The problem is that "Find" is the favorite word used by SEO people, who pretend to be ordinary users, then turn out to have a vested interest.
Just any of the "wrote/created" type words is fine.
I fully agree with last one. And that's wording I used on some other sites. Again if anyone thinks that this is off-topic, I will delete post. From my point of view, I am the passionate user of this application, and though I have conflict of interest that I am also creator, I don't think that I cannot say that, people may try it and some may like it, some may not.
And also, I haven't posted any links to third party sites, someone else did it after me, hopefully he will reply here. Though I don't think that Softpedia is obscure site, that is wrong information, actually it is one of top 5 download sites... I am unsure if any site other than is more popular.
If you are suspicious, I am not affiliated with Softpedia in any possible way except that Desk & Archive is listed there, as it is on many other download sites