i'd really like to get some alias commands from people, to do things like web searches, etc.
i expect people will need some special functions from me to transform the input parameters.
and im open to special commands like maybe commands for pasting back into the application that was active before f&r was triggered maybe.
some other example of some kind of stuff that might be fun to do:
if you look at a tool like nircmd:http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html
it is a commandline tool with tons of functions, for example here are some for volume manipulation:
Increase the system volume by 2000 units (out of 65535) nircmd.exe changesysvolume 2000
Decrease the system volume by 5000 units (out of 65535) nircmd.exe changesysvolume -5000
Set the volume to the highest value nircmd.exe setsysvolume 65535
Mute the system volume nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 1
Unmute the system volume nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 0
Switch the system volume between the mute and normal state. nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 2
so one alias could be like
with alias results of:
Increase the system volume by 2000 units (out of 65535) | Helpers\nircmd.exe changesysvolume 2000
Decrease the system volume by 5000 units (out of 65535) | Helpers\nircmd.exe changesysvolume -5000
Set the volume to the highest value | Helpers\nircmd.exe setsysvolume 65535
Mute the system volume | Helpers\nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 1
Unmute the system volume | Helpers\nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 0
Switch the system volume between the mute and normal | state. Helpers\nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 2
you get the idea, this is well designed for making menus of commandline executions.
or another approach
alias regex of
volume (.*)
with result:
change volume | Helpers\nircmd.exe changesysvolume $$1
so that you can type stuff like
volume +100
or volume -5000