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Messages - kunkel321 [ switch to compact view ]

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Yes, this thread should be moved to the SSC board.  Or maybe this could be added to the new ScreencastCaptor that Mouser has made.
GIFs have an advantage because you don't have to have Abloaty Flash, etc. installed to view the thing.

There are plenty of freeware ways to make GIFs out of video parts, or a series of images, but I'm not aware of a simple free utility that can record a series of screen actions, and save them straight as a GIF.

+1, yes please.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Feature request: Sizable canvas.
« on: November 26, 2012, 03:47 PM »
The architecture for doing this is already there, just like in my request of doubling the space to one side.  As in the screenshot above

It's just a bit cumbersome to use...
Maybe it's time to make Screenshot Captor scriptable so I can make a little macro to run the opteration  ;)   hee hee

Screenshot Captor / Re: Feature request: Sizable canvas.
« on: November 24, 2012, 10:46 PM »
this defeats the idea.  the only way this idea makes sense if it adds to all sides for all scenarios and then lets user trim off what's not wanted.
I see what you mean...  I guess for it to work you'd need to set width to 300% and height to 300%.    That would make it pretty big, but would still be useful, IMHO.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Best Imgur uploader?
« on: November 24, 2012, 10:41 PM »
Thanks for the replies.  I actually have been using Iamhrh's tool...  It's pretty fast.  Too bad you have to click to get the link, then click again to close it...  It's okay though.  Still pretty convenient.

And no, I don't do 50 per hough  :D  I probably don't do 50 in a year!   ;D

Screenshot Captor / Re: Feature request: Sizable canvas.
« on: November 24, 2012, 10:33 PM »
That would be excellent!   Remember though, it won't be helpful to double it by adding 50% to the left and 50% to the right...  Needs to be 100% added to one side or the other.

Question: Is it possible to allow the user to drag objects completely off of the canvas, and onto the grey space beyond?  Then I could zoom to 50%, drag the pasted image all the way to the side, then invoke "Expand canvas to fit objects"  ?

Screenshot Captor / Best Imgur uploader?
« on: November 24, 2012, 10:26 PM »
Does anyone know of an uploader for sending from SSC to Imgur, that is non-intrusive?
I'd like it to send the screenshot, put the url on the clipboard, then unload itself. 

Screenshot Captor / Re: Feature request: Sizable canvas.
« on: November 24, 2012, 10:22 PM »
I'd like to re-submit this as a feature-request... 
Dragging the "grab bar" of the canvas (top post) would be the best solution, but a quick way to add space to the left/right/top/bottom of the current canvas would be good too. 

The "Expand Canvas to Fit Objects" would meet this purpose, but you have to enlarge the canvas before you can even drag the pasted object far enough to the side.  (again, using the above work scenario)

Living Room / Re: Disaster Survival Kit
« on: November 24, 2012, 08:22 PM »
NSFL = Not suitable for life????  :tellme:
Correct.  Or "Not Safe For Life."
I think it's Reddit terminology...  N S F Work = boobies, weiners, etc.
N S F L = gore, bondage, etc.

Living Room / Re: Disaster Survival Kit
« on: November 24, 2012, 06:36 PM »
Lots of different info graphics here
Warning: lots of NSFL sections.
There's a couple survival-relevant areas too though.

Living Room / Re: Disaster Survival Kit
« on: November 24, 2012, 05:36 PM »
Cool List!  Never forget a good old ball of string!  I always keep an old leather bootlace in my fannypack--has come in handy multiple times.  A pack of dental floss and a sewing needle is good to have.   A couple of big safety pins.  A split-style key ring is handy.

RE Firestarting: A good old disposable Bic Lighter.   A 10-Hour Candle can also be used to help start a reluctant camp fire  (thought you did list fuel already).

Though it's heavy, a pair of ViseGrips is nice to have.  Also heavy but nice is some strong bailing wire. 

In this day and age, a USB Drive with a bunch of portable apps etc, is also a "survival tool." 


Screenshot Captor / Re: Screenshot Captor - New Quick Capture Bar
« on: November 23, 2012, 09:18 AM »
I also agree that slimmer is nicer looking.  
Also, as Ath says, the arrow should point in the "desired" direction, not the "current" direction... (IMHO)

Screenshot Captor / Re: Screenshot Captor - New Quick Capture Bar
« on: November 22, 2012, 03:55 PM »
...Having said that, eventuallyThe SC Quick Capture Bar will also have options in "what to capture" list to start a screencast, so you'll be able to initiate a screencast from it (as well as from a hotkey in SC, etc.).
 Yup.  That's what I meant :)

Regarding collapsibility, how about having it live on the edge of the screen with only a few pixels showing, but always "on top" of other apps.  Clicking the (barely visible) edge causes the whole toolbar to slide onto the screen.
EDIT:  Ha!  I guess you already thought of that!

Another thought on the GUI: Have it so you can assign "pre-set" combinations of actions (for example "Selected Region" and "Display Main Window" would be a combination),  Then the user can optionally have buttons on the toolbar for the Presets.  

Screenshot Captor / Re: Screenshot Captor - New Quick Capture Bar
« on: November 21, 2012, 05:23 PM »
Pretty cool.  Any chance of making this a front-end for the Screencaster too?   :P :-*

This sounds pretty complicated to my little brain. 
I'd recommend having the necessary background components bundled with ESR, if possible. 
I don't do a lot of screen-casting, much less the developer-side of it, so I can't really offer expert advice...

What I can say is that I want to click a button to record some screen stuff, then click a second button to have the video uploaded someplace for sharing. 

Of course I like all the different pref options too--and will experiment with most of them.  But video tools can be pretty confusing if they rely on external components right out-of-the-box ...  Complicated for me, at least.   :huh:

Just noticed that RWIE is a Bits Du Jour up comming deal
Highly recommended for folks that like to do their own custom icons or icon sets.

In case anyone doesn't know the connection--the developer, Vlastimil, is also a long-time DC Member  :P   :up:

Very awesome Mouser!  I can already tell this is going to be my favorite recorder.   The ability to easily switch b/t AVI and MP4 already puts it ahead of most of the competition....

Are you ready for bug reports--or is it too soon for that?
Also be aware that I'll have a flood of feature requests   :D   ;)

RE: Name: You already have Screenshot Captor and Weblink Captor...  Surely this is part of the "Captor" family!
I'm secretly hoping you'll someday make a full-on editor version.  Hence I'm hoping that this will be a "Mini Captor" and the future-hoped-for version will be "Screencast Captor," sister of "Screenshot Captor."   :D  

PhilSnooper found  it at [REMOVED BY MOUSER]
So now that he's posted it anyway....   How did you find it?

Hi Chris,
Hey are you still developing CMF?  I noticed that the "check for update" URL  is no longer valid.

+1 for Screencast Captor.

Or, since this is a "mini" application-- MiniCaster

Awesome!  Can't Wait!   :Thmbsup:

I just wanted to log on to this thread and say, "Thanks again!" to Vlastimil.
The "Normalize icon" script works beautifully!  Good thinking with the point about scaling from images who's dimensions are a multiple of the to-be-made images.  

I've been putting some time into reacquainting myself with Real World Icon Editor.  It's a pretty amazing application, and an incredibly versatile tool for icon creation.  I have some questions about setting up batch jobs and also some questions about Unicorn work....  Do you find it easier to discuss these topics as threads here at  the DonCod forums, or over at the RealWorld forums though?

Edit:  Actually...  One more question that is relevant to this particular thread:
Is it difficult to set the Normalize script to only scale down
What I mean is that I'd still specify the desired icon sizes, but missing sizes would only get created from larger ones... 

I thought I'd be clever an suggest how the logic might work...  Mostly it just hurts my brain.

Thanks Everyone, for the excellent recommendations!

For those who don't know the connection, Vlastimil is the creator of RW Icon Editor (referenced by Curt, above).
As it turns out...  A couple years ago Vlastimil was feeling particularly generous and donated several copies of his Icon Editor here on the DC forums. . . . And I was one of the lucky recipients!  I put several hours into it back then, but got overwhelmed because it is such a powerful tool that it blew my mind a bit, so I haven't even looked at it in quite a long time.  So again, the solution was right under my nose!  I did try the Clean-up icon script as explained above and it works like a charm!  Thanks so much!  Is this something you just scripted?  Modifying the script to make conversions for missing sizes would be awesome!  I'd recommend only converting down though.  For example a 64x64 could be used to make a 32x32, but not a 128x128.  It would need to check each individual ICO to see if there are any of the defined sizes missing.  Obviously writing-over an existing image wouldn’t be desirable. 

Note that if an ICO contains only low-bit images, RW will save the empty icon file just the same (as one would expect).  One of my file managers choked on the empties, but the other two file managers didn’t have a problem.   For a supplemental script like this, it probably doesn’t matter, but if you integrate this “icon cleaning” into the main application you might want to have an info message popup about it. 

I also checked out the “Icons from File” tool from vlsoftware.  It’s pretty cool.  I really like the way it can locate resources that contain icons and filter out ones that have <n icons.  This makes it unique.  The problem is that when you save the extracted items as icons, Icons from File only seems to save the 32x32, and none of the other sizes…  The help file does say that it doesn’t change the icons in any way when it extracts them…  Maybe it’s just a bug in my system—I don’t know.

Unfortunately I don’t have a Linux machine…
Vlastimil’s solution seems to be the one that does what I was wanting.
Thanks again everyone!

General Software Discussion / How can I batch decompile icon files?
« on: October 14, 2012, 12:45 PM »
It seems I've become obsessed with collecting Windows Icons (and icon sets).  I guess it's a hobby. 
There are some pretty cool free sets out there on the web...  This weekend I realized that the motherload of icons is right inside my own Windows operating system...

I use Total Commander (not free)to filter out all the DLLs in my C: Drive, then one of the user-created TC plugins (free) lets me filter out the DLLs that have icons in them. 
I use Nirsoft IconsExtract (free) to extract the icons.  There were nearly 8000 of them, and many are quite nice! 
I then use another TC plugin to group the icons by whether or not they have hi-rez components (1167 do, lots of duplicates, though).

What I'd like to do now is make them so that they all have the same components:  32 bit, 256x256, down to 16x16, and get rid of the ugly low-bit ones. 
I'm finding that Windows has a hard time displaying them in a consistent way....  If I open a window in large thumbnail view, some of the icons will appear large, but others are small.  I can only assume that Windose is preferring a smaller 32 bit over a larger 8 or 4 bit (?).  Anyway, I found that IcoFX (free old version) will let me bulk convert images to ICOs.  AND... It will let me "convert" from ICO to ICO.  Since it lets you decide your own bit depth and sizes, I'm able to make my set uniform.  UNFORTUNATELY IcoFX seems to do this by taking the largest embedded PNG and re-sizing it to the different dimensions. 

Note how the top (pre-conversion) one is sharper than the bottom.  This is especially noticeable on the 16px one, were the original actually has a separate, low-detail version of the artwork, but the bottom one is an anti aliased smear of the larger image.

So the question:  How do I get all of those ugly 4 and 8 bit sub-cons out of there?

OR... Is there any software (think "free") that will actually convert like IcoFX does, but use the original size for the conversion?  (e.g. use the original 16x16 if there is one, otherwise, shrink the larger one).
Does that make sense?

General Software Discussion / Re: find the sound file of this website
« on: October 03, 2012, 10:42 AM »
That's funny, my brain was telling me 'Hey You.'

But it is, in fact, Time
Which makes more sense given the content of the site.

General Software Discussion / Re: find the sound file of this website
« on: October 02, 2012, 07:49 PM »
I think it's Pink Floyd... 

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