Hi all, Ive done a search and found info about the download managers, but there so many and cant work out what the best one is for my needs.
can anyone suggest one, that has following features:
*.zip to Zip folder With no prompting, So on a site you click the zip, it does not come up saying where do want to save this file, it just downloads stright away and puts into a folder called Zips
*.exe Files, has Prompting but allows me to chosse a catagory from list, for what folder i want to save it in, Not browsing my computer for the right folder.
Websites support, so if download from same website, the files will be saved to the website folder no prompting.
Opera Does this sort off, But its not perfect.
I dont care about speed etc, The main things is you click and nothing prompts you and nothing loads up, just does it and adds to folder