As you all know, this site has no other funding besides the donations of normal everyday people who use our software and enjoy our website.
We don't have venture capital investors, we don't charge companies for talking about their software, we don't accept commissions on sales, etc.
So naturally it's important to us that we find a reasonable way to keep encouraging donations, while not giving up our ideals.
- A large number of you have donated to the site, and for that we are grateful. Thank You!!
- For those on a very limited budget who don't feel they can afford to donate, no further explanation is required, and we have no interest in trying to convince you that you should (see my little little joke chart of recommended donations by income).
- This post is really directed to those people who feel they could afford to make a donation, and might consider doing so in the future, but don't feel like we are doing what we need to do yet to earn your donation.
So, if you've already donated, you can ignore this thread. And if you're not donating because you can't afford it, you can also ignore it.
But if you have some advice for us on how we might be able to earn your donation, please let us know by posting a reply (or if you feel shy, you can send me a personal message on the forum or email me at
[email protected] and i will keep your comments confidential).
Of course I'm not at all guaranteeing that we are going to make any changes that people suggest.. In fact we're probably more inclined to make changes to please those people who have already donated, but we do care about what you think and I can promise your suggestions and criticisms will be treated with the utmost respect.