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Spreadsheet ConversionsConvert PDF files into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and retain accounting, currency, percentage, date, time and other special formatting that make it much easier to perform calculations or change data on a converted spreadsheet.
Convert PDF Forms into Microsoft Word FormsPDF Converter includes Logical Form Recognition™ (LFR), advanced form conversion technology used by the IRS, Secret Service and other leading organizations that allows PDF forms to be turned into Microsoft Word forms that can be edited or filled.
PDF Converter AssistantPDF Converter delivers unmatched ease-of-use with the PDF Converter Assistant. Accelerate the PDF conversion process PDF by eliminating the need to open the document in its native application.
PDF Thumbnail Preview and Page RangesConverting only a few pages from a long PDF document is now a breeze. Quickly preview the pages within a PDF file and select a specific page or page range for the conversion process.
Support for PDF Passwords and EncryptionUse passwords to access and convert protected PDF files when additional document security is required.
Scanned Paper PDF (Image) FilesPDF Converter processes files that are created from scanners or imaging applications. Control the number of image pages processed as well as the resolution used for graphics in converted pages.
Application IntegrationDeveloped in collaboration between Microsoft and Nuance, PDF Converter is seamlessly integrated into the "File Open" menu in Microsoft Word. Short cut buttons and right mouse access is available within Microsoft Word, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer and the Microsoft Windows desktop.
Does Not Require Adobe® Acrobat®Convert PDF files without the need for any additional software.