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Messages - Cuffy [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: Godmode
« on: August 07, 2014, 06:58 PM »
looks like my stuttering has returned? :D

Sorry! :)

Living Room / Re: Godmode
« on: August 07, 2014, 06:55 PM »
I think you are correct...... they are junctions points.

Here's some more I just ran across.......

The "Godmode" is the access to the "All Tasks" item in the Control Panel.

The same way you can create quick access to the other items:

{ED834ED6-4B5A-4bfe-8F11-A626DCB6A921} for Desktop Personalization
{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E} for Network Connections
{8E908FC9-BECC-40f6-915B-F4CA0E70D03D} for Network and Sharing Center
{7b81be6a-ce2b-4676-a29e-eb907a5126c5} for Programs and Features
{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} for Printers
{1206F5F1-0569-412C-8FEC-3204630DFB70} for Credential Manager
{05d7b0f4-2121-4eff-bf6b-ed3f69b894d9} for Taskbar
{025A5937-A6BE-4686-A844-36FE4BEC8B6D} for Power Options

The "Godmode" is the access to the "All Tasks" item in the Control Panel.

The same way you can create quick access to the other items:

{ED834ED6-4B5A-4bfe-8F11-A626DCB6A921} for Desktop Personalization
{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E} for Network Connections
{8E908FC9-BECC-40f6-915B-F4CA0E70D03D} for Network and Sharing Center
{7b81be6a-ce2b-4676-a29e-eb907a5126c5} for Programs and Features
{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} for Printers
{1206F5F1-0569-412C-8FEC-3204630DFB70} for Credential Manager
{05d7b0f4-2121-4eff-bf6b-ed3f69b894d9} for Taskbar
{025A5937-A6BE-4686-A844-36FE4BEC8B6D} for Power Options

The above are from the remarks in an article by Brad Chachos on 6/26/14



Living Room / Re: Malwarebytes self-start problem
« on: August 07, 2014, 03:20 PM »
Sounds like you have a plausible reason and the test is simple.
Remove malwarebytes and replace it with Superantispyware..........

I think it was Gizmo that ran comparison tests between these two products and determined that Superantispyware was more effective.

They're both free........... woin't hoit to try! :D

Living Room / Re: Godmode
« on: August 07, 2014, 10:39 AM »
Windows Secrets is catching up.........
[quote Command Central: Windows functions in one place
How did an essentially undocumented trick, designed for IT administrators and commonly called GodMode, go viral on the Internet? Certainly the all-powerful connotation of the name aroused interest. But it's this function's one-stop list of Windows tools that wins over most users.

Whatever you wish to call this function, it conveniently consolidates into one folder a veritable switchboard of configurable Windows options and commands. The 256 items (sorted into 45 categories) are typically buried under layers of Control Panel menus or in right-click submenus — or otherwise submerged in the vast number of admin tools in Windows.

To create this folder, take the following steps:

Right-click a free spot on the desktop and select New/Folder.

Give the new folder any name you wish, as long as it's followed by a period and the following string of characters: {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
For example, the file name could be something similar to this: All Commands.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

Double-click to open the folder, and it should be populated with more than 250 functions. ][/quote]

If you don't subscribe to Windows Secrets, I suggest you do. Once in awhile they post something you could use.

I've got two or three of those old terminals. Had more but gave them to the recyclers while I could still lift them!
Also have an old 8086 IBM computer, LOADED, with a couple of five and a quarter floppies. I keep that available in case this machine with Win8.1.1 should die unexpectedly.  :D
Have fun! 8)

It's back..............

This app was the only one that would or could? remove the little 300mb partition from a drive when I was trying to get the initial release of Win8 installed.
I tried them all and this one worked  :D

Living Room / Re: Malwarebytes self-start problem
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:27 AM »
just as an aside to your conversation about failing drives.............
Almost invariably before a drive fails it runs warm to the touch, so that's my first test... feel it... if it's warm I pull it outside the case where I can check it frequently. Shades is right... if it's failing, don't fight it...... drives are too cheap nowadays. I watch the newsletters and always try to have one ahead of the machine!
Pricing drives is a mystery to me and often you can find a $20 difference for the same drive in a matter of days.  :D

General Software Discussion / Re: Real RAM amount consumed
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:11 PM »
Ahh, the facts surface............
You are a SOFTWARE junkie!
There are two possibilities that may save you! Not from your addiction....... there's no known recovery from that but you might be able to save your computer.

Get sysinternals "Autoruns", fire it up, and go down the list item by item and remove the check mark in the left column for any app that is not "Essential". In most cases that means anything "you" have installed... the freeware you couldn't resist. With Autoruns you can go back and re-check any items you  feel you must have but start with the shortest list of items and reboot.
If there's no improvement with a minimum number of programs running I'm thinking you have a hardware problem.
If you get the space someday, and that download itch becomes unbearable, Google wscc and load all those utilities for your toolbox. wscc is one of the first apps that I install on a new machine........
and the download scratches the freeware itch for awhile.  :D

You scoff but I wrote some of the finest batch files I ever wrote on Edlin! :D

and, it's not well known, but Finnegan reported the biggest train derailment ever using Edlin.
Off again...
On again...
Gone again...

Edlin was simple and effective.
It was a vast improvement over the leaky, ballpoint pen, that many of had to endure.

Who would I have to talk to to get Remah a Nobel Peace Prize in Communications and an Oscar for Smartest Move Ever in a web article.
This entry in his article certainly gets my vote:



Living Room / How do I boot from CD/DVD/USB in Windows 8?
« on: August 05, 2014, 11:14 AM »
"This is actually a pretty common problem that has recently become more complex.

Your computer’s BIOS needs to be instructed to check for a bootable CD or DVD before it tries to load whatever is on the hard drive. Right now, your computer is configured to either ignore the CD/DVD at boot time or check the hard disk first.

Oh, you don’t have a BIOS? You have a newer machine running UEFI?

Well then things get more complex"

As more people move to Win8 and beyond this question will be asked more often.. ask Leo, I'm busy!  :D


General Software Discussion / Re: Real RAM amount consumed
« on: August 05, 2014, 10:58 AM »

This would be a good day for new start.
That's one of Woody's favorites and one of mine. Load it up. open it up, scan what's available to UNINSTALL and set Revo free to do it's thing!
Every time I open Revo I ask "what is that?". I don't remember installing that?? hmm?
Use the Rain Forest treatment........... slash and burn!
I'll bet 50% of what's listed in Revo could be uninstalled and you'd never miss it.
and your computer will love you for it?
and it might help with your current problems. :huh:

My interest in extensions was limited to one that would defeat HTGs "lazyload". Once the subject was opened I got the idea that many people were looking for particular extensions, as I was, and sources were drying up.
That user script mirror was advertising 137,000 user scripts with no search available. Having used WinHT in the past I decided to give it a shot. After 3 hrs and 20 mins downloading, thousands of 404s. thousands of 0 byte files, and Avast going stark, raving ape, blocking malware, I stopped and checked my bounty.
Scripts going back to 2005, plus the other problems made the decision to dump the whole package really easy.
Just pulling down .js files was an idea. Plugged it in again and what I got this time was no better.
The scripts come down identified by a number, user script.xxxxxx.js, with no way to know what you were looking at. Dumped the whole package again!
There is nothing at that mirror site that's of any value, or use, to anyone! Game over! :(

Operations on an HTML file or folder apply to similarly named folder or HTML file.
This feature disappeared in Win8, maybe Win7 too, has anyone discovered a workaround or maybe a third party utility?
I like to save web pages in html with the includes saved in a separate folder. I seemed to be chasing one or the other all over a 1tb drive all the time.

Living Room / Re: Script Add-On actions??
« on: August 04, 2014, 02:26 PM »
Sorry, I'm assuming too much........
How-to-Geeks uses a system... function... whatever, that loads images as you scroll down the page. The idea being that a page with a dozen large images loads faster?
If you don't scroll to the bottom of the page you don't get the images loaded and if you save the page, the images aren't saved.
Geeks publishes great articles, many in tutorial format, loaded with large images (screenshots) and I usually recognize a keeper from the title. Open the page, punch Save, and I've got the page! Alas, when I open the page later offline, all the pretty pictures are missing.  :(
So, go back, find the page, scroll to the bottom and then punch SAVE! I fail to see where I've saved any time getting the info that I wanted, they're selling, using  the infamous "lazyload". Others seem to agree with me if the number of attempts to defeat the system are any indication.
The "nolazyload" script add-on works and if my guess is correct, it works by downloading the images immediately, without scrolling to the bottom and viewing each image before it's saved. I'm curious about how an add-on works? Not just lazyload, but any add-on.
On a page I want to keep, I remove everything that doesn't tell me something I want to know.
Now Sir, my question is: did the add-on enter something to the code in the page that will un-addon the add-on if I remove it?

I should have mentioned................
WSCC with all its utilities has several USB tools...
USBDeView, USBLog View.
I wouldn't be without WSCC simply because of events like you are experiencing. ;D

When you install a flash drive Windows installs a driver for it.
Another drive, another driver........
remove the drives and the drivers remain........ unneeded!
Drivers, being a PITA, I readily dispense with....
Go to Device Manager and delete all the USB drivers.......... I use a USB mouse and a keyboard.... leave those.
Unplug any shady devices or bad drives???
Reboot.......... Windows will reinstall drivers for anything installed
Install a new device and Windows installs a new driver.


Living Room / Script Add-On actions??
« on: August 04, 2014, 11:17 AM »
I just downloaded a page from How-to-Geek using that lazyload  user script.
The page seems to load faster without lazyload but lazyload is supposed to speed up loading with an image heavy page??
Could someone that writes script give me a short clue as to how it works? Not technical......... does the script change anything in the page itself, add code, remove code, block code??? I'm baffled about what it do and how?
TIA  :huh:

I installed it. It works!
There ain't no Delete button on the tool bar!
For a two-fingered it ain't!

That's not why I called.
If the amount of information flowing, in all media, is any indication, the world will survive without another text editor.
A web page may run to 125kb and deliver a whopping 5 or 6kb of useable information.

So, the real reason I called.
With your talent and experience, I would suggest that your time would be better spent developing a tool to reduce that 125kb byte count back to 5 or 6kb.
I realize, of course, that the 125kb is necessary because there are many people to be paid and that pay is generated by that extra 120kb.
BUT, once I've read the page, subscribed to several sites, a couple of newsletters and purchased a tube of wrinkle remover, that extra 120kb has done it's job. And, I want to save the page! Tutorials are nice! Any information of enlightenment about the registry I rathole too. Now, my question is???
To save a 5 or 6kb tutorial to disk, must I also save that 120kb of glitzey, flashing, glowing, and sometimes offense, material?
I say not!
And then think about the cloud. Ninety percent of the material going to the various cloud storage facilities is wasting space.
Does the cloud have infinite stage available? And the time to retrieve stuff from the cloud that's 90% worthless. :huh:

In lieu of inserting ads, etc., in web pages that will self destruct upon download, I'm suggesting that you, yes you, develop a reverse engineering tool! A reverse editor? Take out everything meant for FB, Twitter, and all the others and the CSS, .js, and php stuff. Meta data gotta go too!
A selective tool...... highlight a meta data insertion and allow me to delete it. Jump to the next insertion, another choice, jump again. Finished with meta data, move to javascript.... same drill. php start at the top and use the same drill. Always a choice to delete left to the user.
Seems like a piece of cake to me but you have to remember, I don't know nothing and it's taken years to prove it! :D

There's no hurry. It's the weekend. Wait until tomorrow to start!
 ;D 8)

(Please don't thank me, it was nothing!)

General Software Discussion / Re: Real RAM amount consumed
« on: August 03, 2014, 12:35 PM »
and we have another long shot............

Giveaway of the Day - Wise Care 365 Pro 3.18

General Software Discussion / Re: Real RAM amount consumed
« on: August 03, 2014, 12:03 PM »

General Software Discussion / Re: Top 25 Free Windows Utilities
« on: August 02, 2014, 10:18 AM »
This is on Woody's list above.......

Gizmo's Freeware: Top selections
Free Microsoft Windows Security Tool EMET is Upgraded to Version 5.0
21 hours ago
Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) has been frequently mentioned here and version 5.0 has just been released. This is a powerful tool for ..

Anyone familiar with WinHTTrack
I just mirrored that user script site.
I have something in excess of 137,000 scripts.
Now, I think I need an expert from out of town, A Philadelphia lawyer, or both?
Any ideas??? :-[

S................l..................o...................w................e..........................r      please!


Got it thanks, it's the same dance we danced before except for the nolazyload script. I had searched the world over and down cellar for disable lazyload with negative results. Then the NoScript thingy in FF wouldn't let the nolazyload script load.

BUT....... nolazyload works........
Saving one of How-to-Geeks tutorials as htm file the includes folder contains all the images, full size, that without the script, you didn't get.
Works in FF...
Works in Chrome....
No images when you open saved html page in IE11.
Thanks again.....

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