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Messages - J-Mac [ switch to compact view ]

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Leadertask Daily Planner is free on Bits duJour today, 4-Oct-2014. However the deal doesn’t appear to be as generous as it first looks. First obstacle - Malwarebytes is preventing many from accessing the site at all. Also, the program isn't offered for sale anymore - instead it is offered free with a sync option offered as a subscription. Also there isn't a privacy policy on the website and your data is stored on their cloud servers. Plus the program asks for admin access on your computer. All in all it could be a recipe for disaster.

I had previously heard good things about Leadertask, but that was at least five or six years ago. Doesn’t sound very tempting to me today.





N.A.N.Y. 2014 / Re: NANY 2014 Release - epCheck
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:45 PM »
Downloaded, installed, and looking good so far!



I installed the trial but it doesn't let me start the 30-day trial period. There's a big dialog box with 3 options and activate the trial is 3rd, but clicking it does nothing. If I try to make a fence, the option appears but then the fence doesn't. Google showed that other people have had this problem too.

That's odd. I thought that happened only if you once had a trial installed in the past. Guess it's a bug then.

Good luck!


Or make a fence containing multiple icons which you want to hide, and make that "fence" or area visible as needed. DL a trial and give it a shot.


No, you don’t need a rule for each icon. You put the icons you wish to hide in one fence and hide that area. Make it visible when you want and invisible when you want. Works here.



Works great!


Living Room / Re: What age is too young for a mobile phone?
« on: September 03, 2014, 03:29 PM »
I'm beginning to think that 60 might be too young!   :o

And I think that when an incident like Sandy Hook occurs, the cell phones serve mainly to cause a whole lot of parents showing up and crowding an already dangerous scene.

BTW, "incidents LIKE Sandy Hook" should be read as "all the school lockdowns that turn out to be due to a first grader drawing his finger too much like a gun".


Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: AdGuard: the better Ad Muncher?
« on: September 02, 2014, 04:51 AM »
I've never had YouTube ads here, and I don't really know why. I don't have an ad-blocker inside Chrome (other than Ghostery) -- perhaps it is because I am loggen in on YouTube?

Now Facebook on the other hand ... :wallbash:

Now if you are logged in to YouTube the ads are unbelievable. on the page, within the videos. Nearly unbearable.


Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: AdGuard: the better Ad Muncher?
« on: September 01, 2014, 09:22 PM »
YouTube's ads alone have me wanting some sort of https ad control.


Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: AdGuard: the better Ad Muncher?
« on: September 01, 2014, 06:44 AM »
And in 2011, 2012, and 2013 Jeff stated that V.5 would be out by the end of the year. Still waiting...


Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: AdGuard: the better Ad Muncher?
« on: August 31, 2014, 11:12 PM »
Still, let's see how it'll perform compared to Ad Muncher 5 one it's released.

I wouldn’t hold my breath for Ad Muncher 5.0. There has not been any reported progress on that for quite some time, and they first announced it back in 2005 (or possible earlier!). That's NINE years now of talking about how great their next major update will be. NINE years! I give up. I'll give AdGuard a try.

Thanks for the review.


Living Room / Re: My Stinking, Rotten ASUS Router Died Overnight!
« on: August 30, 2014, 07:59 AM »
YMMV of course, but I've found my RT-N16 to be pretty much bulletproof ... and considering the number of power brownouts/cuts that I get at home, that's impressive.  I forget exactly when I got it but it must of been powered on 24/7 for the last 4 years at least.

About the same here. Perfect until now.

Given the brief description of the fault, I'd go with what SJ said and it's likely to be the external PSU.

Quite possible. Still, outside my current capabilities.

Even if it's caused the router to brick itself, as long as it's not a hardware fault within the router the RT-N16 can be recovered pretty much 100% of the time.

Maybe later. For now, my new RT-AC66U is up & running and doing fine. Much easier setup than any other router I've owned.  Better UI on the web settings pages too.

I'll put the RT-N16 on the shelf for now and maybe take a look at the power supply in the future.

Thanks to all for your comments and suggestions.   :)


Living Room / Re: My Stinking, Rotten ASUS Router Died Overnight!
« on: August 29, 2014, 08:43 AM »
@SJ:  I read where others have found problems like that. However I don't have the tools oreequipment to test it unfortunately.

@40hz:  I guess that's true. I've had other equipment fail over the years. But my old routers have been so reliable for so long that this one caught me by surprise.

New router should be here shortly and I'll get over it fast.  :)


Living Room / Re: My Stinking, Rotten ASUS Router Died Overnight!
« on: August 29, 2014, 05:24 AM »
Thanks Shades.

Blown capacitor is the most common reason. I opened the box but none are obviously blown - none are raised or blackened.


Living Room / My Stinking, Rotten ASUS Router Died Overnight!
« on: August 29, 2014, 12:57 AM »
ASUS RT-N16 router... State of the so-called art.  Blah!

No internet when I got up - noticed I had no lights on the router at all. Pulled the power cable and re-plugged it; lights on for a half second and then nothing. Tried all the online tips I could find: Holding WPA button while inserting power cable; holding Reset button while doing the same. Couldn't get it going at all. Apparently this has happened to some others out there. Most others were on dd-wrt F/W; I was still on the stock ASUS F/W.

New router should be delivered tomorrow. My old Linksys WRT-54G routers seemed to last forever. I used them for years and they are still in service on my kids' networks. The newer and fancier they get, the faster they die, or so it seems.   >:(


So sorry to hear this mouser.   :(

I know how much it hurts - We lost one of our little Yorkies a couple of months ago at 17 years old. I wouldn’t have thought I'd be so devastated. I'll continue to send happy thoughts and prayers your way.

Take care.


Woohoo! Just as I was thinking hard about dropping my Dropbox Pro account since I could get so much more storage elsewhere, they went and sent me an email today saying that they have raised my limit from 100GB to 1TB! Wow!

They also added a number of features to make sharing more secure, like the ability to require passwords for others to download from your Dropbox. Many more changes also.

Here a link to their blog post announcing the changes:



While this topic was fairly interesting on its own, you have made it infinitely more so! Thought provoking. (And now I am trying hard to remember if I have ever taken any photos of anyone who has since become famous!  :P  )


Hopefully this is an easy question for someone here!!

I am trying to install an updated USB Mass Storage Device Driver for my USB 3.0 devices. Current driver is from 2006 - I'm guessing this was from Microsoft since the PC was just built in January 2012 - and I keep getting shouts from the Windows 7x64 Action Center. That plus the fact that I keep getting BSODs which are possibly caused by outdated software driver(s), according to suggestions from the Windows Debugger, WhoCrashed, and Nirsoft's BlueScreenView. My problem is that shortly after starting the installation I get an Install Shield popup asking me to "Please Plug-in Device". What device? All devices I have that need to be plugged into USB ports are already there. Am I supposed to remove one and then plug it right back in? Remove all? Can I just unplug it or must it (or they?) be uninstalled and reinstalled? (via Device Manager).

If I don’t plug anything in then the driver installation is canceled and I'm back to square one. I have done a fair amount of searching but cannot find anyone else posting about this problem.  (Am I the only one dumb enough to not know what to do here?! Second though, don’t answer that...)

Anyway, since there are a number of folks here with a lot more tech knowledge than I, I'm hoping that someone can advise me on this.

Thank you.


General Software Discussion / Re: Ad Muncher 5 will be free
« on: August 02, 2014, 08:31 AM »
I think I might have to give AdGuard a try. I am tired of waiting for AdMuncher to work on https: websites.



72 it just me...or do about half the comments posted on the campaign site read like astroturf? :-\

Well, who else would post anything nice at all there!


N.A.N.Y. 2014 / Re: NANY 2014 Release - epCheck
« on: July 28, 2014, 11:34 PM »
Oh - and here's the actual first showing date, per Wikipedia:




N.A.N.Y. 2014 / Re: NANY 2014 Release - epCheck
« on: July 28, 2014, 11:30 PM »
Hi Jody!

The show is "Crossing Lines". The first season was last year, yet here is what my Weekly View showed for Sunday:


And here is the episode page at TVDB:




N.A.N.Y. 2014 / Re: NANY 2014 Release - epCheck
« on: July 28, 2014, 01:05 PM »
I'm getting some programs on my list show up in the Weekly view but they aren't actually scheduled, at least not in my area. What location is EpCheck pulling the schedule from?



PS - Hmm, worse yet when I double click on those entries I am taken to J River Media Center webpage for that show and it says there that the first air date was yesterday - July 27, 2014! It was actually on the air last year. It appears the problem is with bad data from J River.

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