Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts, jimdoria.
Right after I read your post last night, I tried tiddlywiki for about 3-4 hours. You're right : it IS a strange beast and an amazing system.
At first, I had some problems saving my “wiki” in Maxthon (even after following all the indications), so I decided to download and install the latest version of Firefox, which solved the problem.
So…I like what I saw and I can see how flexible tiddlywiki is or can be.
Some notes on…
What I really like:
- Portability and accessibility
- visual presentation (pretty sexy)
- “indexability”
- possibility to zoom in and out within the browser (a bit weird, but it does work…)
- its structure flexibility, and all the other things you said (“create tabbed sections within the body of your text […] Tags are built in. Topics are tracked by both a main menu of links (which you maintain) or by an automated list that lets you view topics by timeline, by tag, by link info, or just all in a list.”) + being able to jump from one section to the other, jump from one concept to the other, etc.
- the formating options (but these could be a bit hard to really master... : html.. will talk about it in a few lines)
- the saving and backup features
- the fact that it's… open source and that it’s just HTML (This is one thing that I don't like about *.doc, and even more about *.one, or *.docx… since these formats are not as widespread and they’re closed.)
- It is possible to have a kind of “unified or continuous view” of all my data — even if a bit awkward (maybe a plugin could allow me do that, I don’t know…)
And some notes on…
What “frightens” me and makes me hesitate:
- the “work” (and language learning) involved to be able to insert images, numbering, graphics, tables, etc. Like I said ealier, I’m not an html expert. I’m willing to learn, but I must not forget my — ahem — other work (this thing for which I’m trying all these productivity software for…
![Grin ;D](
- the “tiddlers” indicated by “[[ ]]” don’t seem to be treated exactly as the “normal” CamelCase one : the cross referencing and hyperlinking doesn’t seem to be created automatically throughout the wiki. (While I was playing with tiddlywiki, I couldn’t help but wondering why word processors and most note-takers haven’t integrated this feature yet)
- The outlining is not as clear as a “regular” outline — like in a word processor, or like in a “tree view” (Surfulater, EverNote…). Off course, it does work in a different way : each series of levels can be opened from a tiddler, etc.
And the reorganizing of all the structure levels (+ the sorting, etc.) could become a bit of a daunting task (remember, I want a “very easy way to reorganize the order of the different sections”).
Well, this is the outcome of my limited experience. I have to do a bit more work now, but I’ll continue my explorations later.
Thanks again for your suggestions.
And I’m also still willing to read about others experience with
MS Word 2007 (dealing with huge documents).
[edit] PS : jimdoria : have you used Zulupad before ? Just wondering...