone to spend decreases the chance that they’ll choose to get involved.

More at the link.

It's pretty hard to drop the price much lower than that. I'm thinking of getting a couple just to see what they're like.

However, they're out of stock:


Developer's Corner / Article on JS V8 math.random()
« on: November 21, 2015, 03:45 PM »
This is an interesting and very well written article on random number generation:

1 short snippet from it:

The same thing is happening with the V8 PRNG and our random identifiers — under certain conditions, the PRNG’s lack of randomness is making it less likely that we’ll see a collision.

In this case the generator’s determinism worked in our favor, but that’s not always true. The general lesson here is that, even for a high quality PRNG, you can’t assume a random distribution unless the generator’s cycle length is much larger than the number of random values you’re generating.

More at the link.

Living Room / "Chilling Effects" is now "Lumen"
« on: November 18, 2015, 01:11 PM »
The Chilling Effects web site has been renamed "Lumen".

Here's a snippet:

The Birth of “Lumen”

With all of that in mind, we felt that this latest incarnation of the project would be best served with a new and more inclusive name, accessible and comprehensible worldwide. We are therefore excited to announce that as of today, the Chilling Effects project and database will be known as “Lumen”:

Lumen, the measurement unit for visible light, epitomizes our interest in illuminating the online public sphere and the platforms through which all users of the Internet post, search, speak, and read. We plan to be a light shining onto requests to remove online content for many years to come. From a practical perspective, very little will change for our users and notice submitters. All links to existing Chilling Effects notices will continue to function normally, simply redirecting to our new domain of Notice numbers will remain unchanged, and will function as they currently do. After accommodating the name change and the change to our domain name in their internal procedures, bulk submitters will have the same access to our API that they currently do. And of course, the people on the Chilling Effects team will remain the same.

General Software Discussion / Bitcoin symbol in Unicode? Looks like.
« on: November 03, 2015, 01:21 AM »
PDF warning: http://www.unicode.o...229-bitcoin-sign.pdf


Looking at the Unicode Criteria for Encoding Symbols, the bitcoin sign BTC is a good fit for addition to
Unicode. It occurs in running text. It has a well defined user community. Being able to search for it in
text would be useful. It has well-defined semantics that make it appropriate for computer processing. It
is needed to complete the class of currency symbols already in the standard. [53] Finally, it is letter-like
in the sense that it should match the surrounding font style.

The bitcoin sign is used extensively in running text in online forums, research papers, websites and
other publications. There is a strong demand for this character and the lack of Unicode support requires
inconvenient workarounds. Providing the bitcoin sign in Unicode would be highly beneficial.

Lots of technical data in the proposal.

Not often that the Unicode standard changes.

I'm sure there's some kind of "Bitcoin Bitches" joke in there somewhere, but I don't have the right font for it quite yet. ;)

Tor Just Launched the Easiest App Yet for Anonymous, Encrypted IM

THE ANONYMITY NETWORK Tor has long been the paranoid standard for privacy online, and the Tor Browser that runs on it remains the best way to use the web while revealing the least identifying data. Now the non-profit Tor Project has officially released another piece of software that could bring that same level of privacy to instant messaging: a seamless and simple app that both encrypts the content of IMs and also makes it very difficult for an eavesdropper to identify the person sending them.

On Thursday the Tor Project launched its first beta version of Tor Messenger, its long-in-the-works, open source instant messenger client. The app, perhaps more than any other desktop instant messaging program, is designed for both simplicity and privacy by default: It integrates the “Off-the-Record” (OTR) protocol to encrypt messages and routes them over Tor just as seamlessly as the Tor Browser does for web data. It’s also compatible with the same XMPP or “Jabber” chat protocol used by millions of Facebook and Google accounts, as well as desktop clients like Adium for Mac and Pidgin for Windows. The result is that anyone can download the software and in seconds start sending messages to their pre-existing contacts that are not only strongly encrypted, but tunneled through Tor’s maze of volunteer computers around the world to hide the sender’s IP address.

After some auditing, Tor Messenger is set to become a powerful and popular tool for instant, idiot-proof, and surveillance-resistant communication.

“With Tor Messenger, your chat is encrypted and anonymous…so it is hidden from snoops, whether they are the government of a foreign country or a company trying to sell you boots,” Tor public policy director Kate Krauss wrote to WIRED in a Tor Messenger conversation. She emphasized that despite those features, the program’s use of a pre-existing chat protocol means users won’t need to rebuild their network of contacts. “You can use your Jabber address and your old contacts–you aren’t reinventing the wheel–but wow, much safer.”

More at the link.

The TOR blog link:

Tor Messenger Beta: Chat over Tor, Easily

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