Thanks tomos! Disk Explorer Pro looks promising. I've installed it along with WhereIsIt? and Broken Cross Disk Manager. I'm conflicted about WhereIsIt? and BCDM. On the one hand, they both scan at about the same rate. On the other BCDM is less than a MB to download and catalogued a 2GB Thumbdrive to a database file that is about 130kb. WhereIsIt? is almost 5MB to download and catalogued the same Thumbdrive to a 245kb database... The difference is that the WhereIsIt? catalogue includes mp3 and wma tag information and jpg file information whereas BCDM does not. DiskExplorer Pro is STILL cataloguing that same thumbdrive and I'll have to comment later on its merits relative to the other two. I *think* I created this situation because I opted to have it scan within archives... (and don't think I have the same option selected in either of the other two).
Update: I was wrong about cataloguing the archives being the culprit - rather it was Disk Explorer's default setting for thumbnail generation for graphic files that caused it to take so long indexing. Note that the other two apps have the same functionality but it is turned off by default in both of them. I standardized (as far as possible) across the three apps and re-catalogued my drive. I can't get BCDM to display tag info for my wma and mp3 files but other than that it's a star. Smallest catalogue size (145kb) and very quick. WhereIsIt? and Disk Explorer produce catalogues that weigh in at 246kb and 347kb respectively with WhereIsIt? being quicker at cataloguing the drive - I think it was the quickest of the three, though this is subjective. Certainly Disk Explorer was the slowest of the three, noticeably so... Disk Explorer wins on price, hands down. It's a tie between WhereIsIt? and Disk Explorer on feature set. BCDM wins on speed and database file size. Finally, I believe that WhereIsIt? has the best laid out interface followed closely by BCDM. I'm a bit disappointed with the degree to which WhereIsIt? can be configured - both the other apps offer a far greater range of customization. I suppose that the counter-argument is that it works so smoothly that one doesn't really need to tweak it too much.
So, which way am I going to jump? I'm not... yet. I'm going to run the three of them together for a while before deciding and see if other features/qualities become evident.