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Messages - J-Mac [ switch to compact view ]

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Howdy, Mr. Darwin. Long time no see.

Thank you for the very concise yet very comprehensive review of your search programs.  :-)

It sounds like you have a monster machine there, and for X1 to be able to slow it down is really saying something!



Thanks jity2. Lots of good info in your post!


I agree completely with most of your comments above. There are a couple there that I haven't tried yet. Never heard of Ultrafinder; not sure if it is new or has just been way under the radar.

Your comments on X1 and Copernic are right on. X1 is definitely a strange company IMO; e.g., for a long time - until very recently - you had to use Internet Explorer in order to use their forum! And it seemed like Copernic banished all decent program development when they dropped their free search program. Once you had to start paying the bugs and poor UI appeared.

I did use Agent Ransack for a while, but kept forgetting that I had it installed and so rarely used it.

Presently I use mostly Everything and Windows Search on my computer. They get the job done... Kinda. But I still yearn for a good standalone desktop search program. (Think that's the first time I have ever actually typed the word "yearned"!) 

I'll have to take another look at File Locator Pro.

I'm surprised that you didn't mention Archivarius in your post. That seemed to be a popular choice not too long ago, but I don't see it mentioned much lately.

I am very interested in what you said about Listary Pro in your post. I have been using that for a while but mostly using it for fast access to file locations when saving or opening files. I really need to bone up on the rest of its features!

My file manager of choice has been Directory Opus for the last four or five years. However since about a week before Thanksgiving Dopus has not worked for me. It apparently starts but is not accessible. My system has had a lot of BSODs lately and I just found out that it has a memory problem, too. So it might be my system that's preventing Dopus from running correctly, or it could be an issue with Dopus 11. (I've seen a few other users post about this problem on their forum). So I'll probably be addressing desktop search after getting my machine fixed and most likely reinstalling Windows on it.

Please pardon any typos or formatting issues in this post; I'm typing it on my phone since my computer is just about unusable now.  :)



General Software Discussion / Re: Directory Opus 11 Released!
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:34 AM »
Dopus 11 stopped working on my computer altogether!! Cannot figure out what is wrong. Spent some time on their forum but no one else has any ideas either.

My computer does have a bad memory stick - I believe - and I'm testing all sticks in all slots to find the mem problem now. Don’t know if that caused my Dopus issue, but presently, though Dopus 11 is installed and licensed, it will not run at all. Frustrating as hell!!


N.A.N.Y. 2014 / Re: NANY 2014 Release - epCheck
« on: December 13, 2014, 10:38 PM »
There was a problem unzipping the series data. You might have to run epCheck as an administrator.

I am running as an administrator, so is this a serious issue?

Same issue here. First I get an error message saying the program cannot run and to try running as administrator. Then it says it cannot open the zipped archive, and the same "run as administrator" comment again.

I am running it as administrator in the first place. Epcheck does eventually open however it takes a very long time opening each series, and the program becomes unresponsive a lot of the time. This was all since I installed the latest beta version. I finally uninstalled it and reinstalled the previous version. (Properties dialog says the File Version is and the Program Version is



N.A.N.Y. 2014 / Re: NANY 2014 Release - epCheck
« on: December 11, 2014, 12:05 AM »
Just installed the beta with the monthly view. Can you please add the option to allow "Monday" to be the first day of the week? I hate calendars with Sunday as the first day!



Living Room / Re: NaNoWriMo ... the gruelling writing event for 2014
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:45 AM »
Someone (from an intro I have lost) said that Balzac damaged his writing skill by essentially being forced by life to write too fast

How could anyone who was not a contemporary and close personal friend of Balzac possibly know that to be true? Seriously. :huh:

I drives me crazy when biographers or 'intro' writers present their personal opinions or conclusions about about something in an author's life as an established fact. Perhaps it makes for a quotable line or two in a review. But it usually has scant basis in fact.

Your thought there reminds me of a forum post I read about six or seven years ago in a forum dedicated to school children learning about and having homework assignments on Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird". The forum was always filled with posts by students asking inane questions like "What does Boo Radley represent?" and "What is the meaning of the dog being shot in relation to the death of a mockingbird?" Apparently teachers tend to ask students to over-analyze the hell out of every aspect of the book. Harper Lee, who would stop in from time to time and directly answer questions from students, posted something on the order of "Why do so many teachers insist on asking students to come up with answers or speculation on such topics? Did you ever consider that I just wrote that because it appealed to me and sounded just right?" She sounded a bit aggravated about reading so many "themes" teachers were tasking their students with. Not surprisingly that post didn't seem to change a thing.

I agree that critics love to fabricate the thoughts and ideas of writers past when they have no real knowledge of their thoughts and reasons.

(Damn! I printed the exchange out back then but I fear that I lost it.   :'(  )


N.A.N.Y. 2014 / Re: NANY 2014 Release - epCheck
« on: November 18, 2014, 04:06 PM »
Darn if that isn't the most polite feature request I've seen!


Hmm, looking at your sig I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Just so you know, I'm licensed to carry, and I've warn the nickel off the trigger :)

Not sarcastic at all! The post, that is. As for the signature?  Hmmm..   ;)


N.A.N.Y. 2014 / Re: NANY 2014 Release - epCheck
« on: November 18, 2014, 11:44 AM »
Darn if that isn't the most polite feature request I've seen!


Thanks for the info and advice Tomos.


OK, thanks Supe! BTW, mine only checks manually; can't find any setting to auto-check for updates. Same for you?


Hmm.. I didn't receive any notification about V.7. And when I click on "Check for Updates" it tells me that V.6.73 is available. (I presently have V.6.67d)

Were you notified about the new version, Tom?

Thank you.


Living Room / Re: Where do you buy your printer ink?
« on: November 17, 2014, 12:13 AM »
For my Epson inkjet printers I had very good luck with 123 InkJets

I used cartridges from the same company (123inkjets) for my Canon All-in-Ones (830 & 860), though I purchased them from Amazon. Never had a problem with them at all. I never even got a dry cartridge.

When I got my Epson Workforce AIO I couldn't find ink cartridges for it from that company on Amazon, unfortunately.


How did that happen? Why did he have it taken down?


OK - Either Macecraft is at it again, or someone is appropriating their name and trying to pull something.

I just received an email - ostensibly from Macecraft - offering their latest - jv16 PowerTools X. Now we have already seen where Jouni - the developer - has moved to Thailand and left his staff stuck to answer questions, all without pay. Why would we believe that he is back developing this program?

Oh - and the URL it tries to send you to is an odd one. Definitely not the old Macecraft site. (I didn't try it - don’t want to catch anything).


Amazon Echo: What Amazon says about their new whatchamacallit thingie - Amazon Echo is designed around your voice. It's always on—just ask for information, music, news, weather, and more. Echo begins working as soon as it hears you say the wake word, "Alexa." It's also an expertly-tuned speaker that can fill any room with immersive sound.

Here's a funny remix that shows what Echo might do.


Living Room / Re: Thoughts on the tech on the TV show Scorpion?
« on: November 06, 2014, 05:04 AM »
Not for me! Too many other ways to see such "other things" without having to put up with David Hasselhoff.


Living Room / Re: Thoughts on the tech on the TV show Scorpion?
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:19 PM »

Why none of that matters even a little bit:  Television "dramas" are not considered to be serious or anything at all like reality. They are pure escapism, nothing more, nothing less.

To wit: Baywatch lasted on the air for 11 seasons - that's 242 episodes! - and was one of the most watched shows in the world. (And that isn't counting the spin-offs Baywatch Nights or Baywatch Hawaii).


Living Room / Re: Thoughts on the tech on the TV show Scorpion?
« on: November 05, 2014, 07:09 PM »
Me?  I love magic!


Living Room / Re: Thoughts on the tech on the TV show Scorpion?
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:15 PM »
This is another one of those "based on a true story" shows. There actually IS a Walt O'Brien who supposedly did do tech work/hacking (their word, not mine) for the government (not sure whose government) when he was a teen. Here's a link:

Of course his "story" is having some authentication problems.   8)


I haven't downloaded this yet but I did own and use the Softmaker office suite for Windows PPCs back before they were phones. THeir alternates for Word and Excel, Textmaker and Planmaker were truly the best I had seen. While Word and Excel for PPC - distributed by Microsoft - lost most formatting when syncing with a desktop Office version via ActiveSync, the Softmaker programs retained all formatting. And they had some really cool formats and styles. E.g., all 3D charts were available. Full-featured tables in Word, columns, text-wrapping.

I don’t know if the Android apps are the same but if so, I'll be using them.


General Software Discussion / Re: Ad Muncher 5 will be free
« on: October 28, 2014, 10:41 PM »
I have to admit that I never tried Ad Muncher before, because of the price and because I was afraid that I might like it. — True. I do.

So far I'm amazed with the amount of garbage this app is capable to block. Also, I've never realized before how much the AdBlock plugin slows down the browser.

Yeah, but their biggest problem is no filtering on any https:// pages. YouTube, for example. All other adblockers seem to be able to have an effect on https://, yet Ad Muncher has been promising such coverage for NINE years!


I remember a few years back someone here suggested creating a software group on a relatively new social network called "Facebook".   :P  Actually that is exactly when I joined that soulless network. Unfortunately, after forming the group we never did do anything.   :(

Do you all (who originally joined that group) remember?


Here's my baby - from 1986! Still runs though to be honest I don’t use it that much anymore. Hate to get rid of it - kinda like my old 1928 black cast iron Royal typewriter...



Living Room / Re: Favorite Sci-fi movies?
« on: October 09, 2014, 12:44 AM »
oh, oh, what about...

primer (not that exciting but perhaps the best time travel movie - don't mention 'donnie darko', what an incredibly overrated piece of work that is).

Primer is great! Time travel flick that was shot on a very tight budget, and yet is just devastatingly clever. Confusing if you don’t pay very close attention.

And actually I love Donnie Darko! I didn't fully understand it at first but after reading the book written by Richard Kelly, the writer and director, I appreciated the story a lot more. Budget constraints prevented a lot of the details from being included but the backstory for the script is actually very sharp.


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