I AN NOT A LAWYER blah, blah, blah
Whenever I try to explain something like this, it always seem to come out as criticism, so I apologize as it is not intended to be such. However, since there are many readers of DonationCoder.com that may be new to these types of legal issues, I just wanted to mention that you should not have any problem with the code being copyrighted, per se. Even software from FSF, Apache, etc. is copyrighted. The copyright shows ownership, and the license tells you how you can use it. Without copyright, you have no ownership, and without ownership nobody would have to right to license the code. So, even if you write code yourself, you would not be able to put a license on it, not be able to tell people how they could use is it, nor could you tell them how they could not use it, *unless you claimed it as yours via copyright*. (Which under US law you can do to anything you create by simply affixing the copyright logo and/or the words copyright year whoever. If it is important enough, you should consult a lawyer after that. Because that is just the first step. There are more if you want it to be enforceable.)
So 1) always copyright what you write (as you can always release it to the public domain later, but it doesn't work the other way around.) 2) If you want it to stick in court, consult a lawyer.
Then, after you claim ownership, you can license it to others, for example, under the GPL v3, or the Apache license, or BSD, or any of the other gazillian licenses out there.
I am not an expert. There is a great deal more material out there on the Net and elsewhere, so if anybody is interested they should read further.
I just didn't want some of the people new to the issues at hand here to start out with a skewed concept that all copyright is evil.