Ok. I'll take a look. -MilesAhead
While you are looking, keep in mind that everything you see can be changed if you don't like it...even the pull-down menus.
If you don't mind...
If you are new to TC, at least I want to recommend this settings:
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Menu / MenüExtended Menus for Total Commander / Menüs mit allen Befehlen
http://www.totalcmd...._win81amd64_eng.html <== take a look!
http://www.totalcmd....ded_German_Menu.html <== Deutsch
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Font / Schrift"Configuration > Options > Font"______ ==> [Change font]__ ==> 'Default' (instead of Bold)
"Konfigurieren > Einstellungen > Schrift" ==> [Schrift ändern] ==> Schriftschnitt: auf 'Standard' stellen (anstelle von Fett)
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Brackets / klammern"Configuration > Options > Display"_____ ==> [_] Show square brackets [] around directories
"Konfigurieren > Einstellungen > Anischt" ==> [_] Zeige eckige Klammern [] um Verzeichnisse
[Configuration] <== wincmd.ini
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Shortcuts / Tastaturkürzel"Configuration > Options > Misc."______ ==> Redefine hotkeys_____________ ==> choose "F2" and for Command: "cm_RenameOnly"
"Konfigurieren > Einstellungen > Diverses ==> Tastenkombination umdefinieren ==> wähle "F2" und als Befehl: "cm_RenameOnly" aus
[Shortcuts] <== wincmd.ini
;Enable 'F2'-key to start inline-rename mode, additional to origin 'Shift+F6'
;Enable 'Ctrl+F' to start find-files, additional to origin 'Alt+F7'
;Use 'Ctrl+O' to launch DOS-Box in current path
;Disable 'Alt+F4' (Exit, close program), load Help instead
;Disable 'F8' (Delete), load Help instead
;'Alt+P' launch 'edit path box at the top'
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Be more PortableSet INI-parameter "UseIniInProgramDir" to "7" and use "%Commander_Path%" and relative paths everywhere.
More at the wiki
http://www.ghisler.c...index.php/Navigation[Configuration] <== wincmd.ini
UseIniInProgramDir=7 ;7=use the wincmd.ini in the program folder / nimm die Wincmd.INI im TC-Programmordner
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Selection / AuswahlMove down on selection with Spacebar
Bei Auswahl mittels Leertaste eine Zeile tiefer gehen
[Configuration] <== wincmd.ini
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What's your preferred File Manager