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Messages - nite_monkey [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: TV Controls (rant)
« on: July 06, 2010, 07:32 AM »
My tv watching experience is dead simple. I just turn my tv on, set it to the pc input, and then open the tv guide in windows media center on my computer and select the channel I want to watch

General Software Discussion / Re: AVG Popup Ads
« on: June 27, 2010, 09:57 PM »
I think it's about time to uninstall. Who needs an anti-virus program anyway?
lol, my thoughts exactly! Thats why I don't not use MSE

luckily for me chrome passes my bank's browser security check with flying colors... but even if it didn't I could like app103 said, just change my user-agent

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: HDMI Cables: $0.60
« on: June 23, 2010, 09:33 AM »
I'm not a cable expert here, and don't claim to be, but this question has been bugging me for a while now. What would cause an hdmi cable to corrode in the first place... and for that matter, why is it that hdmi cables seem to be the only cables that do corrode? (correct me if there are other cables that corrode)

General Software Discussion / Re: Smartphone Software
« on: June 13, 2010, 09:22 AM »
have you taken a look at xda-developers They have an android section, and they do a lot of phone coding.

I would have that phone destroyed for murdering that guy's wife!

you might want to take a look at Hamachi
I've used it some in the past to play some lan games with my friend while he was at his house, and I was at my house, and it worked perfectly.

And from their features page:
Encrypted communications. Secure communications using AES 256-bit encryption, over public and private networks.

Living Room / Re: Pac-man at Google Search...
« on: May 21, 2010, 02:25 PM »
I found out about it from someone's tweet. I use my google apps igoogle page, so I had no clue about it

I tried it out, and for the most part it works pretty well. I don't really understand how the button works tho. I copied a link from my browser to the clipboard and hit the button, and nothing happened.
-nite_monkey (May 16, 2010, 10:27 PM)

Ah... I think I know what you did. You copied a link from inside of a web page, right? I didn't put in any Rich Text clipboard functionality there, so only pure text will work.

I then tried pasting the long url into the client, and then pushing the button to see if it would maybe convert it to a url, that worked one time, and then the button stopped working. Eventually tho when I clicked the button, a box popped up and told me to type in an url to shorten, but now I can't get that box to pop back up. Now all the button does is just re paste the last url I shortened.
-nite_monkey (May 16, 2010, 10:27 PM)

I think I know what's going on there for you. Here's a quick explanation of how the button works (I'll need to add some help in the program there as well):

It only works for text URLs on your clipboard. e.g. If you copy this URL, it won't work, but if you copy this, it will work (text, not rich text). (Looks like that'll be a feature request -- to support Rich Text clipboard operations.)


1) Copy a text URL, like from the address bar of the browser (put a URL on your clipboard)
2) Click the Bit.Ly button (inserts the text URL from your clipboard, or pops up a dialog asking for a URL to shorten)

If I've misunderstood what you were telling me there, please let me know.

I copied the link from my opera's address bar.
I may not have been doing something right. I'm going to play with it some more and see if I can get the hang of it

edit:Yup, I'm stupid. After further messing around, I have figured it out. The button makes perfect sense now. :Thmbsup:

I tried it out, and for the most part it works pretty well. I don't really understand how the button works tho. I copied a link from my browser to the clipboard and hit the button, and nothing happened. I then tried pasting the long url into the client, and then pushing the button to see if it would maybe convert it to a url, that worked one time, and then the button stopped working. Eventually tho when I clicked the button, a box popped up and told me to type in an url to shorten, but now I can't get that box to pop back up. Now all the button does is just re paste the last url I shortened. So if you could give a quick tutorial on how to use the button, that would be great. Though, over all it is a pretty good post only twitter client.

Living Room / Re: My new digital camera...
« on: May 04, 2010, 12:17 PM »
congrats on being able to buy a sweet camera with DCcreds! One word of advice though, don't use macro mode to take a picture of your computer's keyboard! (or at least not mine) I just did that with my camera, because I wanted to see how well macro mode worked, and when I looked at the image, I almost puked. Anyways, I would like to see some more pictures from your new camera. The first one looks pretty cool.

Living Room / Re: Ergonomic mouse and keyboard
« on: April 29, 2010, 10:57 AM »
One option you can do is eliminate the need to move your mouse at all, and get a trackball mouse. That is what I use now, and I love it.

Multitasking they seem fine at. How exactly does the Palm Pre/Pixi beat Android there?

the pre and pixi has a card system where each app you open up gets it's own card, and then you just slide your finger up and it reveals all the current apps you have open, and you can scroll through them and close any that you are done with. You can also switch between the apps very easily. there are tons of youtube videos about the pre/pixi that demonstrate it.

I guess I am too late since Musubi seems to be set on the iphone. But for the other people who may still be looking at phones to buy, I give you my input.

In my opinion, a "good" phone is one that you can customize to make your own (not talking about the billion and one accessories the iphone has). You should be able to change the background on it, customize the ringtone, and the txt tone.

If you have to jailbreak the iphone just to make it a "good" phone, then I have to ask, why do you want the iphone? Because it is fast and stable? Sure, that is a good reason to buy the iphone. But let me say this: the reason the iphone is so fast and stable, is because it is the only one of it's kind. Apple is the only one who makes the os that it uses, and they are the only one who makes the phone itself. Google and MS just make the os that their phones use. That is why android and winmo phones are not as stable.

Now going to the original topic of what phone to buy, I wouldn't go with the hd2, since MS is about to royally screw over the windows phone experience with their new OS (that in my opinion is NOT windows mobile). I also wouldn't go with the iphone, since it isn't (based on my definition) a "good" phone(out of the box). I would however go with either an android phone (it is a "good" phone right out of the box) or maybe the palm pre/pixi. Though, the only reason I would go with the pre/pixi is if you planned on doing a ton of multi tasking. That is what the pre/pixi's os is best at. If major multi tasking isn't what you are looking for, the android is better.

Now before you go off and say that I am biased towards the android phone, I would just like to point this out: I currently use the LG Incite which runs windows mobile 6.1 (6.5 upgradable via COOKED roms only). I will however say that yes, I am indeed biased against the iphone because I don't want a phone that I can't customize unless I have to do something major to it first. Also from what my brother said, (he used to have an iphone, until he ditched it because he hated it also) everytime you update the iphone, you have to reload everything you put on it.( I am not 100% sure on that, so don't quote me or my brother on that part)

So in the end, I wouldn't go with a windows phone right now, because MS is fixing to release a completely new os  which will make all current winmo phones outdated and useless.(though in my opinion MS' new os is not windows mobile at all)
If you DON'T want to do much customizing, and have someone else do all your major choices for you, you can go with the iphone.
If you wan't a slightly less stable and speedy phone, but with a large app database and ten times more customizing capabilities, then go with an android phone.
Or last, but not least if you want a phone that you can still customize, still has a fairly decent amount of apps on it, and you can multi task the crap out of it, go with the Palm pre/pixi.

I hope what I have said has helped someone out in their phone buying choice.
Though I would like to state that before someone decides to complain at me for anything that I have said, know that you don't have to listen to anything I have just said. I am not the one that is going to be using the phone.

Living Room / Re: Need a new sound card( non Creative)
« on: March 26, 2010, 07:35 PM »
I guess I just can't tell the difference then. I used to have a fairly decent creative sound card until it died, but now I am using the onboard audio and it sounds just as good.

to me it is ten times faster than xp. I dont use a third party uninstaller

Living Room / screen saver causes computer to think non stop
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:37 PM »
Yay, more computer problems...  :down:
I have my computer set to turn the screensaver on after 10 minutes, and turn the monitors off after 20 minutes.
Recently (don't remember when it started), the hard drive activity light on the front of my computer stays on and the hard drive stays on non stop (like when you are doing something with the drive such as copying files to or from it) as soon as the computer turns the monitors off. Normally this wouldn't bother me much, but in this case, there is two reasons why it does bother me.
1. My hard drive is very noisy when it is being used.
2. I had scuedualled windows media center to record a tv show, and since the screensaver came on, and the monitors turned off, the computer started to think non stop, and my recording messed up about 15 minutes through.

Does anyone know of a way to fix this? Otherwise I may have to just kill the screensaver all together, and just use the power button on my monitors when I am not using my computer.

yeah, I'm still waiting for it to be rolled out to my account... Though I would like to know if it will be rolled out to google apps accounts also, because I don't use my gmail account anymore since I have my apps email.

Don't you just love window's awesome dual monitor capabilities? (end sarcasm)
I ended up disabling the UAC all together on my desktop and laptop, because the popup gets annoying, and it freezes up windows media center for about a second after I hit the allow button. so while I am watching tv on my computer, I get interrupted. Haven't missed the UAC one bit since disabling it.

Living Room / Re: Something on computer is fubar
« on: January 16, 2010, 05:13 PM »
Maybe try another slot if you want to keep it otherwise just dump it
lol, that could be kind of difficult, because my only other pci port is hidden under my behemoth video card. But unless the current pci port the card was plugged into could cause the card to stop sending sound to my speakers, I think the card has died on me.

Living Room / Re: Something on computer is fubar
« on: January 13, 2010, 07:32 AM »
yeah, I will agree, the card doesn't add any real value to my computer, but the fact that I didn't have to pay for it was the reason that I was using it, and those are the reasons why I don't plan to replace it.

Living Room / Re: Something on computer is fubar
« on: January 12, 2010, 05:19 PM »
It was a fairly high end card... though it's main purpose was for music producers.

Living Room / Re: Something on computer is fubar
« on: January 12, 2010, 10:34 AM »
lol, well it was a free card(for me, not for my brother) and it was better than my onboard sound, so I figured why not use it, but then it died on me, so I will just stick with onboard now.

Living Room / Re: Something on computer is fubar
« on: January 12, 2010, 10:05 AM »
You are not gonna believe this, but I am pretty sure I may have found the culprit that was causing my computer to mess up. I was watching a bunch of youtube videos, and my computer started to freeze up every few seconds. Which is kind of a pattern. If I watch to many videos, my computer starts to freeze. And then what convinced me that this is the problem, is the sound just completely stopped coming out of my computer all together. Then I switched from my pci sound card(the one that just died on me) and I went to my onboard sound card, and my computer pretty much instantly stopped freezing up, because it was still doing the freeze every couple of seconds thing right up until I switched over to my onboard audio. So I believe that the problem was my pci soundcard. I won't be replacing it though, because the card was just an extra that my brother had, and he wasn't using it, so he gave it to me to use.

Living Room / Re: Something on computer is fubar
« on: January 05, 2010, 11:43 PM »
My main drive (which might be the culprit) is by hitachi
My backup drive (which I have no problems with that I know of) is a WD

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