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Living Room / Re: I have been pwned
« on: December 11, 2013, 10:43 PM »
My spam is pretty well filtered. Even so, it hasn’t increased noticeably. Lucky I guess.


Here's a link to the Wayback Machine's copy of the Terms of Use with the so-called Non-Disparagement Clause in it. They admittedly added this clause after the purchase in question was made and then took it down a day or two after this story broke on KUTV2. The clause itself is quoted below.

Link to Terms with Non-Disparagement Clause:

Non-Disparagement Clause

In an effort to ensure fair and honest public feedback, and to prevent the publishing of libelous content in any form, your acceptance of this sales contract prohibits you from taking any action that negatively impacts, its reputation, products, services, management or employees.

Should you violate this clause, as determined by in its sole discretion, you will be provided a seventy-two (72) hour opportunity to retract the content in question. If the content remains, in whole or in part, you will immediately be billed $3,500.00 USD for legal fees and court costs until such complete costs are determined in litigation. Should these charges remain unpaid for 30 calendar days from the billing date, your unpaid invoice will be forwarded to our third party collection firm and will be reported to consumer credit reporting agencies until paid.

Wow! What a complete bonehead move! And to think that we old farts always thought it was the used car salesmen who were the real experts in fleecing folks.

And if wants to come after me for posting this.......  Nyah nyah nyah!   


Living Room / Re: I have been pwned
« on: December 11, 2013, 09:40 PM »
I just entered my five most used email addresses and only one - my Gmail address - was pwned on one site - Gawker, from that major hack they suffered last year. However I changed my password since then plus started using Google's two-step authentication, so hopefully I'm good.

The only negative they mentioned about the Gawker hack is that a lot of folks are receiving Acai berry spam! Haven't gotten any of that.



I would bet that it's gamers who now work at the NSA who came up with this idea.  "Noooo... we are NOT just playing games at work; we're monitoring potential terrorist activity in the gaming and virtual environment areas..."

I mean, how do you manage to get a job like that? Convince your boss that you need to play games all day long in the name of national security? What a sacrifice for their country! Heroes, I say!


Living Room / Re: Anti-Tracking Smartphone Pouch
« on: December 11, 2013, 09:27 PM »
My Droid Razr has a non-removable battery too. I just keep it under my hat  (Which, of course, is made from tin foil...   :P  )


Screenshot Captor / Re: Screenshot Captor and DCUpdater Problem
« on: December 10, 2013, 10:03 PM »
Hey mouser...   It's Baaaack!

Dcupdater is once again only checking for updates to SSC. That same checkbox has appeared directing that it check only for SSC updates, so that is exactly what it is doing. Again like last time I can deselect that box all I want but it returns again the next time I enter that window. I don’t even have to exit dcupdater and restart it; if I just switch to the "Available for installation" tab and then back to the "Installed Packages" tab right away the box is checked again.

Last time you suggested that I make sure to deselect the "Check for updates" feature in SSC's Preferences and that seemed to fix it. But that is still not selected yet dcupdater is insistent on checking only for SSC updates.

Has there been another change in SSC recently that might be causing this?

Thanks for any advice!


Sounding more and more like a candidate for the Basement.    :)

A special what?  :huh:
 (see attachment in previous post)

Where oh where are these cards when you need one?!  :P


Living Room / Re: Remember Buckyballs? They Are Now Gone
« on: November 18, 2013, 09:51 PM »
Reading about Zen Magnets again spurred me to look at their products again, and then to look up the email receipt from my purchase last year to see which set I purchased. (Meaning the name of the set). When I read the email again I just had to post it here. It's just too cute.


HOORAY! I'm pleased to announce that your order ( #gc-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ) has been processed and is now complete.

Please rest assured that we hold great urgency to each and every shipment. Your package will leave us within 24 business hours of this email. Standard domestic shipping takes 3-7 business days. Standard International shipping takes 2-3 weeks. Unless you selected a shipping service with tracking, there will not be an additional email.

After a rigorous 4 step process of verifying the quality and consistency of each and every magnet,  we donned silk gloves and placed it into a sacred padded envelope made of magic and lined with Unicorn fur, sealed the envelope with an adhesive made from strands of Gypsy hair, and wrapped the whole thing in a snazzy looking faux gold leaf paper, with elm leaf inlay from Costco. Unfortunately, by the time it gets to you, all of that fancy stuff will likely have been picked clean by the greedy postal service employees. Please don't be surprised to see just a plain padded envelope.

That last paragraph just makes me want to support the company! How could I not?!



Didn't see anything there but opinion. Did I miss something?


Snopes lists its veracity as "Undetermined", and states that Jack-In-The-Box confirmed that it is a real voicemail left by an employee. Of course that doesn’t confirm that the accident was real; just that the voicemail is.

Michael Childs insists that he is the guy who left the voicemail and that the account is true.


General Software Discussion / Re: I hate the word "anathema"
« on: November 16, 2013, 12:21 PM »
Both words mean "capable of burning".  No other real difference. In the US manufacturers are required to use only the word "flammable", but any products already labelled with "inflammable" do not have to be changed. It is really just an instance where the prefix "in" is really out of place. "in" as a prefix has two meanings: 1) 'not' or 'lacking' as in inedible, illegal, implausible, irreverent.  2) 'into, in, on, upon' as with income, intake, implant. Most of the time the difference is fairly clear, but not so with "inflammable".

Thought this was funny:



General Software Discussion / Re: I hate the word "anathema"
« on: November 15, 2013, 09:55 PM »
Yeah... but native English speakers have enough difficulty with these two synonyms disguised as antonyms. Imagine trying to learn English and tackling these two words!


General Software Discussion / Re: I hate the word "anathema"
« on: November 15, 2013, 12:21 AM »
I would like either "flammable" or "inflammable" removed. Both mean the same thing, which is downright silly IMO. So dump one of them, please! Inflammable is too often misused for nonflammable. Stupid, confusing words!


Living Room / Re: Remember Buckyballs? They Are Now Gone
« on: November 10, 2013, 04:13 AM »
Really? I know that they are going after magnets in general, but I don’t see anything about the CPSC going after Zen Magnets on the web site.


General Software Discussion / Re: LastPass - What are your thoughts?
« on: November 09, 2013, 10:21 AM »
Just another thanks to IainB for info, :up: I'm usually thorough about stuff like this, but this one I overlooked. I'm using Lastpass without any problems since 2010 and My number of "Password Iterations" was only 1, and when I've changed it to 5000 I've noticed that Firefox Lastpass addon is a little slower to login now, but I can live with that. :)

I've noticed LP acting slower lately also but wasn’t certain if it was the new version or the change to the iterations setting.



General Software Discussion / Re: LastPass - What are your thoughts?
« on: November 08, 2013, 11:20 PM »
My biggest annoyance with LastPass on an iPad is actually not their fault, but Apple's. On my Android phone I use the Dolphin browser and it allows extensions not unlike Firefox in Windows. Install the LastPass extension and it fills login fields automatically or by clicking on the LP icon. Very convenient. On the iPad though extensions aren't permitted and so LastPass is not allowed to fill login credentials in any browser other than its own. So I must copy and paste my usernames and passwords manually. Of course since you can't show multiple windows at once this means opening one over the other and then vice versa. Just a PITA!


Living Room / Re: Remember Buckyballs? They Are Now Gone
« on: November 08, 2013, 09:28 PM »
Oh the irony... Three years ago mouser started a thread about Buckyballs' bullying of the "little guy", Zen Magnets, with onerous legal threats. mouser's opening line in his post was: "It brings a warm glow to my soul when i see a little guy fights back against the bullying legal intimidation of the big companies." In context, Zen Magnets was "a little guy" and Buckyballs was "big company" who was using "bullying legal intimidation" against them. Oh how the wheel doth turn!   ;D

Kinda makes you wonder if the owner of Zen Magnets has friends in high places at the CPSC!


Renegade: I don't know your Wikipedia editorial status, but your article isn't there or can't be found.
 (see attachment in previous post)       (see attachment in previous post)

It got deleted really fast.

And you are surprised?? Shocked and appalled?  ;)   .    ;D


Reasons for Admission to the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, 1864 - 1889



I purchased the damn "lifetime licenses" for their movies, music, and book collection programs. I have lost lifetime licenses in the past - more than a few. It is generally inevitable, as the lifetime label makes it a sure loser at some point. So that is not the most disappointing aspect. But dropping support for all databases except his own was one move that lost me. That was the main cause of death for my use of their software.

Just as big was the way he responded to users on the forum. Alwin is - or at least was - about the most arrogant and obnoxious developer I'd seen. He's post and insult anyone who said anything he didn't like. I mean, not just defensive posts but outright nasty attacks on some users. Granted some users were nasty also, but Alwin was the nastiest by far. I had no desire to deal with him at all.

Unfortunately my current "collections" software developer - FNProgs - apparently just went out of business without warning too! I purchased SoftCAT, BookCAT, CATVids, and CATraxx, as well as his newest program AssetCAT. All are now abandonware I guess. Time to start looking again. But it won't be at!


General Software Discussion / Re: EMDB: Eric's Movie Database
« on: October 29, 2013, 10:25 PM »
Sorry to resurrect this thread, but I thought I would mention - for anyone subscribed to this thread - that Movienizer is available today on Giveaway Of The Day. I realize it's late - the giveaway ends in about 4 hours - but maybe enough time for someone to pick it up!

I'm looking again anyway.... FN Programs has just become "abandonware"...  sniff... sniff..   :'(

Their forum was read-only for a couple of months - I figured he was getting too much spam or something, though it was definitely suspicious, and tonight I went there and the entire site is gone! Just a basic file listing page where you can still download the latest versions and a note with an email address if you lose your license key. And a thank you. No other info. Damn... Here I go again.

Thank you.


Living Room / Re: Musician Lou Reed has died
« on: October 28, 2013, 10:58 PM »
I think that most remember his "Walk On The Wild Side" as the first song they heard from Lou. (Not sure but I believe that was his first track that made regular radio play, at least in the US). That was (as I saw it, popularity-wise) followed closely by two Velvet Underground tracks, "Perfect Day" and "Pale Blue Eyes". Of course there is also "Sweet Jane" and its famous secret chord!!

Ah, he will be missed...  Lou was 71 years old??!?  Damn I feel even older than I am now!  (Or.. shit - I guess I am that old!)


Planning to do that tonight when I get back upstairs.

Naturally Windows 7 defaults to that when you first set up a network.


I'm not sure if you ever got your networking problem resolved - was the problem Win7 having "HomeGroup" set up as the default?

Yikes! Actually my first home network on Windows 7 did default to HomeGroup - Windows 7 does that unless you specifically configure it otherwise. In XP and earler versions I had always declined the "Simple File Sharing" choosing instead to set it up manually. And HomeGroup appears to be nothing more than a little polishing up of the old "Simple File Sharing" concept.

But I immediately discovered HomeGroup's limitations the first time I used it and - after doing a bit of web searching and article-reading on Windows 7 networks - I changed the configuration to Advanced Sharing. Unfortunately I haven't been able to obtain the same level of access that I did achieve on XP.   :(

BTW, I haven't yet looked at the user setups on my wife's machine... I have to do that - as well as ANY kind of maintenance - when she is not wanting to actually use her machine! If I go near it when she is in the office she gets a little... well... ornery.   :P  (Naturally I sometimes do this intentionally, but I have to be prepared, have an escape route planned or at least a couple of my kids to hide behind... Hey - I want to live!!)   ;D



Living Room / Re: How Much Do You Trust Wikipedia?
« on: October 26, 2013, 12:48 PM »
This concept (sock puppets) has been a known problem at Wikipedia for years now. Wonder why is this news now?


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