Hi Mouser,
i have the impression that the last version (maybe last few...) introduced a new bug, i'll try to explain it :
i have the following "f" alias :
Favorites search $$1 | dosearch +folder_fav +open_fav -alias $$1
to search my favorite folders
the modifier keyword "folder_fav" refers to a folder where i put shortcuts to my favorite folders
the "open_fav" keyword refers to an action keyword with the following result :
Open | C:\_joker\Utilities\Ahk\OpenFav.ahk "$$1"
which opens my selected shortcuts in Directory Opus...
if i type "f ", i see all my shortcuts, which is fine...
if i type "f p", i see shortcuts BUT also items form the history... (which is not fine and new)
if i type "f ph", i should only see my "Mes Photos" folder, but instead it only shows my action keyword result ! trying to launch my photoshop cs2 exe...
i tried to modify everything related to history with no success...
is there a "-history" like the "-alias" ?
one last comment :
if i add "-ii" to my search (don't ask why "-ii", it works with many more strings
), it seems to work better...
i need help, i'm becoming crazy
Cheers, Nitrix