Note Taking Software / Re: SuperboyAC's Notetaking Software Roundup #1
« on: April 24, 2007, 04:25 PM »I still haven't tried OneNote 2007, but I really want to sometime soon when I have the time. I've also heard great things about it. I still don't see it taking the place of traditional heirarchical notetakers, but I can see it being competition to programs like EverNote. I have a feeling I'm selling Onenote short by saying that, but I have to try it out and see for myself.-superboyac (April 24, 2007, 10:40 AM)
You sound like me right before I purchased and installed OneNote 2007.
Really though, in my opinion, you need to try it before "selling it short", as you say. It has some pretty unique features that are not present in any that you reviewed. Features that are actually quite a surprise in that Microsoft is not known for its innovation, but for its staid, steady programs, usually without any "pizzazz". OneNote will not feel like a Microsoft Office application at all, when you try it. Oh - make sure you get the 2007 version, not 2003. Though I understand that OneNote 2003 was pretty good itself, OneNote 2007 jumped ahead a few light years, according to those I know who had both. One friend purchased OneNote 2003 recently because it was so cheap after the 2007 version hit the stores. Retailers were trying to unload it to make room on their shelves. Yet after he downloaded the trial for OneNote 2007 - all of two weeks after paying for 2003 - he went ahead and purchased the 2007 version!
BTW, you ca download a fully-functional trial version from the Microsoft and use it for a fairly long period. Worth a look.