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Messages - daddydave [ switch to compact view ]

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It's also much more full featured than the Windows 7 built-in. In Windows 7, you can only dock a window left and right, that's it. You also can maximize it by docking it at the top, but that's more of an annoyance IMO.

It sounds like either a French or French-Canadian keyboard, although I've never used one.

Is there an Alt-Gr key that has to be held down?

Does it say QWERTY or AZERTY on the top row of letter keys?

I found some information that sheds some light on why Outlook object always returns an error when I create a task.
Sue Mosher     11-Jan-2007  21:10    
You shouldn't call Close for a Close or Write event. It has always been a source of problems.

Can you provide a link to the security update you applied? That will make it easier ofr us to see if more info is available.
Tom Dougherty   12-Jan-2007  07:09  
Security Update for Outlook 2003 (KB924085) is the item listed in Microsft Update history but a search at retruns no records yet.

I took your advice and switched the line code in item_close from item.close 0 to and the behavior is back to normal.

Sue Mosher is a well-known Microsoft Outlook MVP.

So I can fix this in Outlook.au3 and turn error checking back on. Yea!

EDIT: Well, I "fixed" it but I am still getting the error for some reason..hmm.

EDIT 2: Got it sorted now I think. The default StartDate, DueDate, and Importance are all set to "" in the Outlook.au3 function. Outlook COM doesn't like it. Discovered by temporarily replacing the author's COM error handler with the one in the AutoIt help file.

T-Clock / Re: T-Clock 2010 (beta - download)
« on: June 13, 2010, 07:58 AM »
The first thing I think of when I think of Gary Larson is the cartoon where a guy and a kangaroo are at a bar, and the guy is saying something like, "Well, you may be a kangaroo, but I know a few things about marsupials myself!" So true-to-life!

Thanks lanux128, I'll think about that.

Here are the raw settings if anyone is interested (requires keyconfig):

Code: Javascript [Select]
  1. user_pref("keyconfig.main.xxx_key__DownThemAll! (All tabs)", "alt control][A][][DTA_ContextOverlay.findLinks(false,true)][");
  2. user_pref("keyconfig.main.xxx_key__DownThemAll! Manager", "alt control][J][][DTA_AddingFunctions.openManager()][");
  3. user_pref("keyconfig.main.xxx_key__DownThemAll!", "alt control][D][][DTA_ContextOverlay.findLinks(false,false)][");
  4. user_pref("keyconfig.main.xxx_key__dTa OneClick! (All tabs)", "alt control shift][A][][DTA_ContextOverlay.findLinks(true,true)][");
  5. user_pref("keyconfig.main.xxx_key__dTa OneClick!", "alt control shift][D][][DTA_ContextOverlay.findLinks(true,false)][");

I used the functions for keyconfig (another add-on) to create them, which provides a nice GUI.

Also any feedback on whether these shortcuts seem fairly sensible and conflict-free for most Firefox users is welcome.

DownThemAll! (All tabs) = Ctrl-Alt-A
DownThemAll! Manager = Ctrl-Alt-J
DownThemAll! = Ctrl-Alt-D
dTa OneClick! (All tabs) =  Ctrl-Alt-Shift-A
dTa OneClick! = Ctrl-Alt-Shift-D

The logic behind Ctrl-Alt-J is that it is similar to the builtin Ctrl-J (Tools > Downloads)
And the All Tabs shortcuts are intended to be reminiscent of Ctrl-A (select all) although I don't know if that exists on all platforms.

Is there a way to merge a set of Firefox about:config settings into an existing prefs.js file from the command line, if you want to automate the process? Like with the Windows Registry, you can share a .reg file, is there a filetype like that for the Firefox "registry", or something fairly simple like that?

I've figured out how to make keyboard shortcuts for the DownThemAll add-in (surprisingly they are not built in) using the keyconfig extension and want to make them as easy to share as possible. What do you suggest?

If I use just about any text editor to open up the batch file I created in DOS, it thinks it's ANSI and garbles it.
Screenshot - 6_11_2010 , 7_58_33 PM.png
 So ummm, I guess it is ANSI, so never mind!  :-[

The cmd /u? I didn't have to do anything special for it to work both on the command line or a batch file. What region is your version of Windows?

So the reason it gives me no problem in Windows 7 x64 is that I have a U.S. version?

Screenshot - 6_11_2010 , 7_30_06 PM.png

Screenshot posted for your amusement. Yes, I still use the old COPY CON and Ctrl-Z method sometimes. :)

If daddydave and the guys at AutoIt3 forum are right

I don't know enough about the subject to have an opinion but it interests me and I'm glad you're digging into it.  I'm thinking this probably impacts the command line mode of my NANY 2011 project as well.

What if the command is launched from FARR and the command line args go there?

Not sure if this would help, but is the batch file itself saved in Unicode or ANSI?

By the way, AutoIt3 has supported Unicode since version v3.2.4.0 but I too don't have much experience with trying to use it in DOS :-[ the command prompt.  

Nice workaround, majoMO!

It may be somewhere on MS site for download, Bing search hasn't revealed it yet.
-johnnylately (June 11, 2010, 09:51 AM)

Google made it the first result for sharepoint designer free

In Bing it's the second result.

Google has always been better at searching the Microsoft web site, IMO.

Security by obscurity..Nuff said!

Nice flowchart from the Stickies help file.
Screenshot - 6_10_2010 , 9_06_42 PM.png

I just grabbed this screenshot off the CSDiff web site.
I really like the friendly view file comparison, this is what I was calling "Microsoft Word" tracking style (although Microsoft probably didn't invent it).
CSDiff has not been updated since 2005, however, so I'd like to reconsider what's out there. Do any of the others above have this feature?

Living Room / I'm not George Jetson anymore!
« on: June 10, 2010, 01:47 PM »
Finally remembered had an old avatar I drew lying around somewhere...

As far as locking the extension, I would think WinPatrol can do this, but I am not sure. Then again, it didn't say squat about Thunderbird changing the mailto: handler. EDIT: It's supposed to monitor file extension changes, maybe I missed the warning.

For editing the file association, the icon, and all the "verbs" associated with the file type, NirSoft FileTypesMan is the best I've seen. I know Vista and Windows 7 cripple some of this functionality, so I went looking, and it was pretty ugly out there until I found it.


EDIT: Added screenshot (from the web site, not my Windows 7 x64 system.)

On my first re-boot, the savings on boot-up were a little over 2 minutes off my 6-minute boot-up time. After some more tweaking after that, and then a huge Windows Update today,  the time has gone back up to 6:03 minutes, so there's still more tweaking required, methinks.

That Windows update was something, wasn't it? Did you see a message about 30,000 registry changes when it came back up? This happened immediately after I tweaked with Soluto, so it made me think it caused it. It did increase boot time and there was nothing else I could tweak, everything was in the block of mandatory tasks.

I installed this and accepted all their recommendations except delaying Avast and WinPatrol and seeing if it breaks anything.

I don't know how useful is, but is a pretty user interface.

It seemed a little too mouse sensitive to me, had to hover over task several times in some cases to click on it.

All right, hulkbuster, I owe you one. Let me tackle the WinImage question.

If you check this page, it gives this information for WinImage 5.0:

Contains the Win32 Intel version in English for Windows NT-x86, Windows 95 and Windows 3.1+Win32s, with the WinImage self-extractor.
311,365 bytes (approx. 1 minute 30 seconds at 28.8 K)

So there is no surprise that it doesn't run in Windows 98. The author is aware of it, that's why newer versions exist.

Please also note your own quote. "If you are running MSDOS + Windows 3.1x, you need to install Win32s 1.30." means just what it says, there was no reason to install Win32s on Windows 98. Windows 3.1 was the version of Windows prior to Windows 95. Microsoft wanted to give developers a head start on writing 32-bit applications back during the 16 bit Windows 3.1 days. That is the only reason Win32s ever existed. As I understand it, what Win32s did was let some 32bit programs run on the 16-bit Windows 3.1.

Hope this helps.

General Software Discussion / Re: Quizo QTTabbar
« on: June 09, 2010, 01:03 PM »
Cool. I'm still going to install it, I'm going to think harder about using it the most efficiently, and I'll try to consider features as a whole instead of in isolation like I did above.

General Software Discussion / Re: Quizo QTTabbar
« on: June 09, 2010, 08:34 AM »
Also, you can drag to the folders in the tree in the left margin. Finally, copy to, or move to, or cut&paste, are fast&easy because they are buttons on your toolbar.

More bullseyes, basically. It's not just mouse distance, it's also that I slow down to make sure I hit the smaller grouping of pixels. FWIW I am nearsighted and wear bifocals, and I am the world's worst dart player.

None of this means there is something wrong with the interface. It's not that I never use toolbar buttons or click on tabs. I am just trying to figure out if there is some benefit of installing this, and if this is an actual improvement.

General Software Discussion / Re: Quizo QTTabbar
« on: June 09, 2010, 07:39 AM »
Anyway, with QTTabbar, you can just click "Options > Window > Capture new Explorer processes", and "Options > General > Activate new tab, +(and/or),  reuse existing tab (or, open in new tab)".

I wasn't aware, and that would definitely help, I think. I didn't care for tabs in Firefox until I was able to force all tabs into the same window using Tab Mix Plus. Looks like I'll be giving it another shot (once it is out of alpha).

EDIT 2: Then again if I am dragging and dropping a file from one folder to another, isn't it more mouse movement if I have to aim for the tab bullseye instead of having the whole target window to aim for?

EDIT 3: I guess that's not a given either, since I'm not sure how far I'm dragging to the other window. If you see me holding a wooden ruler to my monitor, you'll know why.

General Software Discussion / Re: Quizo QTTabbar
« on: June 09, 2010, 05:06 AM »
Interesting history. I think from now on every developer must consider putting a "vanished from the face of earth" clause in their license agreement if they want to prevent this kind of thing.

I think I had this installed when I was using Vista (apparently the original author's QTTabbar), but I never could get out of the habit of just opening two Explorer windows instead of going to a tab.

General Software Discussion / Re: Specs for new pc?
« on: June 08, 2010, 04:41 PM »
I also use Ketarin to keep my current preferred app installers folder up to date

Ketarin looks interesting, especially this part:

Run custom commands after downloading

Sounds like it could run custom silent installs.

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