Kind of.... I hate typing punctuation (in fact, right now I have AutoHotKey adding apostrophe's for common contractions) so typing .exe after a name is kind of out. However, the more useful application of this is for files at work. All our project files begin with M880E. i would like to make an alias that will filter based on that prefix without having to type it in everytime. Still somewhat simplistic, I'll admit, but extremely useful... at least to me! Thanks for the suggestion though,
Let me also add that I would like to be able to type something like "xls parts" and only have excel files with "parts" be returned in the search. Basically, this is using alias' as a convienient shortcut since typing *parts*.xls takes longer and requires hitting shift and such.
Sorry, let me modify this again. In essence, I am looking at alias' as a way to change settings on the fly. Whether it be desired extensions or searched folders, I would like to be able to type an alias to change the behavior of the search function in FindRun. I think other commands are useful (eg, internet, search, etc) but most useful (to me, mind!) is this changing of the search parameters. Maybe this is not what these alias' are for.... that's fine!