I have a question that may sound a little strange inside this community, but I'd like to know it nonetheless:
Does any of you know a good forum that discusses Web 2.0 apps (like 37signals, Netvibes or Zoho)? I've been searching the web for what seems forever, but could only find some blogs (like ITRedux) or general web sites (like TechCrunch) that discuss Web 2.0 apps. What I'd like to find is a forum that is to Web 2.0 what
www.emaildiscussions.com is to E-Mail services or this wonderful forum is to fine Windows desktop software.
Any suggestions?
Please note that I'm not suggesting discussing those apps here, since I think this forum should, in general, stay focused on being a great resouce for good Windows software.
Disclaimer: I know that Web 2.0 apps, in general, suck compared to their desktop counterparts. They're still slow, under-featured and might disappear any day. But they fill a niche when you need something location-independent and not to be installed on your desktop (like when you're working in a corporate environment where you have no other choice).
(Didn't know if this is suitable here or should go into "Living Room" or somewhere else, sorry.)