Hi arunpawar
The install instructions are in a file called "INSTALL" in the delphisci-0.23 folder. It's a plain ASCII file so you can open it with notepad.
If you have C++ Builder 2006, current implementation of TScintilla is not quite compatible with it but the author is working on it.
Here is how I install it on C++Builder 6.0
First, unpack SciLexer.DLL and drop it in System32.
1. Go to delphisci-0.23/C6 Packages
2. Double click on scit.bpk
3. On the window labelled "package" - the one that appears on the middle of the screen, press Compile
4. Exit BCB and when it asks you to save the changes, say Yes
1. Double click on DScit.bpk
2 On the window labelled "package" - the one that appears on the middle of the screen, press Compile
3. Press Install
All done! The controls will appear on the toolbox. The new tab that it will appear is labelled "Scintilla"
*IF* you have only BCB 6 Personal, do the following before you do any of the above steps
On the window labelled "package" - the one that appears on the middle of the screen, remove ALL entries that have DB on the beginning or the end of the label.
I hope this helps.